
The Rogue Alpha 1

An inseparable bond that clicked as strangers. Alpha Dylan is a very difficult and horrible terrifying man with barely any humour left in his senses. Caught up in a gang fight that almost ended his life, but was able to save himself at the last minute with the help of Eden who didn't have any choice but to do as he was told. A bright and clumsy human who is in no way one to be in the same spotlight as Alpha Dylan Merlot. As fate would twist and turn, Dylan began to feel something more than hate toward Eden and make his life unbearable. But this will be a turn of fate for Eden as his heart would want nothing else but Dylan even though he is a different breed and would be cast out of his kind. An innocent and pure heart like Eden's will light the dark path of Alpha Dylan, although neglected and tossed away. But can they ever find peace and bloom their inseparable love bond?

Moon_Lame · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 5-The Celebration.


A tired yawn threatened to escape my throat, but l sucked it in massaging my thighs with my hands as l sauntered hurriedly to the locker room, thankfully l finished my delivery earlier than expected. I ruffled through my bag to be sure the money was still in there because it is the only reason why I'll be attending the party. 

I took out my clothes and placed them on my bag, l packed them earlier so l could change into them. I can't afford to go back home after standing all day and making drugs and food delivery. It's the weekend and it is supposed to be a good one but that man had to invite me to his party. 

What is he hoping to achieve? Even sending me such a huge amount of money, does he intend to involve me in his illegal escapades?

I pushed the thought back into my sleeves and hit the bathroom, l threw on some faded color blue jeans and an ironed white shirt with my regular shoes. I don't know what people wear to parties but this is the best l can pull, l crossed my shoulder bag and tapped my phone to the address. 


I blinked bewilderedly through the windshield as we stopped in front of the five-star hotel, l couldn't hide the nervousness that crept into my nerves over the luxurious and extravagant sight. I shelved until the taxi drove off, l strolled into the entrance, walking on the red carpet and bowing nervously to each man in a suit my eyes could pick on. 

There were so many people. 

I instantly paused in my steps as one of the guards blocked my way with his arm, eyeing me questioningly. I immediately unstring my bag and brought out the invitation card when the crowd suddenly screamed, howled, and yelled out loud. Almost everyone moved from their seats trying to get a picture of the incoming image accompanied by a group of men in black suits, the guards spread out, and the one in front nudged me away from the path with not much attention. 

My eyes latched on the familiar figure that came into view, it was him. My cheeks began burning a different color of red as he walked by me yet suddenly paused on his feet as he sent me a death stare, eyeing me disgustingly before he walked away uninterestedly. 

Why is he like that? 

Does he not remember me or what? 

I held my bag nervously trying not to feel offended, there is nothing to feel bad about, and even though l looked out of place their judgmental eyes didn't stop me. I wandered inside the conference room that he had walked into, the room was a little darker with a few light red lightning, and a table with a set of chairs circling it. 

It seems like an area for VIPs. 

I continued tailing him nevertheless as l was stopped by a guard again, this time l didn't wait to notice his reason, l looked over his shoulder to make sure l didn't miss where that fellow walked into. 

"What do you want? This is no area for you." The guard warned. 

"l want to speak with him," I answered back, pointing in Dylan's direction. 

"Who are you and what business do you have with him? "The guard chortled, eyeing me ridiculously. 

"Well, l have something to return to him let me pass." 

"No, you can't, go wait in the regular room or come back another day for business purposes," He retorted, considering me for a moment. I brought out the invitation card impatiently, shaking it in his face, "See this? I was invited here," I hollered, ignoring the attention l was gaining. 

"You can't see him, go back." 

"What?" l cussed, looking over his shoulder, thankfully Dylan was at the other end talking and shaking hands with some people. I can't just throw tantrums on such an occasion, but what can l do when he acts like he doesn't know me? 

If l have to return his money l have to meet him and return it to him personally. I sighed, ignoring the guard and pushing my way through even though he tried to stop me. 

"Don't make a scene, go back while I'm saying it nicely." He warned glaring knives at me, I swear that l saw his eyes flash red and it send shivers down my spine igniting fear in me. 

"I just want to talk to him," I yelled out annoyingly not concerned about my environment as everything immediately came back at me, everyone paused on their business looking questioningly at me, and even the waitress glared at me like what my deal was or probably I'm some trouble maker. I drizzled to the ground in a flash as a blow came at my cheeks making my nose crack painfully. 

I covered my face with my elbow as he rushed out to jump on me and punch me again Dylan came into the view holding his arm into place while he glared at me in a way l couldn't decipher what he was thinking. He pushed the guard away and gripped my wrist dragging me away in an unknown direction. After some minutes he pushed a door and threw me onto the bed aggressively, fisting his hair infuriatingly. 

 l instinctively got up on my feet immediately, holding onto my bag, "l… l," I stuttered, barely able to comprehend any sentence. 

"What do you want? Isn't the money l gave you enough?" He said, his voice barely holding any sentiment or kindness. A pain hitch in my heart, not like l was expecting anything but l didn't expect that to be the first thing he says. Isn't he worried about the news? What about me? What if l get into trouble because of him? 

"Are you dumb? I ask you what you want?" 

I quietly pulled out the cash envelope and pointed it at him, bobbing my head for him to take it. 

"What is that?"He said taking it from me, l didn't wait for the next second as l made my way out of the room when l felt his grip on my hair, he yanked me and forcefully hauled me backward as my head almost hit against the wall. I grunted trying to curl myself up as he threw the envelope at me. 

"Do you think l care about some little cash?"

"l don't need it either," I muttered, meeting his piercing gaze on me. 

"Oh, l think you need it more than l do, isn't that why you are here? To thank me? Well, I'm not interested so pick up that money and get lost."