

A god Arteria created a Planet named Artecha, and placed four islands. Arteria took four pieces from his body to have four gods every one island. **** There is a god who does not obey the rule, and one of the brothers killed the two brothers to take revenge and there were two brothers left and they became rivals.

RedxNee · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 3:The truth


26 Years ago

In the vast universe, Arteria is in the process of forming the planet Artecha. However, this effort is not without challenges. Arteria's biggest enemy was Louphy, she remembered about what happend to them.

Arteria's Story

 Despite starting as childhood friends, their relationship underwent a significant change due to a particular event. This event takes place during a school contest, where Professor Hung plays a crucial role as their teacher or the one who will teach them 

Professor Hung says "Hello everyone I know there is one reason why you are here and this is to be one of the guardians of the universe and you are at the right age to take care of this universe. Are you ready to become a guardian of the universe!? So in this training program, you will learn the skills and knowledge needed to protect our universe, Stelork. Get ready for an exciting journey as we delve into the mysteries of the cosmos and prepare for the challenges ahead."

The training has begun

Professor said,

 "The first training we will do is recharge the energy it will help create the next power we'll do... I'll show it how it will do it."

 Hung showed how to do it, it was done by the students. The students were shocked because of the strength and they came from Arteria and Louphy because Professor Hung showed it was blue but the two students showed that they were Arteria & Louphy were light and dark. Hung stopped the two kids because Hung thought it was delicate and stopped training first and Hung stated. 

"Hello students, there is a clean rooms here, in one room two students will share."

 therefore as delicate as the two students he put together in one room for whatever happens no harm. After a few minutes, the bell rang as a reminder that they needed to sleep.

Tomorrow, the bell rings again and suddenly there are words here 

"Hello student good morning! you need to wake up to be ready for the next training and good luck!"

 The students came, 

"Good morning!, aw why do you guys look so lazy and tired? Do you want to continue this tomorrow?"

 Hung said, the students said yes and they clapped but...


 and said "Clear?" calmly.

 the students were surprised and scared, and the rest of them muttered

 "Professor is scary, I thought he was a green flag. CHAR"

 The other student said

 "Crazy HAHA" 

Later Hung saw them laughing and threw a little stone immediately. The two students apologized

 "Sorry Professor Hung..."

" Ok everyone, today's training is to fly.. how? what we will do is we need to do a recharging energy and touch the floor and wait for your hands to light up when it lights up jump slowly."

 the students did this but Arteria and Louphy suddenly flew away without doing the things that Hung said. The students were surprised even Hung was surprised. Because of Hung's concern, he stopped the two and said

 "Come with me."

 and told the students 

"Keep it up We're going somewhere"

 and the student nodded. They went to the leader of the Planet. They were there and the leader of the planet knew the reason why the leader fired Hung the two students said

 "Pr-Professor Hung...? Why do you leave us here what is this?"

 Hung ignored the two and left. The leader said... 

"I know you do not know why you are here. You are here because you have powerful powers that you do not know. This could be the cause of the destruction of the world"

 Louphy and Arteria were shocked. The ruler has dismissed them

many trainings happened or took place and many were also disqualified due to doing something wrong or losing.

The training of the students has finished and Professor Hung will announce the two winners. This training, which was designed to test their skills and abilities, is a crucial step in selecting the guardians of the universe. The guardians of the universe are responsible for protecting the balance and harmony of all living beings across the galaxies. They are entrusted with the immense power and knowledge to safeguard against threats and maintain peace and order in the universe.

 "I know everyone is looking forward to this and I just want to say whoever wins, don't change your habits, and the two winners today are them. .. ARTERIA AND LOUPHY!"

 Everyone applauded, The winners of the training will now embark on a journey of great responsibility and honor, as they join the ranks of the legendary guardians of the universe.

 What the two didn't know was that they would fight and whoever won would be one of the guardians of the universe. Before they found out about the fight, the two characters had spent years training and honing their skills in order to become powerful guardians of the universe. They had both experienced personal tragedies in their lives that motivated them to protect others and prevent similar tragedies from happening. When they discovered the opportunity to join in guarding the universe, they were overjoyed because it meant they could use their abilities and power to make a difference and protect those who couldn't protect themselves.

