
The Saint Likes Me, But I’m Screwed…

Genre: Fluffy romance, slice of life, psychological, light comedy, dark fantasy & adventure, hi-tech/magic/elemental. Setting: metropolis, ruins, forests and bent spaces.  Expectations: arc 1, fluff and some dark stuff. Arc 2, action/adventure. Arc 3, fluff/slice of life. Arc 4, action/adventure. Arc 5, dark/sweet fluff.   In the magical world of Lethren, Alum and his classmates found themselves in the Lesich Empire after having fallen through a spatial quake. But he was unbothered compared to his distressed classmates because—his world hadn’t changed. Meanwhile, a girl with a pure smile took over the role of a saint after the previous saint’s passing. She was doing her best in her new role—being the new beacon of light. Still, for a saint, she was shy, contrasting the people’s image of her elegance. She found herself more worn out than usual—it was because she had to prepare herself to make a good first impression on the otherworlders who’d just arrived. On that same day, Alum arrived in the city and found himself in a park. Unaware of the fateful encounter he’ll have, he was led by the park’s cute animals—he came across a serine scene of a girl sleeping by the fountain. The animals pestered him to cover for her when she sneezed in her sleep, and he did just that—only to fall asleep himself. When Amethely woke up, she was unaware she’d leaned on a stranger, and yet she ended up falling in love at first sight after having shown him an embarrassing side of her. Unbeknownst to her, he was an otherworlder. The same could be said for Alum as well; he’d unknowingly fallen in love with The Lesich Empire’s beloved saint after finding her endearing. Unlike his usual self, he decided to give love a chance—the only problem was…He’d never been in love; what’s more, he’s trying to capture a saint. But it was the same for Amethely; she knew she was shy. Yet she wanted to be more daring to capture his heart, but…  “How do I make him/her fall in love with me?!” 

Seseal · Fantasy
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101 Chs

| ARC II | Chapter 7: Pamper Or Being Pampered?

 With the rising sun and soft rays of light penetrating through, Amethely slowly opened her eyes. She had been snuggling close to Alum all night, discussing their date plan for today. This was also the first time they had spent the night together.

 All they did was snuggle and sleep, feeling the other's warmth. Still… she was happy to spend time like this with him, so much so that she started to consider moving into his room…. Maybe even get their own little place and… move in together, live like…. 

 (A happy couple…!) And thinking along those lines, she felt her face getting hotter, and she'd snuggle even closer to Alum. 

 She'd been thinking about him so much the past weeks that even she felt scared of herself. 

 (I… I'm not obsessed, am I?) Was something she'd occasionally think. 

 But… being close to her beloved and… covered in his scent, she felt right at home. Not even she knew this side of her, and she found it very embarrassing that she might have a thing for his scent…. Even if she were a bit shy about it, she'd get closer, watching his sleeping face. 

 She moved to his eye level, removing some hair that covered his face and placing her forehead on his. Amethely longingly watched her boyfriend's sleeping, innocent face. Whispering into his ears. 'Al, It's morning, you know?' 

 Saying that, she twists and turns from embarrassment. Yet, he wasn't waking up, thinking that she could get away with playing some parks on him. Amethely would playfully poke his cheek. She found this to be rather addictive. And another thing was how cute he looked in his sleep. She wasn't sure why, but Alum would look very innocent in his sleep. 

 (Though he appears cold and distant… he's warm and caring, and his non-changing facial expression is cute as well,) she thought while her mouth curved up in a smile. 

 Although she wasn't sure what kind of past he had since Alum never told her anything. At least yet. Regardless, Amethely knew that Alum found it insignificant so that he wouldn't tell her. Still, she wants to know more about the man she loves. Why wouldn't she? 

 Though… she did have a source, and that was Noel. Through him, she'd heard many stories about Alum, but she couldn't help but feel grumpy whenever he'd brag about how close they were. While she did feel jealous, she soaked in all the information like a sponge. 

 One time, when Noel and Alum went to a cafe, the place got robbed while they were leisurely enjoying the treats. The robbers were armed and yelling, and people panicked. Alum… just drank his coffee peacefully as if it didn't concern him, snacking on the treats they'd ordered while watching the chaos unfold…. 

 Amethely recalled how shocked Noel said he was. After all, the crooks that were robbing the place did not kindly react to Alum's non-caring attitude. Agitated by that, one of them approached him, pointing their knife at Alum. Though… he was sipping his coffee, watching the man. 

