

A god Arteria created a Planet named Artecha, and placed four islands. Arteria took four pieces from his body to have four gods every one island. **** There is a god who does not obey the rule, and one of the brothers killed the two brothers to take revenge and there were two brothers left and they became rivals.

RedxNee · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 4: The execution of the Brakon


The dragon, a powerful and dangerous creature, had been kept under control for centuries until an unfortunate accident during the twins' training of the elemental fist caused it to be unleashed. The twins, through their inexperience, were unable to contain the dragon, and now its rampage poses a threat to their lives and the lives of others.

After the fathers brought their sons home, they went to the Tree of Life, a sacred place that held immense power and wisdom. They knew that the dragon their children had released posed a grave threat to not only their lives but also the very existence of the Tree of Life. The Dragon, with its destructive powers, had the potential to consume all life in its path and drain the energy of the Tree of Life, causing irreversible damage to the balance of the world. Realizing the gravity of the situation, Mirem was the first to speak, urging them to set aside their fight and focus on defeating the dragon. 

"Let's ignore our fight for now,"

 Mirem said urgently. 

"We need to kill the dragon to protect our children, citizens of the Artecha, and safeguard the Tree of Life." 

Graddho agreed.

The plan Mirem came up with was to use all their energy to create a super-elemental explosion and combine it, and Graddho agreed. Later, they went to the university of Artecha, where the dragon was summoned. Mirem and Graddho stood side by side, their bodies trembling with anticipation as they focused all their energy on creating a super-elemental explosion. The air crackled with electricity, and the ground beneath them trembled. The beam took shape, growing brighter and more powerful with each passing moment. They could feel the immense power coursing through their veins as they channeled it into the beam. With a resounding cry, they unleashed their creation, shouting

 "Super elemental explosion!"

 The explosion shot forward, illuminating the night sky and leaving a trail of light in its wake. It collided with the dragon, causing the creature to stagger and roar in pain. Seizing the opportunity, Graddho drew the cursed sword and plunged it into the heart of the dragon. As the sword pierced the dragon's flesh, a blinding light erupted from its body. When the light faded, the dragon's physical form vanished, leaving behind only its massive bone, a symbol of the hard-fought victory of the two gods of Artecha.

The people clapped for joy, and the people said,


 The two gods were touched by what the people said, and the two gods hugged as they flew. They went down to rest because they knew they were both tired when they came down. People went to them, and they jumped for joy and clapped.

In the ancient land of Artecha, a great mission was underway to save an entire people from impending doom. Two powerful gods joined forces for the first time to complete this mission. The people of Artecha were filled with hope and anticipation as they awaited the outcome.

After the intense battle with Brakon, a powerful enemy that threatened their land, the bone became a symbol of victory for the two gods. It represented their triumph over adversity and the restoration of peace and harmony in the land. The bone was a tangible reminder of their strength and unity, and it served as a source of inspiration for the people who had settled in the area, and the two brothers greeted each other and helped each other. Crimson and Trixan became best friends again, and they took care of their children so that this thing would not happen again.

Graddho is a character who is ready to confess to stealing his son, Criston.

 "Mirem, I know you will be angry with me if I tell you this. It is to lead your son."

 He contacts his brother, Mirem, and expresses his concern about leading his son. Mirem, upon hearing this, becomes angry and upset. 

"Why did you do that?! You know this is the dream of having twin children. Me and my wife did not sleep for several days because of thinking about what happened to our son Criston."

 It is revealed that Mirem and his wife had been dreaming of having twin children, and the disappearance of Criston has caused them a great deal of distress. Mirem's anger towards Graddho is so intense that she kicks him out of Naekra, and in her rage, she divides the artecha into two parts by placing a barrier in the middle. This action surprises the people, who view Mirem as a godlike figure.

Mirem became strict with everything. Some people were afraid because Mirem became angry. Jelieah tried to talk to Mirem and said, 

"Mirem, why do you seem so angry? Is there a problem?"

 and Mirem said, 

"I'm sorry, love."

 Jelieah was surprised and blushed because it was the first time she was called like this, and Mirem continued why she was so angry: 

"Love, I'm sorry if I'm always angry on the days that come. I know when I say this, you will be angry and cry.. and this is."

 After Mirem apologized to Jelieah for her anger, there was a sudden knock at the door. Mirem had to interrupt their conversation to attend to the guest. Its guest is Graddho. Mirem is furious and wonders who entered Graddho, 

and Kreo raised his hand and said, 

"I let him in because what he has to say is important. Forgive me, Master God Mirem.Mirem is suppressing her anger because she explained. who turned out to be Graddho. Mirem, still suppressing her anger, allowed Graddho to enter and explain the reason for his visit. Graddho then revealed that a strong storm was approaching, which would lead to a worldwide deluge.

Graddho said that he saw a letter under the Tree of Life, and what was written on it was

 "Four Dragons will destroy the Artecha Area, and they are Light Dragon, Brakon Dragon, Xyievier Dragon, and Viexlie, and the Xyievier Dragon will appear today with the arrival of a strong storm; it will be called the Storm Dragon." 

Everyone was worried and scared, and others panicked in fear. and Mirem said, 

"Don't worry, I will find a way to save you!" 

and Graddho said,

 "I will help,"

 and Mirem said, 


 and he entered the palace. Graddho did nothing but help without Mirem's permission...

The sky is starting to rain, it's getting dark, and lots of thunder is coming. Mirem and Graddho are drawing energy from the top of their palaces, unaware that they are drawing energy at the same time.

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