
The Rogue Alpha 1

An inseparable bond that clicked as strangers. Alpha Dylan is a very difficult and horrible terrifying man with barely any humour left in his senses. Caught up in a gang fight that almost ended his life, but was able to save himself at the last minute with the help of Eden who didn't have any choice but to do as he was told. A bright and clumsy human who is in no way one to be in the same spotlight as Alpha Dylan Merlot. As fate would twist and turn, Dylan began to feel something more than hate toward Eden and make his life unbearable. But this will be a turn of fate for Eden as his heart would want nothing else but Dylan even though he is a different breed and would be cast out of his kind. An innocent and pure heart like Eden's will light the dark path of Alpha Dylan, although neglected and tossed away. But can they ever find peace and bloom their inseparable love bond?

Moon_Lame · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 4-Out of Courtesy.


I invaded the Sinful Gang on a spree they would never forget in the hurry. 

An invasion that wasn't expected and totally uncalled for, l loved that l pierced my claws in their ears when they weren't prepared and watched their blood rain. 

"We can't find the Leader, Alpha, " My second Beta, Ryan protested. 

"Find him! No matter where he might be, burn this place down even if you have to." 

"As you wish, Alpha." 

I dodged the punch that came at me in a flash and hit my attacker in the stomach and dugged my claws into his back in a flash and pushed his languid lifeless body to the ground moving forward like a general leading the army. I turned their den into ashes, not satisfied with not having the leader's head in my bloody hands. 

I wouldn't have cut off their spreading wings if they didn't try to kill me. I'm the head Alpha of the Central and this entire region. 

Every werewolf from the four corners of the Region, starting from the South, East, West, and the North. 

They all report to me! 

There are dogs and I'm their master. 

When my father retired and decided for me to take over when l turned 18 years old. I have led the Black Silver Pack on a luminous path and l have succeeded in doing an extremely far-fetched list of what my father couldn't achieve. 

Although he started the line of mining and importing and making Wolf-bane powders, l made sure we became the sole distributor. When he retired he also tried to abolish the gang he created 'The Black Pythons' whose lives are bent on the supplies of every type of anesthetics, narcotics, and cocaine palliatives. Thankfully he didn't and gave me a plague of how to use them. 

Now we are almost the sole distributors, so they protect and manufacture the pills in the sea Port. 

Although my father is against my administration and my leadership, he doesn't have any choice. 

Even though the Black silver Pack was built with the blood and the sacrifices of the High Priestess, it has always been known for its spiritual backup and the strong faith we build in the Moon Goddess. 

Devotions and weekly worship to the Moon Goddess are held but it is entirely not my business. Although l signed out a weekly budget to keep the place running. 

Living two lives is seemingly unbearable and hiding an important part of me from the rest of the world is even more drastic than existing with Human beings. 

Other supernaturals are rare to come by, a hybrid was last seen years ago. 

Living With human beings has brought us unexplainable wealth and affluence on an immeasurable level. 

60% out of 100% believe in the existence of werewolves. Well, because most of them are young and consume the Wolf-bane Powder. Which is more powerful than an average snuff powder, if overdosed they would be rushed to the ER and if not seen in time. 

They all die! 

The higher-ups have made a peace treaty with us and we exist together gleefully. But l can't stop humans from consuming the Wolf-bane powder and dying at it when overdosed. 

That is one of the reasons why my father is against the production and distribution and wants to terminate every bit of it even though the Sinful gang has a little share in the smuggling of the goods. Father didn't just stop paying their revenue remuneration but ended their right from getting tax from the travellers and made them clash with their rivals as a distraction while he put an end to my leadership. 

Just one of his meek games. 

"We couldn't find the leader, we should leave Alpha before the Police get here," Ryan said. 

"I have sent half a group to go into the city and finish them off, I'm sure we will find the Leader in no time. Why don't you go back home?" Zachary added worriedly. 

I bobbed my head accordingly and retreated back home. I ignored the maids and guards that greeted me at the main entrance and welcomed my presence with their heads glued to the ground in respect. 

"Alpha…?" My third Beta Jason greeted me by handing me a wet mini towel. 

"Report… " l paused on my words as l heard a glass shatter to the ground and l turned around to see the clumsy Omega girl that broke it kneeling and pleading. "

"Have her sacked… And prohibited from ever entering the Central. "

"Yes, Alpha. "

l hate being interrupted for absolutely no reason at all. I frowned impatiently waiting for Jason to get himself together at the latest. 

"You should see the news, Alpha. "

"If there is an uproar in the media, increase the pay to potent people to keep their mouths shut. " l snorted ridiculously at how greedy humans can be and the hungry reporters always looking for who to feed on. 

"This time there are many news stations on the matter and… "

"Then pay each and every one of them. What is the problem?"

"What about the Police? The city Mayor and the Public are interested in the case and they are determined not to let it slide. "

"l will speak with the Commissioner later, don't worry. The Police will not do anything about it. They wouldn't dare. " l bellowed, jogging upstairs to my master bedroom with Jason sprinting on his heels not stopping on his report. 

"Today is the Annual ceremony Eve and everything is going well. Tomorrow's party will be successful and the weather will be good. "

"It better be. Father is attending the party with his friends and you know what that means, make sure to tighten the security in case the Sinful gang tries to regroup and rebel. "

"Understood, Alpha. "

"Anything else?"

" Will the High Priestesses be invited to bless the Ceremony, Alpha? " 

" ls your head blocked Jason? That party will hold a great number of humans. Why do we need religion? That shit is personal, stop imposing it on people. "

"Apologies, Alpha. "

"...Speaking of invitations, "I paused on my words and regretted it immediately. I pulled out that fellow phone and glared at it questioningly. 

I'm sure he must have woken up by now. I don't care if he dies but l made a promise with the word of my mouth as an Alpha and l have to keep to it. 

Out of courtesy! 

I winced curiously at the numerous messages that flooded his phone. I tap to go through them resting my other hand in my pocket lazily. I scrolled down uninterestedly as every message has debt tagged to it including furious messages from his apartment manager threatening to involve the court to throw him out. 

Why does he have so much debt? Argh, this shithead! 

"Alpha… ?"

"Buy the pro max of the latest design mobile phone, envelope six thousand worth of cash. Meet with Beta Zachary to deliver it to a fellow that saved my life. "

"As you wish, Alpha… But don't you think you should invite him or her to the party? You have never been considerate. This is new. " Jason said nonchalantly but I couldn't crack the joke. 

"Are you trying to diss me? Go ahead and do what you want. I don't care if you invite him or not. "