 They stabbed the knife into his plate, angrily looking at the youth. Alum would splash the hot beverage at their crotch. While the man was in pain, Alum disarmed him and punched him in the liver, knocking and tripping him onto the floor while sitting on top of his chest. He'd expressionlessly stare at the man, holding the knife to their throat. 

 The angry robber who'd just screamed in their face was disarmed, knocked to the floor and threatened by the boy he'd just threatened. 

 After that, Alum would coldly glance at the others, threatening them to lower their weapons unless they wanted to see a dead comrade. Of course, they hesitated, but Alum would prove by running the edge along the man's throat, which made them realise the severity of the situation when blood started to drip. 

 Later, in a report, it was stated that the burglars felt nothing but fear looking into the youth's cold and lifeless eyes.

 As Noel said, the situation was resolved after law enforcers arrived, though they did warn Alum about such risky behaviours. 

 Looking at her sweet, innocent-looking boyfriend, Amethely found it hard to believe Alum was so ruthless in his actions. 

 (…Actually, I think I can picture him doing all that…) She thought. 

 However… that doesn't change her opinion of him. She still loves him despite that and won't think badly of him. Besides… his actions weren't that of malice but self-defence. 

 But… because Amethely was a Saint. Her opinion on the matter was that there could've been another way to resolve the issue at hand. She knew that her way of thinking wasn't very practical, but… she firmly believed that conflict should be solved without the use of violence. 

 (…It's idealistic, but… I can't help but think that way…) 

 And, on the topic of Noel telling her stories about Alum, it wasn't like he was this cold and heartless person. Noel even stated that Alum, at the time, was starting to soften up. 

 For example, one day, on their way home, they came across some children who'd lost their ball, and before Noel could respond. Alum was already in action, helping them to search for it. 

 After finding their ball, the kids even invited them to join, and they'd play together, and since Alum didn't know how to play, he refrained. In the end, Noel and the kids dragged him into it and taught him how to. Of course… it was something simple, and Alum got the hang of it right away. After that, the kids would express how emotionless Alum seemed, teasing him about it. 

 With that, they began a new game, 'Who can change this Big Brothers' expression game?' 

 They tried many methods but were met with stoic, stoned faces. Gathering and discussing things with Noel, they came up with a plan. 

—Tickle Brother Alum: Failed 

—Funny expressions: Failed

 Seeing how futile their attempt was at making him smile, they gave up on that and tried coming up with something else. However… while planning, one of the kids noticed a faint smile on Alum's face. The kid told everyone, and as they turned around. 

 It turned out to be true. At the time, Noel said he'd been sure that Alum wasn't aware of it, but… he made the little girls fall for him and would get the boys jealous. 

 (…Well, I can't blame those little girls,) Amethely thought. 

 When they first met in the park, ALum seemed distant despite their proximity, then… he'd tease her for an unknown reason, but… at the time, strangely enough, she felt happy. 

 While she didn't enjoy being teased, she felt happy he spoke to her, conversed and later apologised by having some snacks together. 

 Each and every time she saw him enjoy those treats, her heart fluttered and throbbed, and when he directed his soft smile at her, it was so precious it made her want to protect him at all costs. 

 She felt strange, she'd just met him, and soon, she realised, after his smile, that… she had fallen in love with him. 

 Although she didn't want to admit it since it would make her seem like she was easy… The more she thought about it, the more he lingered in her mind. She began to think, 'What's wrong with that?' 

 Recalling how many men approached her, trying to please her, she didn't feel anything for them. So… thinking along those lines, she fully accepted that she'd fallen for him as she walked back to the dorm. 

 Thinking of those fond memories, Amethely's body temperature drastically rose. Looking at Alum made her remember all those wonderful memories and the stories Noel told her about him. 

 She gently stroked his soft hair; she wanted to kiss him so badly, but… she would feel guilty doing so.

 (Maybe on the cheeks? I-Is that okay…? Forehead? …he won't mind, right?) 

 While Amethely was in her own head, trying to decide, Alum slowly opened his eyes. 

 Their eyes met. In the calm silence, with some ruffle of the bedsheets, they gaze into the other's eyes. Alum faintly smiled, reaching out his hand, moved her bangs and gently kissed her. 

