
The Rogue Alpha 1

An inseparable bond that clicked as strangers. Alpha Dylan is a very difficult and horrible terrifying man with barely any humour left in his senses. Caught up in a gang fight that almost ended his life, but was able to save himself at the last minute with the help of Eden who didn't have any choice but to do as he was told. A bright and clumsy human who is in no way one to be in the same spotlight as Alpha Dylan Merlot. As fate would twist and turn, Dylan began to feel something more than hate toward Eden and make his life unbearable. But this will be a turn of fate for Eden as his heart would want nothing else but Dylan even though he is a different breed and would be cast out of his kind. An innocent and pure heart like Eden's will light the dark path of Alpha Dylan, although neglected and tossed away. But can they ever find peace and bloom their inseparable love bond?

Moon_Lame · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 3- Enchanting Lawbreaker


The sunray ambled into the living room brightly, building silhouettes and shapes on the sofa and on the table aesthetically. I raised my elbow to block the sunlight from basking on my face when an excruciating pain pegged my neck. 


I groaned, cursing under my breath when l glanced around the room intently. I sat up instantly as the memory of yesterday night came flooding in unstoppably, l rubbed the back of my neck trying to decipher the dot. I immediately looked around the house still rubbing my sore neck, l stepped outside my door to look around but everything seemed normal and calm. 

The atmosphere was like nothing had happened last night. 

Was it all a dream? 

No! I definitely had someone in my house last night, l strolled back and sat on the sofa like a log of wood. I couldn't hide the flush on my face when his image clasped my mind devouring my sanity again. 

Heat began to rise on my neck making me feel jelly in my legs, my heart shrieking and melting ice. 

"Have a good night, Good boy," That was the last thing l heard him say. I don't remember anything thereafter. Did he leave without telling me? Did he… Wait, did he knock me out? 

I reeled my head to the mini wall clock by the television cabinet, it was 10:13 am.


Why did l sleep like that? I began rushing begrudgingly, hurried in the bathroom. I took out the stomach ache pills l bought from the pharmacy and dumped them in my school bag so l could take them at school during lunch. 

I would eat at the school cafeteria as it is much cheaper, l kicked cans of empty beers and empty pizza boxes on the ground looking for the left side of my socks. Immediately I found it! 

l went to my trouser pocket for my phone but didn't feel it. I searched through my pyjamas and the entire living room without seeing a glimpse of it. Prior to looking for my phone under the sofa l found the television remote control that l haven't seen in weeks. I decided to turn on the TV whilst searching for my mobile phone. 

I have already missed my first period at school, l just have to find my phone and then go. 

 [Unidentified dead bodies were found along Colima Gateway Avenue, Witnesses said it was a gang fight and the Interpol has found a total of 58 dead bodies so far.] 

[ lt is claimed that the Superintendent's son, Dylan Merlot was caught up in a gunfight and he's currently needed by the Police for questioning. ATC News reporting.] 

What is this? 

I grabbed the remote control with widened eyes forwarding to the next station. 

 [A well-known drug Mogul was attacked in the middle of the city by its rival gang. The Police are unable to find any clue but are determined to find the perpetrators and keep them behind bars for first-class murder.] 

[Dylan Merlot, the only child of the General Superintendent of the Colima Army. His father who is a prestigious former Prime Minister of the city was caught on CCTV near the street and witnesses confirmed indeed that he was there at the massacre hour.] 

[Outbursts of deadly beasts roaming the city at night are increasing by volume and hunting the public, The People of the Colima have requested an emergency declaration to separate beasts from human beings.] 

[Dylan… ]

I quickly turned off the Television, my eyes dancing around like the bile building up in my throat. Will l get arrested too? 

So he is…? 

Yes! He said he didn't want me to get involved with him, l should have believed him. I smacked my forehead recalling his statement about tracking my phone. 

Did he throw it away? 

I hurried to my filled-up trash bin foraging every piece out to search for my phone but l didn't find it. 

I'm in trouble! 

What if l walk out there and the Police identify me as one of the perpetrators? But I'm not one of them! What if someone saw him entering my house? 

I didn't think he would be that much of an important figure, he looked dire, calm, and tough. But certainly not a drug Mogul or one from one of the greatest billionaire families in the whole history of City Colima. 

What do l do? 

Do l just go to the Police station and report before they find me themselves? But what would l say? 

What if I'm charged with Criminal by association? Maybe since I'm 22 years old l might get a lighter sentence. My legs gave out and plunged to the ground weakly, thinking deeply about what to do with my situation. 

I can miss out on school but not on my part-time jobs. I don't have anywhere to run away to hide. My family is a bad idea, l can't go there with nothing to showcase or with money to feed for my stay there. They are barely surviving on their own. 

Fuck! What do l do? What if he comes back for me? Shit! 

My soul jumped out of my body as a knock came at the door. 

Oh, fuck! They are here for me! I'm going to prison! 

I sprawled backward on my hips frighteningly, this is not the plan l have always had for my life. I know l have always been unfortunate and unlucky but l didn't have to go to Jail for an offense l didn't commit. I lay on my stomach waiting for them to push the door and rush in but l sighed in disbelief as l heard retreating footsteps. 

Did they think l was not home? I need to leave here and not return even though l have to sleep on the subway. I managed to crawl to the door, cross-hanging my school bag. My legs felt eerily weak and my body traumatically not responding like my brain, l should have known he is not just handsome but an enchanting lawbreaker. 

I wheeled the doorknob dramatically and carefully not to make a single sound but a gift box came into view. I reached for it looking left and right, l immediately shut the door behind me and leaned against it, shaking the box to be sure it wasn't something dangerous. 

I finally found the courage to unwrap the red ribbon with my hands trembling and sweat-rippling beads on my forehead with my stray hair dampened in it. I ruffled my hair backward, getting it out of my face when l picked up on an expensive invitation card. I flipped over holding my breath as the colour of red and gold was screaming luxury and superfluous. 

I looked into the box to find a brand-new cellphone, the latest design that l had never dreamed of buying. I took it carefully with my mouth hanging high, l took out the last item which was a white envelope, and opened it. I gasped, flinging it away at the unacceptable number of dollar notes perched there. 

Even though l have worked from when l was only 15 years old, l have never made such an amount of money and l cannot accept such. 

I immediately opened the invitation card and it requested that l attend The Annual Ceremony of Merlot Wine import and export celebration. 

Signed by Dylan. 

What? Why is he inviting me? 

He kept his promise by getting me a new phone in replace of the old one. Why is he inviting me out?