
Chapter 43: Captured

The Roamer

Chapter 43: Tearing regrets

'I can't survive against him, I need to escape.' Aeolus was thinking about how to escape such a situation, he simply couldn't survive against this person. No matter how much undead he pulled out, no matter how much string he used, no matter what he did.

It would all end in failure.

"Come now, you can't possibly be thinking of escape can you?" Akill teased Aeolus, and Aeolus ignored him.

However, he couldn't ignore the next move that Akill pulled.

Akill lured Aeolus in towards himself somehow, just by flicking his hand. Before Aeolus even had time to react, Akill smashed his face in with another fist, and Aeolus got sent flying down way faster.


Aeolus hit the ground way at the bottom, and a huge cloud of dust rose up.

'It's so hard to breathe in…'

Aeolus kept trying to breath, but he just couldn't. Akill messed him up terribly with this punch, and things were going south real quick.

However, things wouldn't end as easily as that.

"Right now, we're in the underground cavern. However, don't think this is as low as we can go." Akill told Aeolus, and to Aeolus' dismay, the ground below him caved in again, both of them beginning to fall again.

However, below them was not ground, but a bright orange substance that Aeolus had learned about through books and conversations.

'Magma!' Aeolus realized what he was about to fall into, and set up some string. It captured him, and he was stuck floating in the air.

Aeolus sighed, but it seemed like he forgot the big threat right above him.

"I'll repeat this again, you can't possibly be thinking of escape now, right?" Akill said, with a smile on his face. Aeolus had the exact opposite of a smile on his face, but he couldn't express it for much longer.


Akill punched Aeolus in the face once more, and this time, his face thoroughly caved in on itself. He was sent down into the magma, and began burning.

'How is he so powerful, breaking the sound barrier with every punch of his…' Aeolus was beginning to understand the depths of Akill's power, and was thoroughly giving up on fighting him.

No matter what, he simply had to escape. However, it seemed as if he wouldn't need to figure out a way himself, as some assistance had come by.

"Stop right there, Akill."

A brat that Aeolus knew all too well had appeared in front of him, and Aeolus couldn't believe it.

It was Lexor, in all his glory. He was simply staring down at Aeolus, while ordering Akill to stop attacking him.

For once, Aeolus actually felt thankful to Lexor for doing something that he appreciated.

"But why, young master?" Akill asked, confused by the situation. It wasn't his fault either, the young master never explained anything. If he wanted something, he wouldn't explain why, which was extremely annoying to Akill.

"Simple, I want to understand the depths of his power and motives." Lexor replied, a calm look descending on his face. He knew that he was in control, that Aeolus had no power over him, or more specifically, Akill.

"...Yes, master." by the end of it, Akill accepted Lexor's order, and took Aeolus out of the magma. On the inside, Aeolus was extremely happy, but on the outside, his body was charred and damaged to a point so unbelievable that it would be amazing if he could continue on.

However, it was Aeolus after all, so he wouldn't drop dead that easily.

After flying for a bit, the group arrived at the castle of Pangaea. They went inside, and to the top floor. Aeolus barely had energy, but it was enough to open his eyes.

What he saw was devastating, something that child should not see.

--- sequence 2 ---

'... What is this?!'

Aeolus was in dismay at this scene, as the horrendousness of it was unparalleled.

There were bodies hanging from the ceiling, slowly bleeding out. Some of them actually weren't bodies, but alive.

"Mommy… help me…" a little girl hanging begged to another thing hanging to her left, but Aeolus lost even more hope. The thing that was supposed to be her 'mommy', was already just a body with no spirit.

"...Why? Why do all of this?" Aeolus asked, wanting to understand the foundations for all of this. Just what was needed, required, or wanted to do such a horrendous act?

"Quite simple, we are researching how the human body works here in Pangaea. We want to figure out a way to use the human body even more than we already do, and power ourselves up more. All these people? Just experiments into what we're trying to find an answer to." Lexor explained for quite a bit, but Aeolus was pissed.

Aeolus put all of his energy into attacking the soul of Lexor with his spirit arm, but his little bodyguard called Akill easily stopped the attempt.

"Attempting to hurt my master will not be allowed, scum." Akill said, and Aeolus remembered just who it was defending Lexor. Someone who he had absolutely no chance against, not even in perfect condition.


Akill sliced off Aeolus' spirit arm by infusing his hand with spirit, and all the spirit that made the spirit arm went back into Aeolus, while Aeolus himself was in deep pain.

Even if it was just an arm made of spirit, it still felt like the real thing, and it actually was painful when it got cut off. Thankfully though, it was just a spirit arm in the end, so he could regenerate it in about half an hour.

However, the same couldn' t be said for Aeolus' mood. It was definitely foul, but he wasn't giving up just yet. If even he gives up, then who else stood a chance at saving Pangaea, who was actually on his side?

Nobody, that's the answer. Aeolus knew that, so he would not give up until it was entirely impossible to fight, until every single limb fell off, until he lost everything.

Since that moment had still not arrived, he still had the will to fight.



Name: Abdul Kareem

Age: 13 (Almost 14)

Occupation: Middle school

Goal: Idk, I'm just making a novel for now

Location: Why would I say that?

Relations: I'm not married (duh)

Favorite food: da asian stuf!

Anyway, on a more serious tone, this is my first novel I've ever tried writing. Thanks for being with me on this first experience! If you could also somehow get others to read this novel too, I would be pretty grateful! :D

Back to daily uploads we will go!

But, I have a single question. In this chapter, I tried a different format from other chapters.

In other chapters, I would use paragraphs a lot, but in this chapter, I broke it into little pieces, with barely any paragraphs.

So basically, what format do you people prefer?

Do you want the old format, or the format of this chapter to be the format I use for future chapters? Just leave a comment for me to know.


Glypsumdukecreators' thoughts