
The Rouge

clown_of_madness · Games
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The Beginnings

Falling that was the first experience we felt the wind rush past us as we kept falling

"Haven't we always been falling?" no that doesn't feel right you can't be falling if there is nothing to fall from

"Doesn't that mean I'm going to hit something" no we don't think so but maybe

"Hopefully it doesn't hurt if we do hit something" dummy how would it hurt we don't have a body

"Why does it feel like I'm slowing down?" well idiot it seems we are reaching the ground

"The ground what do you mean?" slowing to a stop we found ourselves in a nicely lit cave that had only six other residents cloaked in robes that sat behind stalls and at the other end of the cave was a large stone door

"What is this place?" before we could start walking around the cave a large blue screen appeared in front of our vision

[Welcome new Rouge to your home I will be your guide to show you all of the functions that the hub has to offer] yay we needed some help

[First make your way to the hub merchant] a large arrow pointed at one of the cloaked people that we quickly made our way towards

[This is the hub merchant here you can buy add-ons to the hub that will make this place more comfortable and lively] oh cool can I buy a couch

[You will also have to pay a fee to continue to exist but that fee happens every cycle which can be determined by the clock on the exit] well doesn't that seem lovely

[Please make your way to the skill merchant] doing as it said I made my way to the next person

[This is the skill merchant here you buy new skills that you can put into your skill pool before you go on a run don't worry I have gifted you some free skills] yay to me I guess

[Please make your way to the spell merchant] same old same old

[This is the spell merchant here you can buy new spells that you can put into your spell pool before you go on a run and just like the skills I have gifted some spells] I guess I'm a wizard or maybe I'm a witch? I don't know

[Please make your way to the trait merchant] this is getting repetitive

[This is the trait merchant here you can buy traits that you can start a run with and just like the last two I have gifted you some free traits] when will this end

[Please make your way to the monster merchant] I can't find the skip button

[This is the monster merchant here you can buy new mobs that you can play as during a run and like the last three I have gifted you some free mobs you can select from] end my suffering

[Please make your way to the run manager] no more please

[This is where you choose what skills and spells will be in your level up pool and it's also where you choose your starting trait and what mob you want to be in your next run] has my suffering finally ended

[This all I have to say now have a good time adventuring Rouge] finally it's over

"Wow that was a lot of useful information" why do we feel like I'm the only one that suffered

"That doesn't matter we got work to do" we walked up to the run manager and started to look at everything we had at the moment







Hp regen:1Hph


Sp regen:10Sph


Mp regen:1Mph





Skills pool:









[Multi shot]

[Multi hit]

Spell pool:

[Fire bolt]

[Water bolt]

[Stone bolt]

[Wind bolt]




[Energy bolt]


[Mana shield]

Starter traits:

[Martial artist]

[True berserker]

[The mountain]

[The small]

[Shadow walker]

[Light bringer]

[Mana genius]

[The fool]

[Brave one]

[The coward]












"Well that's a lot" you don't have to tell us twice

"So what should I choose" don't ask us it's more funny you choose and then fail

"Well that was a bit mean but I have already chosen what I wanted" oh let's see







Hp regen:2Hph


Sp regen:10Sph


Mp regen:1Mph




Traits:[the mountain]

"See doesn't that look good" no it doesn't

"Well it is what we are using" we started to walk? To the big stone door but a very familiar blue screen appeared

[I have one last thing to tell you and that is there is a difficulty setting for every run and at the exit you can change it]

[Here are the different difficulties]

Easy: you will start in a area where monsters are weaker then you

Normal: you will start in a area where monsters are as strong as you

Hard: you will start in a area where monsters are stronger then you

Brutal: all monsters in the area will always know where you are and will try to get you

[Remember some monsters won't kill you right away and do things to you that may scar you]

[And also you haven't chosen the gender of your mob yet for this run you can't start a run without choosing a gender]

"Oh ahh I didn't know I had to choose a gender well let's start with male Please and can you make the difficulty be easy" yay make the blue screen do all of our bidding

[It has been done and have a great time adventuring] good we can finally start killing things

Standing in front of the stone door we watched as it slowly opened to reveal wall of light that once we walked through it we found ourselves somewhere new

[The Tower:1st Flour slime caverns]

"Wow this is so cool" luckily when we talk no sound is made because that could have been problematic

"So um what should we do?" well since we have the skill [Smash] we suggest we look for a blunt weapon like a club

"Ok but where can I find something like that?" well I bet we can get one from monster loot so go kill some monsters

"Where can I find monsters?" well we don't know so just started following the path of the cavern there must be monsters down there

Traveling down the lit path we encounter our first enemies in a large room in the cavern










There was three slime monsters in the room that haven't taken notice of us yet

"What should I do!?" calm down they still haven't noticed us yet we still have the advantage but what can we use as a weapon?

