

A god Arteria created a Planet named Artecha, and placed four islands. Arteria took four pieces from his body to have four gods every one island. **** There is a god who does not obey the rule, and one of the brothers killed the two brothers to take revenge and there were two brothers left and they became rivals.

RedxNee · Fantasy
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7 Chs

Chapter 5: Xyievier

The Storm

While the people evacuated, Trixan's mother sent a letter to Graddho, Trixan's father, saying, 

"I will agree to help you, but on one condition: return my son."

 As Graddho read the letter, he was having second thoughts. He wondered if returning Trixan would resolve the situation or if it would only anger Trixan further and make matters worse. Later, Graddho was called, and he placed the letter on top of his bed. When Graddho left, Trixan woke up and started looking for his father. Trixan went to his father's room, expecting to find Graddho there. When Trixan entered the room, he saw the letter and immediately read it, feeling surprised.

Trixan was surprised when he heard footsteps. He hurriedly ran, and when he left Graddho's room, his father caught him. Graddho asked, 

"Oh, you're awake. What are you doing in my room?"

 Trixan immediately answered, 

"Uhh, umm, I'm looking for you!"

 Graddho responded, 

"Oh, then why do you seem to be sweating?"

 Trixan responded, 

"I was running because I wanted to tell you something."

 Graddho asked what to say, and Trixan said, 

"I had a dream about Crimson, and the two of us are like brothers and live in the same house. I don't know why I dreamed about him."

 Graddho said, 

"Go back to your room and rest."

 Graddho was worried that Trixan might find out that he had just stolen from him, and he got angry. Graddho made a decision to return Mirem's son after the battle in Xyievier. Graddho can't do anything because Trixan will find out about it.

In the land of Artecha, a peaceful kingdom nestled by the sea, an ominous storm was brewing. As the sky darkened and raindrops started to fall, the people of Artecha felt a growing sense of unease. Suddenly, a mysterious voice echoed through the air, sending shivers down their spines. It said, 

"Are you ready to die?"

 Accompanied by a chilling demonic laugh, the people were frightened and startled by the voice. Little did they know, this voice belonged to Xyievier, a powerful creature who had been dormant for decades. Xyievier emerged from the sea, declaring itself as the most powerful creature in the entire sea and vowing to seek revenge. and it said, 

"I am Xyievier, the most powerful creature in the whole sea. I didn't wake up decades ago. I am here to take revenge."

 The two gods reunited to kill the dragon. What the people of Artecha do not know is that a god studied a spell known as the Fusion of Elements. This spell, said to be one of the most powerful and difficult, involved the fusion of two incredibly powerful individuals.

Mirem and Graddho are two powerful warriors who are fighting against Xyievier, a notorious villain known for his strength in the sea. The citizens of Artecha are being evacuated by guards to protect them from the potential destruction caused by the battle. Mirem addresses the citizens, warning them about the potential consequences of Xyievier's power. Mirem says, 

"Hello, Felo Citizens of Artecha. The ocean may rise because of Xyievier's strength, and he is the strongest in the whole sea."

 Xyievier started destroying areas. Meanwhile, Mirem and Graddho gathered energy in preparation for their confrontation with Xyievier. Later, after Xyievier and Mirem confronted each other, Graddho yelled, 


 This phrase had a powerful effect on the surroundings; the lands and houses shook, and small objects floated in the air, charged with the super-powerful energy of Graddho and Mirem. As the two of them joined together, a strong and bright light emanated from a mysterious person. This fusion marked a significant turning point in the story, as it represented a merging of powers and a heightened level of strength.

Midho is the person when Graddho and Mirem fuse. It's like half earth and half fire, and when these two gods fused, it created a powerful entity known as Midho, the god of lava. A few minutes later, Xyievier, fueled by his desire for dominance, summoned his most powerful attack, the Ocean Barrage. 


 As the dragon released his mighty attack, a massive wall of water surged toward Midho, a skilled warrior known for his agility and strength. Midho, anticipating the attack, swiftly evaded the oncoming deluge. His training had honed his reflexes to the point where he could avoid even the fastest and most powerful attacks. Xyievier, taken aback by Midho's incredible skill, was amazed that even he couldn't match Midho's agility.

the dragon teleports to Midho's back and grabs him with its claws. 


 The dragon circles in the sky before quickly descending to the bottom of the sea. As Midho struggles to breathe, the intense heat of the dragon's body begins to turn the lava within Midho's body into stone. Meanwhile, the dragon's claws become scorched by the extreme heat. Unbeknownst to the dragon, Midho regains consciousness and his eyes light up. With a smile on his face, Midho defiantly declares, 

"You can't kill me because I'm the strong and brave one,"

 even as blood drips from his wounds.

Xyievier said 

"You thought you were the only one huh? I haven't woken up in decades this is my time to take revenge."

 and it laughed like a devil. It said the spell 


 it was hard rain and sharp rain. The guards, well-trained in their magical abilities, quickly conjured a shield aura to protect themselves from the harsh rain. However, the spell 


 cast by Midho seemed to possess a supernatural power. Despite the guards' efforts, the raindrops turned sharp, piercing through their defenses. Midho, known for his incredible strength and invulnerability, remained unaffected by the razor-sharp raindrops, only causing superficial damage to his body.

Midho used 


 it was like with meteors and lava falling from the sky. Xyievier, the main character, tried to escape by teleporting, but it seemed like the eruption was targeting him. After the eruption, Xyievier was overwhelmed by the immense size of the volcano and some energy was consumed by Midho, Xyievier then absorbed BRIEXRAEIN and Xyievier said 

"Why i cannot move and why did my element hitting me!"

, a source of power, from the dried lava on his body. Despite the abundance of energy, Xyievier remained still, possibly due to the overwhelming power he had acquired.

The Dragon was slowly disappearing, and a few hours ago, it seemed that someone had changed into Xyievier Dragon. It was Xyie, the Hybrid of Xyievier. Xyie approached Midho and said, 

"Awwwh, do you miss me?"

 Midho was surprised and asked, 

"H-How did you..."

 Xyie interrupted, 

"Oh yeah, I didn't say that I would come out if my second body dies."

 Xyie swiftly knocked Midho out using 

"Ocean Sword Rush!"

 The attack approached Midho and splashed. Midho wondered, 

"How did she..."

 Then, a thought struck Midho, 

"I'm lava, she's water, so that means I have a chance to win!"

As Midho summoned the power of 


 droplets of fiery liquid fell from the sky, hissing and sizzling as they made contact with the ground. Xyie, sensing the danger, quickly reacted, but as she rushed forward,she could feel her power diminishing.

Desperation took hold as she shouted, 

"Water Aura Shield!"

 With unwavering confidence, she created a protective barrier, but to her dismay, it dissolved within a few seconds, unable to withstand the intense heat of the lava rain. and Midho said that 

"you have no speed if your opponent is lava and you are water."

 Midho uses his final execution 

"Lava Clap."

 A big hand made of lava, Midho grabs Xyie with Lava Clap and Xyie screams 


 as it runs out of power. Midho takes Xyie to the volcano, and she pulls it out, and Xyie screams, 


 When Xyie fell, a great light came out, and the volcano turned into a big mountain that symbolized the Third Dragon.

Mirem and Graddho return to normal after the battle and the people celebrate because of the victory of the two gods. Do you think Graddho wants to bring Trixan back?

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