
The Rogue Alpha 1

An inseparable bond that clicked as strangers. Alpha Dylan is a very difficult and horrible terrifying man with barely any humour left in his senses. Caught up in a gang fight that almost ended his life, but was able to save himself at the last minute with the help of Eden who didn't have any choice but to do as he was told. A bright and clumsy human who is in no way one to be in the same spotlight as Alpha Dylan Merlot. As fate would twist and turn, Dylan began to feel something more than hate toward Eden and make his life unbearable. But this will be a turn of fate for Eden as his heart would want nothing else but Dylan even though he is a different breed and would be cast out of his kind. An innocent and pure heart like Eden's will light the dark path of Alpha Dylan, although neglected and tossed away. But can they ever find peace and bloom their inseparable love bond?

Moon_Lame · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 8- Bad Intentions


He will surely come back for it, he has no choice, and l will give him no choice - l slammed the door behind me and hurried out. 

"l thought you were staying the night Alpha," Ryan echoed from the end of the long corridor, leading to the hotel exit, he was leaning against the wall with his arms wrapped around his chest with two other guards waiting for whatsoever reason when l clearly told them to get off work. 

"l have a fish to catch," I snickered, hopped into the car, as we drove out in order. I felt excited right now, just like the first time my father told me he was proud of me, even though now those words barely leave his mouth. 

I'm having that exciting feeling again, "I grinned devilishly thinking about how to repay that fellow and make him beg me to take that money back, tch. I'm curious to see how far he can go trying to put up that facade, what exactly is he trying to prove? 

Tch, such a naive human. 

"Something good happened Alpha? "Ryan teased, eyeing me through the rear mirror, l could tell he was joyous, and under my mood. 

"You will see soon, " l winked at him, enjoying the night scenery that passed by reflecting on the windshield. 

I almost jogged to my office waving off every maid that greeted me as I stepped into the pack house, l mind link Jason to hurry to my office before l get there. 

I miss him by the door but l ignored it and rush to ruffle my desk, looking for Eden's personal information, the one my delta intel had gathered, l picked up his phone and handed it over to Jason," Get the apartment manager to give Eden a quick notice, right now,  "I ordered, boring my eyes again with his personal information scanning for something interesting. 

"Alpha….? How do you want me to do that? What if Eden reports to a lawyer about this? He is a human being, whose laws are different from ours, even though the manager issued him a quick notice he is entitled to stay there for days before moving out. "

"Why are you preaching that to me? Do you think l have not thought about that? Is not like l want to throw him out to sleep on the street, this packhouse is big enough to contain millions of people and l don't care what Eden does, not like he can afford to own a lawyer, five thousand bucks with a chick to the apartment manager, call him, "l yapped, ignoring the eyeing contest my two loyal betas where exchanging. 

"As you wish Alpha, "Jason bowed, getting out to work. 

"Why would you do something like that to him? "Ryan huffed, eyeing me ridiculously. 

"Isn't it obvious? It is because l can do it, "l retorted, picking up the pack daily report to start working on them. 

"You are lying Dylan, how long have we been friends? You are not tormenting this boy just because you can? You are already fond of him, isn't it? What if he is your mate?"

"Shut up Ryan! "l cussed, slamming my palm on the table viciously, glaring cruelly at him," Don't ever speak of him like that, he is not worthy enough to be my mate, l just think he is interesting and l want to toy with him. "

I knew l lost control again when my beta just quietly stare at me with his mouth hanging apart," Sorry,  "l apologised glaring back at the paper in front of me, regretting my actions already, having an understanding friend and family like Ryan has always been a gift to me, one of the best gifts in my dire childhood days. 

"No one is going to look at you differently for having feelings you know, "Ryan murmured through gritted teeth but l heard him clearly." What part of… "

"It's done, Alpha, "Jason interrupted," The manager agreed to do it. 

"Great!" I grimaced, taking off my suit jacket - l draped my white shirt folding it to my arms, and unfastened a few buttons down to my collarbone, "Keys?" l puffed, flickering my hair with fingers. 

"Are you going somewhere, Alpha? I will drive you there." 

"It's my car?" l glared questioningly at my betas as l snatched the car keys from them and walked out, l changed into house-wear slippers and drove out. 

I can't wait to see him beg. 


I arrived by the alleyway, and leaned against my car, ignoring the tantrums that were going on on the second floor, l held my breath zoning out and flouting my wolf from thinking about taking control to save that fellow that was weeping upstairs. I could hear his cries, his distress, and his sadness. 

The atmosphere suddenly became gloomy making my heart hitch in despair, that manager might have brought extra hands to beat him up regarding the muttering and chattering l was hearing from his room. 

That room that l have been to before, just the both of us, where his vanilla-lemon scent poured in full for me, soothing my heart that night, my tired body, my troubled mind, and the way he made them all go away… How l had the most peaceful sleep that night… 

I flinched out of thought as l heard a loud thud on the ground - l held my giggle as the gang started kicking his stomach and every part of his body, throwing out his things and spoiling his property as the money mountebank they are. 

Humans are greedy, beating up and tramping on their fellow beings for a few thousand notes. 


I was fade up from the scene, inhaling too much of his pain and sorrow which made my headache, his grief… 

"Enough boys," l hollered, waving for them to back off, as if they knew the deal already and ran off, retreating to where they are going to have their payment. 

"Hi there," I greeted nonchalantly, eyeing the damage. 

"What do you want?" 

"Is that the right thing to say to me, Eden? Tch tch, you are not in a good state yet you still have the nerve to act cocky?"

"Leave me alone will you?" He frowned curling to sit on his hips, wincing in pain. My eyes fixed on the bloodied blistered plump lips, his sultry face still holding a beauty for a blind man to behold. 

"You haven't learned yet, have you? If l knew l would have let them hit you a little more," I chuckled, bushing my hands in my pocket, enjoying the scene… Just me and him. 

"If you don't have any reason to be here just leave." 

I bend forward, boring my gaze on his face, meeting his glittering green orbs, "Now that you have no way to go, you have two choices, one: take back the money, two: live with me in my house," l snorted, throwing the cash envelope back to him. 

"l don't understand rich people," He scoffed, hauling to his feet as he began leaping, he is walking out of me? Tch, how dare this human! I veered around gripping his collar and throwing him against the wall, getting closer to his face, having his blood scent mixed with a peppermint breath fan against my nose. 

His scent is so intoxicating, making me want to dwell on it, "Who the fuck do you think you are Eden? You are a nobody and you will do want l say." l muttered, retaining myself from devouring his lips, eating every part of him. 

"Did you cause this?" He talked back, glaring knives at me with hatred, with deep hostility that l instantly felt slightly bad for having his home wrecked. "No! Do you think l have time for that? I was just dropping by the neighborhood and happened to stop by," I trailed, letting go of him. 

"Then you can leave, thank you for stopping by," He reckoned, nudging my arm with his shoulder as he walked past me. I could hear his soft sobs and groans, l stepped into his room eyeing the ransacked scenery while he began packing randomly. 

"Why don't you come with me, Eden?" l cooed softly, not recognizing my own voice. Humans are very fragile and l think this is the best way to deal with him - l thought, meeting his gaze. 

"You didn't want me at your party? Now you want me in your house? Are you playing with me?"