

A god Arteria created a Planet named Artecha, and placed four islands. Arteria took four pieces from his body to have four gods every one island. **** There is a god who does not obey the rule, and one of the brothers killed the two brothers to take revenge and there were two brothers left and they became rivals.

RedxNee · Fantasy
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7 Chs


How powerful they're?

Mirem announced the establishment of a new school for children aged ten and older. 

"Welcome citizens of Artecha. This upcoming school, known as the University of Artecha (U.O.A.), aims to empower children by providing them with education and opportunities for growth. By offering free and stable education, the U.O.A. seeks to ensure that all children have access to knowledge and skills that will benefit them and society as a whole. This school will not only prepare students for future success but also contribute to the overall development and progress of Naekra."

The next day

The school is open; many children came here from Naekra, but only a few came from Heltra. Mirem introduced the teacher of this school: 

"Good morning, children. Your teacher here is Kreo, Kreo is the first child I taught training and having power."

 And Kreo said, 

"Hey kids! I'm Kreo. The school offers a unique opportunity for children to acquire a special power. Depending on your race, you will get power. Oclae citizens are the water, Hakaxa citizens are the Eart, Skyetra citizens are the air, and lastly, Nephar citizens are the Fire, and it has a unique power that only has a small percentage we will find out soon. I repeat, I am Kreo and welcome here in U.O.A!"

The class is starting.

As the parents of the children were leaving the school, Crimson, a curious and friendly boy, noticed Trixan, who appeared to be alone. Unbeknownst to Crimson, Trixan was his twin brother, separated at birth. Crimson, being unaware of his twin, approached Trixan and introduced himself: 

"Hello, I'm Crimson, you?"

 Trixan, who had grown up in a different city called Heltra and had experienced physical changes over time, responded shyly and introduced himself as Trixan: 

"I'm Trixan."

 Not realizing the connection, Crimson suggested becoming friends.

 "How are you? Do you want to be friends?" 

Trixan agreed and said he was fine, eager to form a bond with his long-lost brother.

After the class,

All the parents came to pick up their children. Before Trixan left, he asked Crimson if he wanted to go to Trixan's house in Heltra.

 "Hey Crimson, do you want to come to our house? It's in Heltra."

 Crimson said, 

"I'll ask my parents first,"

 and Trixan said,

 "Alright, goodbye, let's meet again!"

 Crimson told his parents that his new friend was informing him to come to their house in Heltra. 

"Dad, Mom, can I go to my friend's house in Heltra?"

 his parents answered,

 "Crimson, it's dangerous in that place, especially you are our son,"

 Crimson begged, and her parents could do nothing but nod, and they went to sleep

Jelieah woke up her son to get ready for school. In school, 


 Trixan is confused about why he looks so happy, as Crimson excitedly shared that their parents had permitted them to go to Trixan's house. 


 and Trixan answered, 

"Wow, nice, let's go after school!"

 Crimson nodded as Kreo said,

 "Okay, every now we will do a recharging energy."

 Kreo proceeded to demonstrate the energy-recharging technique, leaving the other children amazed. It's time for the children to do it. While the children doing it, Crimson and Trixan have a light and dark aura, Crimson got the Dark and Trixan got the Light which means the two characteristics of a Brakon The legendary dragon are the GOOD and the BAD. Kreo is shocked because the supposed aura color is blue.

After class,

Crimson and Trixan are on their way to Trixan's house. The two are finally there, and Trixan introduces Crimson to his father:

 "Dad, this is Crimson, my friend."

 Graddho said, 

"Hey, nice to meet you, young man,"

 and Crimson said,

 "You too!"

 The two went around Heltra to eat and wander. Some time has passed. Crimson needs to go home. Before he left, he said to Trixan, "The place you live in is beautiful, and I hope your parents agree to let you go to Naekra, and we will wander." Trixan smiled and said goodbye.

Crimson gets home, and Crimson says how happy he is: 


 The parents said, 

"Did someone tries to hurt you there?"

 and Crimson said,

 "No one hurt me; they were all kind to me before I forgot. Can I invite my friend Trixan here?" 

and the parents agreed.

The next day

Crimson and Trixan have no class; Trixan is waiting outside the U.O.A.; Crimson has arrived. Trixan and Crimson had been best friends since the first day of school. As they arrived at Naekra for their walk, Trixan couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement, knowing that he was about to meet Crimson's parents for the first time. A few minutes later, they're here in Crimson's house, and Crimson said, 

"I will introduce you to my parents."

 Trixan said, 


 Crimson called his parents and introduced Trixan:

 "Mom, Dad, this is Trixan, my friend."

 Trixan's appearance is reminiscent of Crimson's twin, Criston. Jelieah and Mirem hugged Trixan and said, 

"How are you, Trixan? "

 and he replied,

 "I'm ok,"

 with a smile, and the two friends left and went for a walk. Trixan asked, 

"Why did your parents hug me? "

I didn't know either, and the two continued walking. Some time passed. Trixan had to go home, and before going home, he said the same thing Crimson said yesterday:

 "This place is so beautiful, I wanna live here! "He left and went home happy.

One day Kreo asked Mirem, 

"Why was Crimson's aura Dark when they did the recharging energy?"

 Mirem was shocked and asked,

 "Have you seen a child with a Light aura?"

 and Kreo replied, 

"Yes, and it's Trixan."

 Mirem thought and said in her mind,

 "This was Crimson's companion yesterday."

 The two children told their father that they needed to be included in going to U.O.A. because their teacher, Kreo, said so. Mirem couldn't sleep thinking about how his child and the unrelated child became the inheritor of the two characteristics of the BRAKON the legendary dragon.

The children and their fathers were on their way to the U.O.A. (University of Arts) for an event. As they were walking, the two brothers spotted each other and simultaneously asked,

 "Is that your son?"

 Both fathers confirmed that the child was indeed their son. However, one of the fathers immediately instructed their son not to approach the other side. As a result, both families decided to go back home and did not attend the U.O.A. event. The father explained to his son why they were angry with the other family. The two fathers also shared stories from their past experiences.

The next morning, Crimson and Trixan are going to U.O.A to study elemental powers and their applications. They are attending a class that focuses on harnessing and controlling these powers. In this class, Kreo demonstrates the process of releasing power and transforming it into an elemental fist. 

"The first thing you do is fill your energy using recharging energy and when you are full close your eyes and think of your fist having the element you have."

 This is an important skill for individuals who want to master their powers and use them effectively in combat or other situations.

As the twins closed their eyes and performed the elemental fist, a powerful energy began to radiate from their bodies. This ancient technique, passed down through generations, had the power to summon the legendary dragon. The twins concentration and connection to the elemental forces grew stronger with each passing moment, causing the aura around them to expand. This ritual was not only a display of their immense power but also a rare occurrence that marked the arrival of divine beings. Mirem and Graddho immediately went there, and they were very surprised that it was their son.

 Two twin brothers, Criston and Trixan, opened their eyes at the same time. As they did, their eyes began to glow, dazzling the people around them. Suddenly, two gods appeared and approached the twins. The gods used their energy and power to stop the twins for summoning BRAKON the legendary dragon of Artecha, causing them to pass out. When the twins woke up, their father was there to bring them home. It was then that Mirem realized that Criston was actually Trixan.

Mirem believed that Crimson was his son because of the similarities in their attitude and behavior. For example, both Mirem and Crimson had a strong work ethic and were known for their perseverance and determination. Additionally, Mirem noticed that Crimson had the same sense of humor and displayed similar mannerisms, further reinforcing his belief that they were related.


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