
Chapter 41: Fate of Pangaea

The Roamer

Chapter 41: Fate of Pangaea

"Get out of the way, Lexor!" Aeolus yelled, and shot himself into the air. If he didn't get away now, and let Lexor stall for time, then all the other commanders would arrive at their location soon, boning him to death. Aeolus wasn't dumb, and realized he had to find a way out of this.

However, Lexor wasn't slow either.

"Come on, aren't we friends?" Lexor asked, while throwing an arm towards Aeolus, which Aeolus avoided. He then used his wind affinity to its maximum potential, and boosted out of there. Lexor had a look of disappointment on his face, but he knew that he couldn't keep up with a person who cultivated the affinity of wind, when he didn't.

He turned around, and began flying towards his father. Usually, a son would run towards his father and be with him in his last moments, but this wasn't in Lexor's mind at all.

'Father is still alive.' Kept repeating in his mind, so much that it annoyed him. He tried to swat away the thought, and it worked somewhat. He finally arrived at where his father was lying, crawling in pain. Lexor got down on his knees, right over his father.

"Son… ahhhh." the king went, while Lexor simply had a frown on his face. He ran his hands over his father's face, while tearing up a little. The king was happy that his son actually cared about him, but he couldn't quite express it in a situation like this, where he couldn't have kids anymore due to a certain brat.

"I'm sorry, father." Lexor said, and did something that nobody expected. He gripped his father by the neck, and began choking him out. The king struggled to escape, not understanding what was going on. However, Lexor lifted his father into the sky, and ripped his head off.

"Sorry father, but you've gone and become senile." Lexor said, and dropped the king's body on the ground. He sensed that the commanders and their armies were coming, and he steeled himself to put up an act.

After two minutes, most of the commanders had arrived. When they saw the king on the ground, a lot of them vomited. Though, the majority of them were crying. Then there was Sasha, who was swearing Revenge on whoever did this. Lexor, however, simply stared at his father's body, with dead eyes.

"Young master…" Sasha began, and so did many others. Many of them took it as the young master being devastated, which was exactly how Lexor wanted it to look like. In his mind, he was giggling like a devil. He then prepared his angry voice, prepared to make his next move.

"Now that father is gone, I'll be ascending to the throne. The first thing Pangaea will do while I'm king is to hunt down that damned brat, who would dare to do this to my father!" Lexor yelled, and the commanders stood there solemnly. Lexor realized he had the right effect, and stopped talking at that point.

His plans were set in motion, and now he was the one who controlled everything from the shadows.

He was the king of Pangaea.

--- sequence 2 ---

Aeolus was out of breath, but was happy on the inside. He had finally done it, he had struck at Pangaea, and landed a huge hit. He messed up many armies of many cities, and also got in a strike to the king that would follow him forever. Actually, no, it fell on the ground, so it wouldn't follow him.

"I've achieved good results so far, give it a few more weeks and Pangaea will fall." Aeolus continued to instill courage into himself, continuing to prepare to make the next move.

According to his plan, his next move would be one of the most important in the plan. Essentially, if the king were to be gravely injured instead of dying, denying him the glory of conquering Pangaea, he would continuously do the same thing everyday until the king fell.

The biggest things required for this plan was undead, and he had that. His undead could infinitely regenerate until he himself died, and that situation wasn't likely to happen. He could keep sending out undead to invade cities, while he himself would continue to invade the king. With this strategy, he was guaranteed to pull through.

Using this plan, even if all the commanders and their armies were to stay and protect the king, all the other cities would fall. If none of the commanders and armies came, but instead decided to protect their cities, the king would fall.

'No matter what happens, they've been checkmated.' Aeolus was laughing with a whisper, a quiet laugh if you will. This plan was perfect, or at least it seemed perfect for now. Even if Pangaea tried to somehow find him and beat him, he would just use all of his undead, and all the commanders would drop dead, leaving no defense at all for Pangaea.

"No matter what, just don't go over your head and ruin the plan…" Aeolus muttered to himself, trying to tell his heart and mind not to go overboard and bring the plan to ruins. It was perfect, and ruining it was the equivalent of spending millions of dollars on nothing.

Just like that, Aeolus began preparing for tomorrow, where he would invade tomorrow. However, he also had another special thing to do today.

'I'm going to try and take it a step further with mantra.' Aeolus thought to himself, and took out Kline. When the undead were at one hundred percent, they had power equivalent to himself. However, that was just power. Since they all had the power of mantra, but didn't have mantra itself, what would happen if he were to infuse it into them?

'At worse, nothing will happen. Even if Kline were to die, he'd just regenerate in my mid-layer.' Aeolus tried comforting himself, preparing to try and infuse mantra onto Kline. In reality, he could infuse the mantra into another undead and not risk Kline, but he trusted Kline deeply, and believed in his power.

In his own way, this was showing his thanks to Kline.

"Alright Kline, let's get this over with." Aeolus extended his hand outwards, and put it on Kline's forehead. Kline, as expected, didn't do anything, and just stood there obediently.

Aeolus simply smiled, happy at how loyal his army was. Even if they were undead, they were still his comrades in battle, and also an army. And their numbers would constantly expand, so there was always more to look forwards to. For that reason, Aeolus was always happy when he was around them, as he knew that he was the one who had amassed a squad of powerhouses.

Aeolus began sending spirit infused with mantra into Kline, just to test things out. Things turned out well, and Kline began powering up. Since he was already at one hundred percent thanks to stalling for time in Aeolus' plan, something Aeolus didn't think possible happened. Kline began surpassing himself in power, knowledge, and experience somehow.

"...This is a success!"

Aeolus was pleased with the results, and patted himself on the shoulder. Kline simply followed suit, and patted himself on the shoulder as well. Just like that, Aeolus finished infusing Kline with mantra, and was happy with himself. He continued doing the same thing for all of his undead for about an hour or two, until he was done.

Just like that, all of his undead either reached really close to his level, were at his level, or above him. The two who were the strongest were Dasline and Kline, who both surpassed him in power. He was beginning to think of them as the commanders of his army, ones that would continuously be strong.

However, Aeolus realized something extremely exciting.

"Once I hit the final layer… won't they surpass it?" Aeolus thought to himself, beginning to understand the circumstances. However, he couldn't test it out for now, as reaching the final layer was something that was still far, far off for him. Besides, he still didn't know how far his layers could go in power, so he might not even reach the final layer in terms of power if worse comes to worse.

Aeolus simply chuckled, and continued dreaming of the future. However, he snapped himself out of it, and began sleeping, preparing for the upcoming days of constantly raiding Pangaea.

With Aeolus powering up his undead, and Lexor taking over Pangaea, both of them were satisfied with themselves.

However, only one of them would be able to leave the upcoming battles alive.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

Sorry about yesterday and the upcoming days, but as I said in the note, I will still be uploading on other days such as these, so enjoy!

Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts