
The Runaway Husband

In the dark underworld of power and influence, Evelyn Grey reigns supreme. Known as a nightmare, Evelyn's wrath can obliterate lives in the blink of an eye. At 26, she is the epitome of ruthless success, owning numerous gas stations and hotels, and wielding control over the illegal underbelly of society. With a pretty face that hides a demonic fury, Evelyn is a force to be reckoned with, leaving devastation in her wake whenever angered. Contrasting sharply with Evelyn’s menacing presence is Hazel, a 17-year-old boy whose beauty is matched only by his purity and kindness. With hazel eyes and an innocent demeanor, Hazel embodies everything good and gentle in the world. Recently graduated from high school, he is eager to embark on a new chapter of his life at university, embodying the dreams and aspirations of youth. Their worlds collide in an unexpected twist of fate, where power meets innocence, and darkness clashes with light. As Evelyn's shadow looms over Hazel's life, will his purity be tainted by her darkness, or will his kindness illuminate a path to redemption for the both of them? "The Runaway Husband" explores the delicate balance between love and power, and the unexpected ways in which two seemingly opposite souls can influence each other's lives.

Tinyhunter28 · Urban
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20 Chs

The First Taste


Her lips crash onto mine. I instantly become entranced with the soft feel of them and how they easily take over the kiss.

I yelp a little as i feel a soft pain on my backside. With my little yelp she plunges her tongue into my mouth. Our tongues exploring each other.

Everything all too hot for me, my legs buckle underneath me. But i don't fall she holds me up, her hands placed firmly onto my body.she bite my lips I yelp. Finally both of us let go, my breathing ragged. Hers completely fine, maybe it's because i'm such an inexperienced kisser.

Heh, cute." She says examining me with that signature smile of hers.

Moving back and sitting on the relatively empty desk. She stares at me like she's examining her art and i'm the masterpiece.

Evelyn smirked, a weird flash passing through her eyes. Suddenly, she was pushing my body in one corner of the bed and pressing herself against me. I struggled to breathe at the sudden proximity and especially at the way she looked at me. She seemed to be a completely different person. I watched as her fingers grabbed my face and pulled me closer to her own.

I just blinked once and Evelyn warm mouth was on mine, taking advantage. She sucked on my lower lip and slid her tongue in. I wrapped my arms around her body. We were not supposed to do this but God, she smelled and felt so good. I hoped she enjoyed this as much as I did.

The deeper our kiss got, the harder it became to stay controlled. My hand grabbed her hair, tilting her head back to have better access. I felt her smile and that gave me more confidence. I detached our lips to press mines against her jaw. She breathed low and suddenly, she was biting my earlobe. I never knew I was that sensitive there because as soon as I felt her teeth, there was a rush of ecstasy running through all my body, making me shiver.

"A-ah, ah-!" I cried when she suddenly bit my earlobe, hard again. 

I could see it she loved the way my face twisted with pain. She was kind of a sadist, it seemed like. I wondered what other sufferings she'd like to see me go through, just for her own pleasure. Her fingers traced my lips in a slow and sensual manner.


He squeaked as pushed him down an the bed laying him flat on his back as I straddled his waist. look down at him his beautiful hazel eyes like pools of honey staring back at me all wide eyed not knowing what's happening.

"God you are so fucking cute" I growled crashing our lips together in a ferocious and hungry kiss what can I say I Like to be rough.' I kissed him hard licking his bottom lip to try and gain access but he didn't give it to me, so I bit his bottom lip causing him to sharply gasp which I took advantage of by shoving my tongue deep down his throat.

I pulled away from his lips starting to kiss and bite his neck as I made my way down to his abdomen leaving a trail of love bites. He was gasping and wiggling around in the grasp I had around his waist. I stopped feeling his erection growing against me I straighten up looking down on him with an evil smirk "you're liking this aren't you" he looked away biting his lip refusing to say

"A little excited are we" I chuckled nibbling on his ear causing him to moan as I rubbed him a little harder.

After a few minutes I stopped moving completely laying down on his body putting my full weight on him he lets out a soft whimper as I wrap my arms around his back and neck pulling him even tighter against me.

 "Who owns you?" I growl in his ear, he lays there silent biting his lip "WHO OWNS YOU?!?" I yell through gritted teeth as he lets out a little yelp but doesn't give in or says what I want to hear. I sit up kneeling on the bed between his legs.

"Don't wake my inner demon, Hazel." I said in a low tone. "I am trying so hard to be a good person but your silence isn't helping."


I look at him my eyes dark at this point frustration and lust swirling in me like a hurricane "Fine since you don't want to answer me or say my name I'm going to give you a little punishment"

I say looking at his slightly panicked expression. "I'm going to fuck you so hard, I'll have you screaming my name before I even think of letting up" I started ripping his clothes of his body. 

He yelps out "wait please wait I'm not ready"

"well maybe you should of thought of that before being brat " I retorted thinking of all the things I could do to him What do I want to do first I could jack him, suck him off or...

"PLEASE" hazel yelled snapping me out of my thoughts. "I'm...I'm still a virgin so I'm not ready for something like this" he said clearly pleading . I watched as he pleaded his face so red it might just burst at any moment. I smile a sick and sadistic smile. 

"well this day just keeps getting better and better by the minute" but before I could do anything I heard my phone ringing .

"Fuck..fuck you got to be kidding me" I say frustrated throwing the blankets to cover Hazel and I Picked up the call .