
The Rogue Alpha 1

An inseparable bond that clicked as strangers. Alpha Dylan is a very difficult and horrible terrifying man with barely any humour left in his senses. Caught up in a gang fight that almost ended his life, but was able to save himself at the last minute with the help of Eden who didn't have any choice but to do as he was told. A bright and clumsy human who is in no way one to be in the same spotlight as Alpha Dylan Merlot. As fate would twist and turn, Dylan began to feel something more than hate toward Eden and make his life unbearable. But this will be a turn of fate for Eden as his heart would want nothing else but Dylan even though he is a different breed and would be cast out of his kind. An innocent and pure heart like Eden's will light the dark path of Alpha Dylan, although neglected and tossed away. But can they ever find peace and bloom their inseparable love bond?

Moon_Lame · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 7-Unexplainable Anger


"What happened?" My father asked as I walked back to his table. I bowed slightly to him and his friends and took my seat in the middle. I don't know why my beta had to invite an unfortunate-looking chap to my party. 

Does this look like a place he can just walk in? Why would he come back to me with an excuse to return my money? Is he totally senseless? Or he just has a cheap way of gaining attention. 

Or what is the main reason he will show up here? To throw tantrums to gain my attention in a midst of different Alphas from different Pack, Betas, dignitaries, and some ministers. 

Why are humans so annoying and wobbly? 

"Nothing serious," l sighed, pouring myself a dry- gin to calm my nerves, l didn't miss Father's furrowed eyebrows and l knew he will not let it slight, An Alpha like him will not understand why that human boy was looking for me or why l dragged him away amid everybody a moment ago. 

"So who is he and…?"

"He is a nobody father," l trailed off not allowing him to finish his sentence because l know where this will go, and it definitely south, he might start having an interest in him, "He is just one of my boys that does some street supplies, I guess he overdosed but he is being taken care of don't worry about him, father," I summed up, aiming to change the topic. 

"Are you still retaining your habit? The news yesterday was not entertaining, what have you been up to Dylan?" Father asked worriedly, thankfully moving away from the fellow's topic, even though he is diving into a topic I'm not still interested in either. 

"Just get him a mate and he will stop causing you trouble, Merlot," One of my dad's friends, Alpha Richard of Autumn Moon Pack, let out mockingly. 

"You heard him, Dylan, Do you have any plans?" 

"No father," I chuckled, drowning the whole content in my glass, "Not anytime soon," I scoffed and l meant it even though my father just nodded like I'm still a pup who doesn't understand his position. I shook my head vehemently as l didn't want any more things to piss me off, l rang a symphony on my glass as a signal for my Betas to bring out the latest wine samples and begin the introduction-having the party officially start. 

I sniffed into the air continuously to make sure everything and everyone is safe from any potential danger, l can't allow anything to go wrong especially since Father is here, he will probably disown me if anything happens and that will be a stain on my image and a war break-out on my path. 

All my rivals will surely hunt me down to kill me! 

I can only settle for the power that my father holds in terms of walking out free and l will buy my freedom from him when the time is right. 

"Shall we?" Father said as we all moved closer to the stage. 

"But we can't deny the fact that Dylan here is a better businessman than you are," Alpha Richard continued battering my father when my eyes randomly met with the kid walking out with my Beta, when did they get close? Why are they leaving together? Ryan is doing something else rather than paying attention to the security of the occasion. 

I felt unexplainable anger creep into my veins making my head spin furiously, l knew that kid wasn't innocent as he looked already jumping on my Beta as he couldn't get me, tch, he is so pathetic. I cursed under my breath, fisting my hands agitatedly. 

"Are you okay son? You have been acting rather strange today," Father snorted, eyeing me with his usual worried stares. 

"There is nothing father, please excuse me for a moment," I mumbled, not waiting for his replies as l hurried out of the building but missed Ryan's car driving out by minutes. 

I knew it! 

I knew that fellow wasn't up to no good! I sighed, fisting my hair infuriatingly, not understanding why l was bothered with him. l haven't stopped thinking that Eden fellow no matter how much I don't want to, he just annoys me that I don't understand why. 

My heart panged with an indescribable feeling that makes my heart ache usually, suddenly feel weak and bad at how I treated him early. 

Why am I thinking about it now? He deserved it and even worse. I cursed at myself and returned to the party and made sure it ended well, while l escorted father to the car, l ignored the rage that began bulging in my arms as Ryan drove into the garage. I waited for the driver to move father out of sight as l veered around and punched Ryan in the face immediately. 

Feeling more irritated as Eden's vanilla-lemon scent overwhelmed my nose making my wolf whine at the back of my head, storming at me crazy as l howl out possessively for absolutely no reason. 

"What is that for, Alpha, " Ryan grumbled with a hint of confusion in his voice which made me even more bitter at his pretense. 

"Are you forgetting your duties? What if something had gone wrong? What would have happened to my life? You answer only to me why you would care about that rag human."I cursed at his incompetence. 

"l just helped Eden get home, you barely treated the boy well even though he was your guest Alpha." 

I ogled around, realising my mistakes and how dramatic l was behaving as my guards were looking at me questioningly and the guests leaving the venue glancing at me like l was creating a scene. 

"He is not my guest, I didn't invite him," I snickered, sighing with relief. 

What if someone captured me? Father just left and I'm already causing trouble, I sighed cursing and hating myself at how easily l lost my wits. It has never happened before, I'm always in control of my thoughts but ever since l set my eyes on the dreamy ones of Eden it seems that my heart capitulated and I hate it. 

I hate those unwanted feelings and emotions, I hate my wolf wanting to be in control of what we are feeling. 

"Retire for the night," l declared not paying any of my betas any glance as l headed to my executive room. 

"Aren't you going home?" Ryan questioned, almost tramping on his heels. I waved disagreeably at him and wandered in the direction of my room, wavering off the sensual and sweet of scent of lemon-the lingering scent of Eden which made my body tingle with lust, with a craving to ravage his entire being and leave him with no crumbs, to mark him and owned as my own since he seemed to be offering himself to me. 

I sauntered into my room and my eyes met with the envelope of cash on the floor, "Is he stupid, or just cranky? Did he seriously leave the money here?

I went towards it and picked it up," He left it here to make known his reasons for coming as he said? He is that petty? Or he is only acting out to have me go after him? Does he think he is anything special? Every human will jump at the opportunity to get money from me and there he is acting like he doesn't want it when his phone clearly wants to blow up due to debtors constantly threatening him with messages. 

He will surely come back for it, he has no choice, and l will give him no choice.