 Her debate was over, and with her feelings over the moon, she wanted to roll around happily. 

 "Good morning, Ame," Alum said. He snuggled closer, putting his arms around her and placed his forehead on hers, whispering, in a soothing and gentle voice, 'Sorry to have kept you here all night.' 

 The still jittery and happy Amethely shook her head, embracing him as she whispered into his ears, 'Don't apologise… I'm happy we got to spend time like this,' she softly said. 

 "...Me as well," Alum replied, kissing her on the cheek. 




 After Alum had woken up, they would snuggle a little more before Amethely headed back to her room. She was going to get changed and then head out to town on their date. 

 Amethely felt nervous about it; it was the second date, and she'd been shopping for clothes with the other girls when Alum was out on an adventure. 

 …Surprisingly, Luna knew a lot about Alum's preference and helped Amethely pick something suitable to his taste… although she felt grateful, she was also slightly… just slightly jealous. 

 For today's date, Amethely picked a white blouse and a light blue knee-length skirt in hopes of seeing his reaction and with anticipation of his praise. 

 (Thank you, girls!) 

 Thanking the girls in her mind, she headed out to see Alum, and as she walked down the hallway, many people greeted her, complimented her, and wished for her to have a wonderful day off. 

 As she elegantly smiled in response, her aura was sweet as it had smitten those she passed. 


 Her heart fluttered, seeing Alum walk toward her. 

 "...I thought I'd pick you up this time," he said somewhat awkwardly, scratching his cheek and peering at her. 

 His gaze made her shy, but seeing how he acted shy as well, she giggled as she closely examined him from head to toe. He had brown pants, a white shirt and a long dark coat. 

 Amethely nodded in satisfaction. 

 (Fufufuf! Al is super handsome! ) 

 Looking at her cool boyfriend, Amethely's heart rate increases tenfold as she complimented him, "Al, you look really cool, handsome. Al… I-I love you!" 

 The way she said it was so endearing as she shyly looked straight into his eyes while being flustered, knowing she'd just confessed her feelings all over again in a hallway. 

 (Bu-but… it's only the two of us… it should be fine… right? A-after all… it's Al's fault for making me confess in the hall! He's too sparkly! ) 

 Being suddenly confessed to again, Alum shyly smiled; his mouth was a little wavy as his head was turned to the side, but he'd still glace her way. 

 Alum wasn't sure how to respond to her declaration of love, especially when a compliment came along with it. So… he grabbed Amethely's hand, intertwining their fingers. With a deep breath, he'd have a gentle smile on his face, and she could tell that his ears were also slightly red. 

 "You look adorable, Ame," Alum gently expresses his genuine thoughts, "But I love you more." 


 Amethely was at a loss for words. Overjoyed, she latched onto him and clung to his arm. She'd gotten past her shy-o-metre and would walk clinging to him all the way as Alum kept reddening. 




 Amethely and Alum were walking down the road that led to the train station, and their destination for this date was Strana's flower garden on the outskirts of the capital. 

 The garden was named after the first Hero, Strana. Her wish was to make a flower garden for everyone to enjoy and visit, and it was now a popular attraction, attracting families and lovers. 

 While clinging to Alum's arm, her public display of affection made people stare at the two love birds. Albeit embarrassed, Amethely didn't get let go, and…it didn't actually bother her all that much. 

 "Hey, Ame…" Alum suddenly called her name. 

 In response, she glanced at him, her eyes lip up in excitement as she sweetly smiled and replied, "What is it, Al~?" 

 "...About our one month… how would you like to celebrate it?" 


 Amethely was surprised and stunned for a brief moment. 

 "...I'm happy you thought of that," she shyly said. "I-I'd love another date~!" 

 "...What about the tradition? Exchanging gems, I mean." 

 "You... knew about that…?" now, even more surprised, she stopped walking. 

 "A kind shop owner told me…. I… also wanted to do something for you, too, even if that wasn't the case." Alum shyly said. 

 "I see," Amethely softly replied. She gently looked at him, and with a sweet and adorable smile on her face, she said, "Al, I'll be happy with anything I receive from you." 

 Saying that, she shyly pressed her chest against his arm. Alum could feel her heartbeat as well as the soft sensation of her voluptuous chest. 

 Seeing as Alum's face reddened again, Amethely knew he liked it. After all, he bluntly told her so on their first date. Although she was embarrassed herself, she wanted to do this too, not only to please him, but she wanted to display her affection for him as she too loved being close and clingy. So… there was no downside to this whatsoever! 

