
The Runaway Husband

In the dark underworld of power and influence, Evelyn Grey reigns supreme. Known as a nightmare, Evelyn's wrath can obliterate lives in the blink of an eye. At 26, she is the epitome of ruthless success, owning numerous gas stations and hotels, and wielding control over the illegal underbelly of society. With a pretty face that hides a demonic fury, Evelyn is a force to be reckoned with, leaving devastation in her wake whenever angered. Contrasting sharply with Evelyn’s menacing presence is Hazel, a 17-year-old boy whose beauty is matched only by his purity and kindness. With hazel eyes and an innocent demeanor, Hazel embodies everything good and gentle in the world. Recently graduated from high school, he is eager to embark on a new chapter of his life at university, embodying the dreams and aspirations of youth. Their worlds collide in an unexpected twist of fate, where power meets innocence, and darkness clashes with light. As Evelyn's shadow looms over Hazel's life, will his purity be tainted by her darkness, or will his kindness illuminate a path to redemption for the both of them? "The Runaway Husband" explores the delicate balance between love and power, and the unexpected ways in which two seemingly opposite souls can influence each other's lives.

Tinyhunter28 · Urban
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20 Chs

Queen of Control


I shouted at my secretary , As always seeing him shiver made my day A small smile crept up my lips "What a loser!"

Why did I even hired him in the first place .

I got up and threw all the reports at him "why it still pending ??"

He replied " sorry ma'am my wife was sick so I was unable to come yeste-"

"I don't care I want this report to be submitted to me in a fucking hour "

I want this firm to run smoothly I can't tolerate even a tiny bit of mistake. I sat back on my seat , crossing my legs and watch him disappear from my sight

"Freaking pricks" I muttering sighing for what seem like a Hundredth time because of that pathic excuse of a secretary .

I got call from my receptionist

" Ma'am our hotel which is located in Beale Street is booked for wedding reception and they want it under your

guidance "

"When is the wedding" ?

" In two days ma'am"

" Alright get all staff ready for it "

Hello and thank you for reading my story. This is a story I've had in my mind for a while and finally decided to jot down.

I'm no means a writer and writing formats so any feedback will be highly appreciated. I'm constantly editing so I apologize for any sudden format or story changes. Also it may take me a while but I'm committed to finishing this story so please bare with me.

Also my work is copyrighted so please no plagiarizing .

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