
Chapter 42: Aeolus' strongest opponent

The Roamer

Chapter 42: Aeolus' strongest opponent

Aeolus woke up from his sleep, and began preparing for the same invasion today. However, while he was at a city, while of course wearing a mask, he realized something. That the king had something died, and Lexor had taken the throne. It was a rumor that was circulating around, and Aeolus couldn't believe it.

'... Did gramps really die just 'cause of his balls falling off?' Aeolus couldn't understand the situation, but realized that things were now easier for him. All he had to do was kill Lexor, who was much weaker than the previous king, and Pangaea would be thrown into more disorder than it already is in.

"I'll meet with Lexor after we begin the invasions today and I arrive at the kings location." Aeolus said to himself, and left the city. He began sending out his undead, in the same groups as before, towards the cities, the only difference being that he was going to directly head to the castle in the capital.

"Sir, the same invasion as yesterday is taking place!"

"What do you mean?!"

"Exactly what I sa-!"


Aeolus could sense it, the bloodlust of his undead, who wanted to please him, their master. He could hear all the screams coming from his undead's side, and simply smiled to himself. Even if he failed, Pangaea was thrown into discord, and was bound to fall sooner or later. Besides, even if he didn't attack, with a young man like Lexor as king, surely he couldn't handle such a nation well?


"Young master Lexor, the same enemy as before has begun invading." one of the pillars of Pangaea notified Lexor, who was currently sitting on the throne. To this statement, Lexor showed the dimples on his face, and stood up. He descended from the throne, and soared into the sky.

'Aeolus… where are you?' Lexor wondered, and the answer came immediately. He could sense an aura, no, multiple auras coming from multiple locations within Pangaea. Lexor realized them as Aeolus' undead, but couldn't find Aeolus himself until a little bit later.

"What is this…" Lexor was horrified by the aura Aeolus was radiating. He had detected Aeolus' aura miles and miles away, but it was blazingly strong. He was beginning to feel pressure from the aura, but that wasn't the issue. It was the emotions being radiated through the aura, the ones that Lexor could sense.

There was no other word besides hatred to describe it.

Pure hatred, that was all that was leaking out of Aeolus right now. Lexor was beginning to sweat, knowing that he was the target of this aura. However, he immediately calmed himself down by smiling like a demon once again, trying to convince himself that he was above all this.

"My liege, I don't recommend confronting the enemy itself. We don't know who it is, and how powerful they are. However, just from the aura that I'm sensing, and you're probably sensing, this isn't an easy enemy." The same man who had notified Aeolus of the invasion beginning said, and stood up.

Lexor turned around, and simply stared at him. In his eyes was one of the pillars of Pangaea, a nation that had its history begin around a thousand years ago. This pillar of Pangaea carried the blood of the first king of Pangaea, the one who brought ruin to the old nation that occupied this land before Pangaea.

The blood was blue, and did not seem human. This man surpassed all powers within Pangaea, reigning above even the previous king himself.

He was Akill, the one referenced to as the god of wisdom within Pangaea. If you were to ask him a question, he probably had an answer to it. If you were to ask him to a duel, he would wipe the floor with you. If you were to compete with him in anyway possible, victory was simply removed from the table when it came to the opponent.

"Instead, leave it to me to bring down this threat if he is to come here, I won't fail you like I did the last king." Akill continued on, trying to convince Lexor to stay. In reality, when the last king had died, he wasn't even in Pangaea. The previous king had sent Akill to be an ambassador in another nation at the time, which didn't turn out so well when the king himself died.

Akill planned on finishing the mission even with the kings death, in honor of him. However, Lexor summoned him back, and now that he was the king, Akill had no choice but to listen. In reality, he didn't want Lexor as king, at least at not such a young age. If only he could gather more wisdom and power before becoming king, he would be able to govern this nation well.

However, Akill could see it coming, no, sense it coming. The end of this nation all because of one decision Lexor would do in the future. However, this was only his sense, and not confirmed. For now, he would obediently guide Lexor in gaining wisdom, and protect him.

Right now, it was the time to protect Lexor. As the suffocating aura of pure hatred was literally around ten feet above them.

--- sequence 2 ---

Right below Aeolus, who was about to break into the castle, an aura that made him feel like he was dancing with death came out of nowhere. Aeolus immediately backed up, and was beginning to reconsider. However, he didn't get the time to make a decision.


A fist came at his face, and sent him flying miles and miles away. Aeolus landed in a forest, and was having a bit of a nose bleed. However, other then that, he was fine. He began standing up, but didn't have the opportunity to fully stand. A person was standing in front of him, one that he had never seen before.

However, one thing was for sure.

This man was on the side of Pangaea, and was even stronger then the previous king himself. Or at least, his aura said so.

"Stand up fully, I want to see the power that took the king down." the man said, and Aeolus didn't know what he was going on about.

'I really did just help him drop his balls a little!' Aeolus thought to himself, and began backing up even more. However, it was as if he was dancing on a gods palm. The ground below him caved in, and the man standing in front of him also fell. However, he still had a calm face, as if he was expecting this.

"I don't need a godly affinity to beat you or Lexor. Just the affinity of earth is more than enough if you put enough practice in." the man said, and Aeolus realized what this man meant. He was the cause of this, and experience would defeat power in the end.

"However, I refuse to give up!" Aeolus replied back, and pierced the man with string through one of his lungs. However, it looked like the man didn't care. In fact, he stared directly at Aeolus, with a light smile on his face. He took ahold of the string, and yanked it out. However, the next thing he did was gruesome.

He made a fist, and punched himself with it. His fist went deep into his torso, and came back out with what seemed to be his lung. He simply held it with both hands, and after holding it for a few seconds, began putting it back into himself, in seemingly perfect condition. He then used Aeolus' string that he had taken ahold of to sew himself shut.

"That, is the power of experience." The man explained, and Aeolus realized what was going on.

He was facing the most powerful opponent that he had ever faced, that was what's going on.



1: Who remembers when I used to do these in earlier chapters? XD

2: The final section of this chapter all happened in a few seconds while falling, so don't think they were just floating there for a few minutes.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D