"Wait look there's a big rock next to us" ah good idea go pick it up then and clobber them


Two handed weapon

+5 blunt damage

blast radius 1.5 meters

–5sp per attack

–3 Speed while equipped

"Wow this thing is super heavy it's like we can barely move" well if we look at our speed stat you could say we are barely moving

It seems that one of the slimes saw us because it started to approach us by bouncing its way to us

"Bie bie little slime [Smash]!!"


The floor shattered infront of us as the slime was launched to the other side of the room as shards of rock rained down all over the room bringing the attention of the other two slimes

[Slime –4 Hp]

"maybe we shouldn't have done that" well congratulations you have got the attention of the other two

"well doesn't that mean they will group up and then we can hit all of them at the same time?" yes but it also means that we have to fight all of them at the same time

Just like we said they came at us all at the same time as they slowly bounced their way towards us

"Well here we go [Bless] and [Smash]"

[Slime –4 Hp]

[Slime –4 Hp]

[Slime –4 Hp]

this time the slimes didn't get launched but stock to the boulder so we were able to just use [Smash] again to kill one and almost kill the other two

[Slime –2 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

[Slime –4 Hp]

[Slime –4 Hp]

"We killed one yay now we just have to kill the others" they only need normal attacks to kill so please use no skills

"ok heya" heya really?

[Slime –2 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

[Slime –2 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

"We did it!" yes yes we did it but before we get distracted look at the loot

"Oh okay"

[Monster core](×3)

Consume a core to gain exp

[Mana core](×3)

Consume a core to regain some Mp

[Slime jelly](×1)

Use it on a weapon to decrease the melee disadvantage against slimes type monsters by half

"oh yummy" we started to devour all of the cores and also added the jelly to our boulder to make it better

"let's go kill more baddies" slow down we are starting to enter unknown territory we need to be careful

well I knew this was going to happen right now we are surrounded by twenty or so slimes that seem a lot angrier then the last three were

"come at me!!" well we are going to die we can't even hit all of them at the same time

[Slime –5 Hp]

[Slime –5 Hp]

[Slime –5 Hp]

[Slime –5 Hp]

[Slime –5 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

"that hurts [Smash]!!" this idiot is going to get us killed

[Slime –6 Hp]

[Slime –5 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

[Slime –6 Hp]

[Slime –6 Hp]

[Slime –5 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

[Slime –6 Hp]

[Slime –6 Hp]

[Slime –6 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

two down a lot more to go and almost a tenth of our health is gone but hey the progress of killing them is going faster

[Slime –4 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

[Slime –4 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

[Slime –6 Hp]

[Slime –5 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

[Slime –5 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

[Slime –4 Hp]

[Slime has been slain loot has dropped]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

[Rouge –1 Hp]

as we kept crushing the slimes we didn't notice a slime that was triple the size of the other slimes and was red instead of green or blue

it slowly snuck up behind us as it got ready to attack it jumped high into the air as it came down it excelerrated exponentially as it fell

[Rouge –20 Hp]

"Ahhh that hurts" it was crushing us like we did to its fellow slimes it then jumped up again but even higher

[Rouge –40 Hp]

"He's a big jurk" up it go's again this one will kill us

[Rouge –18 Hp]

[Rouge has been slain run has ended]

[tallying up all coins earned]

>rooms cleared (×1) = 1 coin

>monsters killed (×10) = 1 coin

>elite monsters killed (×0) = 5 coins

>boss monsters killed (×0) = 10 coins

>total coins earned (11)


(system information)


>the most common undead

>+1 to all attacks

>damage taken from blunt attacks are increased by 10%

>10% increase in all attacks against living enemies


>increases the power of any blunt attacks

>increases both the power and attack radius of blunt attacks by 15%

>lasts until enemy is hit

>cost 5 Sp per use


>blesses the target with power

>increases all damage by 10%

>duration 1 minute

>cost 10 Mp

[The mountain]

>thy body is powerful

>Hp and Hp regen is increased by 100%

>all damage taken is decreased by 25%

>body size is increased by 50%

>speed is decreased by 50%