
The Rogue Alpha 1

An inseparable bond that clicked as strangers. Alpha Dylan is a very difficult and horrible terrifying man with barely any humour left in his senses. Caught up in a gang fight that almost ended his life, but was able to save himself at the last minute with the help of Eden who didn't have any choice but to do as he was told. A bright and clumsy human who is in no way one to be in the same spotlight as Alpha Dylan Merlot. As fate would twist and turn, Dylan began to feel something more than hate toward Eden and make his life unbearable. But this will be a turn of fate for Eden as his heart would want nothing else but Dylan even though he is a different breed and would be cast out of his kind. An innocent and pure heart like Eden's will light the dark path of Alpha Dylan, although neglected and tossed away. But can they ever find peace and bloom their inseparable love bond?

Moon_Lame · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 6- Regrets.


"Oh, l think you need it more than l do, isn't that why you came here? To thank me? Well, I'm not interested, so pick up that money and get lost." 

"What? "l grumbled, my voice almost trailing off. How can he say something like this? 

"Don't ever appear in my face again looking ragged and shabby, l will kill you next time," Dylan spit, glaring at me like a sight he wants to forget. "Wait.. I.." l faltered, vaulting on my feet as he walked away, he immediately slammed the door in my face. 

Huh? My mouth wide unbelievably, why is he…? I stood there painstakingly, dumbstruck at what had just occurred. 

Why does he hate me so much? 

I just wanted to return the money to him, does he think I'm not man enough? Do l look…? I let my head hang low, shutting my eyes regrettably, why did l have to come in the first place? I shouldn't have come, I should have known my place and ignored the invitation card. 

This wouldn't have happened. 

What was l expecting? 

It was just a coincidence, and l should have let it pass like the wind, not done anything about it, and just stayed in my lane. I fisted my fingers in a ball, cajoling all the embarrassing moments that have been my portion. 

I let out laboured breath glancing at the cash envelope on the floor, contemplating if l should carry it back or not but how can he just throw it at me like that? 

I might be poor but there is definitely no way I'm going to let him disrespect me like that. 

I don't want to have anything to do with him either.

I held the doorknob and walked out of the room but I paused my movement as an image was waiting in the hallway, leaning against the wall, his hands gently in his black trouser suit pocket. 

"Are you okay?" He mumbled intently, hiking a step toward me. This is the first time l had seen someone like him but l could tell he was one of Dylan's people, his grey color eyes were sparkling with warmth and he didn't break his stare on me. 

"Mmh," I hummed looking over his shoulder to go on my way but he held my wrist and immediately let go regretfully. 

"I'm Ryan, Dylan's best friend, you see l happen to overhear the both of you." 

I knew it! "Oh," I hummed, not showing interest in the information, there was no need for me to know. My mission here is completed since he didn't take back his money, l will leave it here and go. 

"Everyone is grateful to you, we heard from Alpha… I mean Dylan how you saved his life, "Ryan chortled sincerely, cutting off my train of thought, "So allow me to show you around," He added. 

"No, don't bother, l was already on my way home," I disagreed earnestly. 

"I know Dylan was rude to you, don't bother with him, he's not usually like that." 

"Don't make excuses for him, l honestly don't want to know, I came because he gave me an amount of money l couldn't accept." l explained. 

"You are strange, everyone is happy with money," He trailed off, chuckling at his own words, "I'm sure Dylan gave you because he thinks you need it." 

"No, actually l don't," l frowned, "Especially not from him," l added impatiently. 

I just want to leave this place! I'm already faded up of the people here. 

"Then let me drive you home, please?" He implored, pointing at the exit. 

Why is he being nice to me? Upon my arrival here he is the only one that has treated me like a human, and talked to me like l have some human rights. How can that jerk have a best friend like him? 

"Just take it like I'm repaying your effort for coming here, Dylan is busy, and he is the one that organised the party and you know what l mean..?" He crooned, hinting his words relatively at me. 

I nodded seamlessly and went along with him since he is being nice enough to even ask. We took a different exit even though the floor was filled up with so many people. I immediately looked away as my eyes met with Dylan standing with some elderly men, his shoulders as high and his stern face diving exclusively at whatever conversation he was having. 

"You like what you see?" Ryan huffed, glancing in Dylan's direction as well. 

"What? Who would like someone like him? He is so inhumane," l frowned and hurried on my steps to get out of there. 

"He is not that bad, he's a cool guy," Ryan hissed, hopping into the car and l followed suit. 

"Again, l apologise for Dylan's behavior, don't take it to heart," He pleaded, gazing at me affectionately. I clenched on my seatbelt staring head front, not trying to sink into his niceness and polite ways. Having someone like him treat me nicely is rare, l wish Dylan was this good to me like his friend. 

"We won't see each other again anyway so you should stop apologising for him, truth is whatever he is feeling for him is mutual, l hate him too, he just happened to take hospitality in my room and that is it," I said gladly, not wanting to hold onto anything, after all, it seems safe as he doesn't look worried over anything l saw on the news yesterday. 

"You saved his life, be confident and I'm sure he doesn't hate you, Dylan is not one to understand smoothly, don't worry about anything from now on and just live peacefully, l promise you that all your bills will be paid." He muttered, packing by the alleyway that led to my house. 

"What? Are you joking?" 

"I'm not joking, why are you acting like you don't need the money, Eden? You have so many unpaid debts, your rent is expiring in a few days and Dylan just wanted to pay it, and l know he wants to give you more."

"How do you know all this?" I asked, perplexed, no one knew about my hard life. Is that why he treated me like trash? Because he knows and he is sure that l have no money? 

"C'mon, everything is on your phone, Dylan saw everything." 