The ruler of Stelork summoned two individuals to his palace and informed them that they would have to fight for the position of the guardian of the universe. The two characters, Louphy and Arteria, were surprised by this announcement and expressed their concerns. The ruler explained that although both of them would win the fight, only one could become the guardian. This caused the two characters to cry, as they were saddened by the fact that one of them would have to fulfill this role. The ruler tried to console them by reminding them that many people dream of becoming the guardians of the universe. In their internal thoughts, Louphy became determined to win the fight, believing that Arteria was a coward. Arteria, on the other hand, had second thoughts about the fight and the potential for one of them to die.

 The ruler of Stelork summoned two individuals to his palace and informed them that they would have to fight for the position of the guardian of the universe.

 "You two will fight and whoever wins between you will be the guardian of the universe of Stelork.."

The two characters, Louphy and Arteria, were surprised by this announcement and expressed their concerns

 "The fight is not in the discussion said two will win."

 The ruler explained that although both of them would win the fight, only one could become the guardian.

 "two will win but only one can be the guardian of the universe." 

This caused the two characters to cry, as they were saddened by the fact that one of them would have to fulfill this role. The ruler tried to console them by reminding them that many people dream of becoming the guardians of the universe.

 "oh come on, you two are crying, many people have dreams of being the guardians of the universe."

 In their internal thoughts, Louphy became determined to win the fight, believing that Arteria was a coward. 

"Yes, did I really cry? What I need to do is kill Arteria. I know in myself that I will win because Arteria is a coward."

 While Arteria, on the other hand, had second thoughts about the fight and the potential for one of them to die.

The next day

The two went to the arena to fight. they are already here, Professor Hung said 

"I'm sorry if I didn't say this"

 and he immediately left. Louphy did not think twice to rush Arteria and when she rushed Arteria he immediately jumped. Arteria wondered and said in her mind 

"Why did Louphy splash out even though I was just standing here and was so afraid of getting hurt?"

 The crowd was shocked by Louphy's expulsion and they screamed. Louphy was embarrassed and said to herself

 "I can't accept this, I'm embarrassed in front of so many people."

 Louphy immediately teleported behind Arteria and Arteria noticed it and immediately dodged it. The people screamed in shock as Arteria calmed down and fought back. the first thing Arteria did was use a Light beam 

"Lighty Beam!"

 and it immediately expelled Louphy. you can see the wounds on Louphy's body. Louphy immediately thought

 "Why can't I do the same? We have the same power but mine is dark."

 Louphy thought that she was stronger because it was dark, he made it

 "Darklim Beam!"

 It slowly approached Arteria and Arteria used the Light mirror. It only has light and Louphy can't copy it.

 "Lighty Mirror!"

 Louphy's darlim beam just bounced off of him,

Arteria put Louphy to sleep and was very angry. She was going to give him the final execution because he thought Louphy was kind and he thought of killing him. However, before Arteria could deliver the final blow, a surprising revelation is made by the leader of the society. Arteria is revealed to be the guardian of the Universe of Stelork, a position that comes with great responsibility. The crowd, initially fearful for Louphy's life, erupts in joy as they realize that their guardian will do everything in his power to protect them.

 "Don't continue with that because you who is the guardian of the Universe of Stelork."

 The crowd cheered and he smiled and shouted 


 The people shouted for joy.

The goodbye

Arteria was saying goodbye because she was going to leave that Planet using the Teleportation made by the ruler.However, little did she know that Louphy, a mysterious character, woke up and decided to follow her. As Arteria traveled to Stelork, a new planet where she planned to build her world, she couldn't shake off the feeling that someone was following her. Meanwhile, Louphy, who had somehow managed to enter the closed portal, caught up with Arteria. Before losing his breath, Louphy placed a curse on Arteria's newly found planet. This curse involved powerful dragons such as the Light Dragon, Brakon Dragon, Xyievier Dragon, and the most powerful of them all, the Viexlie Dragon.

Louphy wanted revenge on Arteria because he felt humiliated and defeated by her. He could not accept his defeat and said, 

"I will die but I want revenge, I want to die peacefully and happy with a vengeance."

 As a result, he cursed Arteria's planet as a way to enact his revenge and bring her suffering.

 The Light and Dark was actually placed and bequeathed by Arteria to the future twins of some of her children and it was Mirem and Arteria's children did not know that their mother had done such a thing.

So the final question is did the twins summon the Brakon? The answer is yes, they summoned it... We have many more journeys to go ;)

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