
The Rogue Alpha 1

An inseparable bond that clicked as strangers. Alpha Dylan is a very difficult and horrible terrifying man with barely any humour left in his senses. Caught up in a gang fight that almost ended his life, but was able to save himself at the last minute with the help of Eden who didn't have any choice but to do as he was told. A bright and clumsy human who is in no way one to be in the same spotlight as Alpha Dylan Merlot. As fate would twist and turn, Dylan began to feel something more than hate toward Eden and make his life unbearable. But this will be a turn of fate for Eden as his heart would want nothing else but Dylan even though he is a different breed and would be cast out of his kind. An innocent and pure heart like Eden's will light the dark path of Alpha Dylan, although neglected and tossed away. But can they ever find peace and bloom their inseparable love bond?

Moon_Lame · LGBT+
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9 Chs

Chapter 1-  A gun to my head. 

Eden Pov. 

     [City Colima] 

"That will be 68 Dollars." The nice caramel hair coloured girl over the counter said, smiling brightly. I nodded gladly and dipped my hands in the pocket of my pyjamas, got my wallet, and paid for my medications. 

I rubbed my stomach soothingly making my way out of the pharmacy store, l don't know why l suddenly had a stomach ache by this time of the night but thankfully l got something to tune it down. I have been studying aimlessly and working with not enough time to eat. 

I will survive this struggle and become a better person, take care of my younger sister, and make sure l send her to college. Buy a house for my mother so she doesn't have to work hard anymore since my father left us to find his path. Our lives went from elite to gravely poor. 

I let out a sigh, veering into the next block with my hands deep in my pocket. I hurried on my steps to get home since the store was just a few blocks away from my apartment. The night sky glimmered with showered starry stars, and they were barely cars passing by. It felt eerie and tense. 

Finally, I got into the alleyway and strolled up the stairs when l instantly fell to the ground when l heard gunshots. I held both sides of my head freaking out at what might be happening, l glanced around the stairs and realised that l was safe. Maybe it didn't come from the building. 

I let out a laboured breath and nervously jingled out my keys from the pocket to open my door lazily, sweating from my palms wondering if they were robbing in the neighbourhood. 

Then l'm not safe! Not like l have anything they could steal nor do l have money. 

I pushed the door at the crack and stepped forward when l heard a click on the back of my head. I froze at my feet, lifting my hands in the air. 

"Get in and don't make any noise. I won't hurt you." 

I sucked in my breath, holding in enough air as l could, stopping myself from screaming or disobeying my captor. I will probably be dead even before l attempt to fight back. 

"What are you waiting for? Get in!" 

"Yes," I murmured, keeping my hand in the air as l stepped into my room accordingly. I immediately closed my eyes as l heard the door shut and locked  behind me. I didn't dare turn around even though l heard the gun retreat from my head. 

"Don't worry, l won't hurt you. I'm being pursued by some really bad men, l will leave before dawn." He said nonchalantly, his boisterous voice slightly calm and heinous at the same time. I held my breath as he walked past me searching my house and scanning outside the windows thoroughly. 

My legs were glued to the ground with no iota of strength to take a step or reason the turn out of the occasion. How did l go from studying? Getting medicines for myself and having a total stranger in my house? 

My fingers began fidgeting as l saw some droplets of blood on the tiled floor. 

Whose blood is that? Is he injured? 

"There is blood on the ground," l huffed, looking everywhere except his face. 

"l got shot, it will heal soon, don't worry and do your thing. Ignore my presence for some hours." He enunciated. I curiously brought my face up to meet him, to understand what he meant by he will heal soon yet l immediately flung my face away as his white shirt was battered in blood and the short gun in his hand ready to shoot at any time. 

"l don't understand… " 

I held my scream in with my eyes wide open when he covered my mouth with his palm pulling me close to himself as numerous footsteps hurried rapidly outside my door. 

"Don't say a word," He whispered, his hot breath fanning my ears. I mumbled, thrashed, shaking to get away from him but his strong arm straddling me didn't flinch an inch. 

He instantly pushed me away as the footsteps tapered off and diminished in a distance. 

"I won't repeat myself again, I'm not going to hurt you or cause you trouble. I will leave soon, " He reckoned. I couldn't help but bring my gaze to finally meet his face, l intentionally gasped. 

My mouth hinged politely at his dominating grey-coloured orbs, his thick black hair almost curly damping on both sides of his face with his long fringes curtaining his entire forehead and eyebrows. I swallowed the lump in my throat dryly at how elegant his sharp jaw was and his faded pink lips that had blood blisters on them. My head lowered uncontrollably to his sturdy chest and racked broad shoulders, his sturdy chest puffed through his almost buttonless shirt. The long sleeves already pulled to his arms leaving his bare skin which had blood glistening on them. 

"Are you going to stand there and stare at me all night?" 

"l don't want problems… How will l know you won't hurt me when you are still pointing the gun at me," l beamed nervously, rubbing my sweaty hands on my trousers. 

"Fine," He retorted, putting away the gun. 

"l don't like seeing blood either. Do you mind changing your clothes? I don't have clothes that would size you but my Pyjamas would fit," l muttered regretting immediately. That would mean l accepted a stranger to take shelter in my house. 

What if he is a lawbreaker? An assassin, An arm robber, or anything worse! 

I sound like a pervert asking him to change his clothes! What did l do that for? I stood quietly, biting my lips nervously as he eyed me as if he was considering me. 

"Where is the bathroom?" He inquired and l pointed in the direction feeling delighted that he will be out of my sight. I will call the Police immediately and run away from here. 

"Don't bother, l don't trust you." He hollered and walked away, leaning and keeping watch outside the window. 

I finally found the strength to move my feet, l sat on the sofa in my little living room and resumed studying, glaring at my laptop yet taking a peek at the handsome stranger. I totally ignored my medication even though my stomach began churning again, l was too nervous to concentrate. 

What if l get arrested tomorrow for harboring a higher criminal? 

Did l just commit a grave mistake of my life? 

But what can someone like him commit? 

"Um.. What is your name? Why are those people coming after you?" l purred boldly, balling my fist to hide my nerves. 

"Why should l tell you my name? Is better to not get involved with someone like me." 

"You are in my house, at least let me know you… You pointed a gun at me and…" 

"My name is Dylan. Happy?"