 "I-I see, so… um…." 

 Alum was flustered and couldn't think straight. Amethely is happy to see the usually cool person she loves being so adorable. After all, Alum wasn't the most expressive person out there, and she'd been concerned for a little while now, but… he hadn't told her anything about what he went through or his next adventure. 

 But… looking at him sleep, she could tell something was on his mind. It looked like he had nightmares. While she found it endearing for him to embrace and cling to her tightly, she felt more concerned. 

 (Something was definitely on his mind… he looked sad, even scared….) Amethely thought as she watched Alum try and explain something while flusteredly stumbling on his words. 

 But… since this was their date, she wanted to be the only thing to occupy his mind. She was greedy; she wanted him only to think of her, nothing else. She wanted him to shower her with affection and… at the same time, relieve some of his concerns, hoping he'd tell her what'd been bothering him. 

 And so, with their silly back and forth, they arrive at the station, take the sky train to their destination, and ride for about 20 minutes before arriving. 




 Lying down on Alum's lap while being gently stroked, Amethely felt like she was in heaven, happily and affectionately rubbing her chin on his lap. 

 They had bought some food and rented a picnic mattress, but… since they weren't all that hungry, they decided to rest a bit. The train ride was quite long…. 

 Alum kept patting her; her hair was silky smooth, and with each stroke, Amethely would adorably look at him affectionately. And to her, since she was a child, she loved it when her grandmother stroked her hair, combed it, and tied it in a cute way. 

 Her parents were rarely at home, and her sister was away, being taught by a Sage. Thus leaving Amethely at home, alone with the servants. Despite having people around her, she felt that there was some distance between her and the servants, leading her to feel immensely desolate. 

 Feeling this way, she didn't express it, didn't want to say anything to her parents and sister as she didn't want to worry them. And… she cherished their moments together, even more so now…. 

 Maybe this was the reason she was so clingy to Alum? She wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before he ventured out somewhere. Despite her wanting him to stay… she didn't want to become a shackle to him. Her boyfriend is a curious person. He wants to learn about the world. 

 Amethely has come to realise something about spending time with him. He's awfully innocent at times. Almost as if he'd been sheltered all his life. He seems to know very little about having fun. Even with Noel's help, it seemed like he was unsure about how to enjoy himself. 

 Having heard all that from Noel obviously motivated her. Despite not having experience in romance, she was willing to go to many great lengths to make him happy. That's why she picked this place for their date. There are many couples here, and… she wanted to watch how they interact so she could act accordingly. 

 Looking around, she could see a couple doing precisely what they're doing now, and also…those who feed one another. 

 (…Let's try that!) 

 Amethely was inspired when she saw that the couple fed each other. She, too, wanted to feed Alum in that way. 

 "Al, are you hungry?" 

 "Somewhat?" he hesitantly replied. 

 "I-I see, s-so… c-can I f-feed you!?" 



 Amethely cheered for herself, trying to get up from Alum's comfortable lap. When she managed to, she searched in the basket and found some sandwiches and creme puffs. Of course, she went with the sandwiches. 

 "T-then… say ahh~." Amethely sheepishly said, tilting her head in a cute manner. 

 "...Do I have to?" Alum queried. 



 Alum took a bite, seeing how bashful he was. A sense of accomplishment whelmed her as she watched him with a warm gaze. 

 "Is it tasty?" Amethely asked, softly smiling and innocently tilting her head. 

 "It is," Alum replied as he picked a sandwich from the basket. "Well then, my turn. Say ahh~." 


 (H-he's feeding me as well!?)

 Amethely didn't think that Alum would try to feed her as well. She felt incredibly embarrassed and didn't think it'd go this way. Although she was the one who started it, she now knew how he must've felt. But… looking at his smug grin made her puff her cheeks.

 (I'm not losing!)


 Before taking a bite, Alum had withdrawn the sandwich, looking dumbfounded at her, who had a smug grin. She huffed. 

 "Hmph! Fine, I won't take a bit then!" she retorts. 

 "Okay, I won't do it again, okay?" 

 "... If you say so…. Ahhn~." 



 "Pfff… hahaha." 

 ".....Al, you dummy!"

Yes, before Isekai, our mc still kicked ass.

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