
The Rogue Alpha 1

An inseparable bond that clicked as strangers. Alpha Dylan is a very difficult and horrible terrifying man with barely any humour left in his senses. Caught up in a gang fight that almost ended his life, but was able to save himself at the last minute with the help of Eden who didn't have any choice but to do as he was told. A bright and clumsy human who is in no way one to be in the same spotlight as Alpha Dylan Merlot. As fate would twist and turn, Dylan began to feel something more than hate toward Eden and make his life unbearable. But this will be a turn of fate for Eden as his heart would want nothing else but Dylan even though he is a different breed and would be cast out of his kind. An innocent and pure heart like Eden's will light the dark path of Alpha Dylan, although neglected and tossed away. But can they ever find peace and bloom their inseparable love bond?

Moon_Lame · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 2- Sudden Emptiness.

Eden Pov. 

"My name is Dylan, Happy?" 

"My name is Eden," l said gleefully, even though he didn't ask and wasn't interested in knowing my name or anything about me. 

At least we can get to know each other. 

He is not interested at all. 

"Can l use your mobile phone, l will have your address tracked and throw it away after. I will send a new phone for you tomorrow." He drawled. 

I nudged on my seat uncomfortably, what does he mean by throwing my phone away thereafter? What kind of a person is he? Why is he so secretive? Why does he want it tracked? Does that mean his people will know where I am living? And he said tomorrow…? 

It's over! 

I have settled myself into a bottomless pit of hell, What did l get myself involved with? 

"Don't you have a mobile phone?" 

"No… Yes, l…l " 

I trembled feverishly as he sauntered towards me annoyingly, l scraped my lips with my teeth nervously waiting for him to unleash on me. Probably to shoot me to death. I immediately hurled my elbows to cover my face as he got closer to me, a few feet from where l was seated. I instantly shut my eyes preparing to yell as much as l could.

Nothing came! I slowly opened my eyes as he ruffled my study desk and picked up my phone. 

"l will just quickly use this, don't make any noises." 

"Um," I hummed, letting my guard down as he walked into my room. I couldn't help it! I curiously followed him tiptoeing at prime. 

"l was ambushed and totally trapped, l lost all Cargos, and l have aborted the mission. Stay low and restrained from any movement, cloak your scents, and make sure to be on the lookout. And lastly, tell Beta Zachary to pick me up at the pinned location," He whispered nearly muffled. 

"What is he saying?" l murmured, clasping my hand on my mouth as l tiptoed my heels back to the living room. I sat down sucking in my breath, spurning the knot in my stomach. 'Mission'

Is he in trouble or what? 

Thankfully he has someone coming for him so he can leave my house already. 

I lolled my head back to the Laptop as he walked back to the living room, l didn't raise my head to meet him and glared dagger at the screen holding my breath aggressively. 

"l appreciate your help, Thank you, " He huffed. I nodded, not daring to look in his direction. What if he knows that l was peeping and eavesdropping? I shook off the thoughts as l felt his face close to me, his sizzling breath fanning on my face. 

"Have a good night, Good boy." He groaned, and my body began shivering and drubbing. Before l could change positions l felt a snap on my neck that sent piercing pain to my entire body, l suddenly became lightheaded, and my vision totally blacked out. 



Dylan Pov.

"Alpha? Thanks to the Moon Goddess you are safe," My Beta Zachary wheezed, jogging towards me. 

"Let's get out of here," l huffed with hurried steps even though I couldn't discern any danger or any extra footsteps except that of mine and my Beta in the alleyway. But l needed to get out of here before 'The Sinful Gang' arrived on my tail again. I scrambled hastily and hopped into my Bentley Bentayga V8 with Zachary getting into the driver's seat immediately. 

There are rogue wolves who came together to form an organisation and they have grown rapidly powerful over the years. Right now they are even growing more unstoppable, l glimpse at the room upstairs before l could focus on my thoughts. 

He will wake up soon. 

I'm sure l didn't hit him hard, humans are just fragile and unsubstantial. I shouldn't worry about him and reward him later. 

"Report everything that went wrong this minute, Zach. And don't keep anything out." 

" The Sinful Gang and The Half Moon Pack clashed over the mining contract, including the cocaine Cargo and Wolf-bane powder you were shipping today," Zach explained. 

"No doubt, my father did it," l puffed, my fingers fidgeting manually but l shook it off. 

"l don't think the Alpha would do something like that, knowing that you might get killed. You are his only son and heir." 

"Shut up, Zach. No one knew l was shipping the Cargo today, four trucks have gone missing! Do you know how l barely survived? I moved those Cargo in advance for a reason. I overheard my father planning to sell those goods to the Moon Mercenaries who are gathering weapons, money, and power to go against our Pack. He is easily blind-fooled, I'm nothing like him and I'm going to rule this Pack the way l want it." 

"l understand your allegations but you don't have any evidence to stand up to him, Alpha and it is believable since the only route back to the Central is the Dense short-cut, the very forest that the Sinful Gangs are nesting. It is easy for them to trap you and capture you." 

I fisted my hand in a ball and punched the seat in front of me. I can't believe l walked into a trap with my eyes open and once again l have led so many to meet their demise. Of all those Betas and Deltas that fought to protect me earlier none of them caught up with me. 

The Sinful Gangs are not merciful and it is not surprising, l will surely get back to them on their own game. Right now l have to return to the Packhouse and make sure the hideout and warehouse are under extreme control. 

"Did you hide in the alleyway for a long time? Whose phone did you use in communicating with us? Is he or she one of our kind?" 

"Shut up and just drive." l hollered annoyingly, not wanting to think back about that person. He is a human who has no business with someone like me or would believe in the existence of Werewolves. 

"Was it a human? Did you kill…?" 

"He is just a college kid, he happened to walk by the alleyway when l was hiding. He is ignorant of his surroundings and not observant for a human being, he's a total whim, and the Moon Goddess so help me he could have gotten shot for sure if not for me." 

"He saved your life, Dylan." 

"And l saved him in return," l chuckled. "The Sinful Gang are intelligent wolves. They immediately picked up on his soft scent and went after him, probably to devour him for fun. This means he directly brought them back to my track, l ran out of silver bullets after killing two of them. Thankfully l was able to escape and distract them. I decided to hide in his room since the apartment is made up of different rooms and they won't be able to find me easily. Keep this between us." 

"Yes, Alpha." 

"There is nothing special about him except that he looked malnourished, in a tiny dirty house, he is literally living like a pig and l don't want to ever mention such a person again." 

"Yes, Alpha." 

"Drop me at the Packhouse, regroup with the remaining at the hideout, and wait for my order. We will go after the Sinful Gang and wipe them out as a warning to the other gangs, l will answer to my father later." 

"This is risky, Alpha. If you continue like this your father might cast you out of the Pack. He hates it more if you disobey him." 

"I'm a 25 year old man. Do l have to listen to everything he says? Do you answer to me or my Father?" 

"You know you are my best friend, Dylan, and l will support you but safety first. You are being irrational." 

"We fight until dawn, Zach," l grunted dismissively. 

I flinched curiously as something vibrated in my pocket, l pulled it out, and it was that fellow mobile phone. I turned down the windshield to throw it away, but the screen brightened and l glared deeply into a trance at his wallpaper. 

It was him! 

A selfie of him pouting tenderly, his green-coloured eyes sparkling like the night sky heaped with different stars. I immediately let out a laboured breath and tossed the phone on the seat. 

I ignored Zach's stares through the rear mirror, coupled with the unknown emotions creeping into my loins.