
The Runaway Husband

In the dark underworld of power and influence, Evelyn Grey reigns supreme. Known as a nightmare, Evelyn's wrath can obliterate lives in the blink of an eye. At 26, she is the epitome of ruthless success, owning numerous gas stations and hotels, and wielding control over the illegal underbelly of society. With a pretty face that hides a demonic fury, Evelyn is a force to be reckoned with, leaving devastation in her wake whenever angered. Contrasting sharply with Evelyn’s menacing presence is Hazel, a 17-year-old boy whose beauty is matched only by his purity and kindness. With hazel eyes and an innocent demeanor, Hazel embodies everything good and gentle in the world. Recently graduated from high school, he is eager to embark on a new chapter of his life at university, embodying the dreams and aspirations of youth. Their worlds collide in an unexpected twist of fate, where power meets innocence, and darkness clashes with light. As Evelyn's shadow looms over Hazel's life, will his purity be tainted by her darkness, or will his kindness illuminate a path to redemption for the both of them? "The Runaway Husband" explores the delicate balance between love and power, and the unexpected ways in which two seemingly opposite souls can influence each other's lives.

Tinyhunter28 · Urban
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20 Chs

A Sunset to Remember


I looked at his face. So beautiful, even after crying. I lost it when he said 'I am leaving', I couldn't think of anything else but taking him with me. But when saw him, His eyes closed tears streaming out holding on the seat belt for life, my anger just flew away.

"How am I supposed to contact you when I miss you?" He spoke almost whispered. His eyes down, cheeks flushed. I couldn't help but smile.

"You miss me?" I ask raising his chin with my finger. He looked at me with his glossy hazel eyes. His cheeks turned crimson red. Breath-taking

"Will you go on date with me?" | asked. How can one not melt? A smile appeared instantly on his face. So innocent.

"Only if you buy me cookies and cream tub" he spoke getting off my lap. Every ounce of me screamed to hold him but i have to suppress my dominant nature.

We drove off. I took him on lunch. He didn't spoke much after what happened but smiled. That told me he was okay.

"What do you want to do now?" I ask him as we walk to my car.

"Movie?" He clapped his hands and jumped, smiling widely waiting for my answer. I nod.

Best time to take him to my house. The one tom renovated for Hazel and me.

After few hours of drive we reached.

The whole time I answered his curious questions, where was i born? From where did I graduate? Name of my friends? And some more, all were casual questions nothing related to work.

He stopped asking when I told him my parents were dead. His face fell. I told him about my childhood memories and the spark lit again.

"You know many theatres were on the way. " He sighed.

"I know. Just 5 mins." I replied. He was frustrated by the drive now. Apparently He didn't like rough driving.

As the house came in view He gasped.

"Do you like it?" I asked and earned a violent nod. I chuckled.

"Is it yours?" He asked getting off the car as soon as I parked it.

"Yes" i replied. He should have waited for me to open the door for him .

Hopping off the car as soon as I press the brakes is not - Well he is so Handsome .

The house was built near the lake, and surrounded by the trees for yards. We watched sunset together with our legs dipped in water and he in my arms.

"Isn't it beautiful?" He asked looking at me.

"Yes. You are beautiful." I replied, he blushed hard.

" I like you Evelyn ." He spoke shyly playing with the button of my shirt.

I pulled back, his face fell. "I am sorry

I-I didn't mean to s-scare you. I know its fast-" He rambled with worried face.

I got down on my knee and hold out the ring. He paused. He stayed glued in his position like a statue. My heart was pounding in my chest. What if He said No?

I wait for him to take in the situation...

10 secs passed.

Every second felt like an hour and he just looked at the ring then to my face.

1 minute passed

He looked at the ring then to my face still processing.

3 minutes passed.

Too long to process this. Is he thinking for an excuse to run away?

5 mins passed.

Well he can't say No. Its my area, he can't run. If he say no, I am going to just lock up him in the house and fuck him until he says yes.

Yes, I am going to fuck his brains out if he say no.

My breathing increased, fuck this. I am taking him inside.

"YES" he spoke almost a whisper.

he looked in my eyes and again spoke,


I immediately slipped the ring on his finger before he changes his mind.

Getting on my feet I hold his wrist and dragged him to the house. 

As we reached in the house, I thrashed him on the wall and crashed my lips on his No room for gentle and soft kiss, I grabbed his handful of hairs and dig my tongue under his throat. He moaned and pulled me closer.

"I... Love....you." I said in between our kiss. His breathing was heavy.

I worked my way to her jaw and neck pecking and nibbling his soft skin, leaving my marks on him.

Grabbing his thighs tightly I walked to the room and threw him on bed. I again crashed my lips on him not giving him time to process.

To All Of My wonderful Readers, I hope you all are doing well.

Thank you for all your Supports and votes and I am grateful for all the feedback you provided.

Are you all are excited for next update ?

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