
The Rising of Uzumaki

Can one person change destinies of Thousand? Can he rebuild a Broken clan to Better than it Golden days. See how he does this, from ground up with some help.

Atom_Guy · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 4

The bluenette stared at him with wariness and questioned him rapidly " Who are you? What do you want from me? How do you know my name"

Arata replied " I am Arata Uzumaki, I was sent here by the villagers because they didn't want me to be near them. The villagers told me your name." Lying about hate from the villagers part to gain her interest.

" Do you also have unique powers like me?" she asked in an astonished manner and with a slightly softened gaze .

' Yes I can do this and many other things' he spoke to her with telepathy and moved rabbits in front of her using telekinesis. He also produced a shadow clone and released his adamantine chains.

Guren was awestruck by Arata's powers . He continued using telepathy ' I came to ask you, whether I could stay with you here and don't worry I will give you one of the rabbits to eat.'

She was happy to let him in, because of his powers being unique like her and he offered food when she was very hungry, the villagers never did this.

Arata thought ' Infiltration success, now I just need her to have trust in me, make her my subordinate and leave this village before Pedomaru comes here' . Orochimaru will defect after two more years, so Arata at least has two years to convince Guren to come with him.

Unknown to him, he had already gained some trust from her. He asked Guren if she knew how to cook, but upon seeing her sad face he figured out she didn't . Then he skinned a rabbit and cooked it with just salt.

Guren was all smiles when it was time to eat. They ate in silence and finished the rabbits in 20 minutes. Arata asked, " Could you also show me your powers?".

Guren was uncomfortable with the question, afraid that this person would also despise her.

But couldn't say no now, after he showed his powers and gave food to her. She hesitantly bent down, touched the ground and formed a pink crystal disk. Upon looking up to her new friend's face she found his eyes literally shining. He almost yelled in a loud voice " Cool, you also have good powers".

Relief washed over Guren, but she still asked hesitantly " Are you not afraid of my power?".

" Nah, they look very strong and beautiful to me, just like you." upon hearing this she was very happy and had a little blush on her thin face.

Next he enquired if she could walk on trees, walls and walk on water. The answer was no, it seems she doesn't have much idea about chakra and chakra control. If he could train her from a young age, she has potential to reach Harshirama levels of powers very easily with her Crystal release itself, not counting the sheer versatility it has. She was also shown to fight a bijuu and temporarily overpower it.

Arata came out of his stupor and asked Guren to show her ability again, this time she did it more easily and comfortably . He actually wanted to see what constitutes Crystal release, so he used Rikugan to look at the chakra nature flowing out of Guren's body.

He saw a mix of cool and flowing chakra, solid and hard chakra and chakra he consumed when he practiced his dojutsu based abilities working in tandem and at a certain ratio. So he guessed them to be water release, earth release and Yin release respectively.

After thinking for some time he came to three conclusions.

1) He needs to find his chakra nature.

2) He could also practice Crystal release if he followed the same ratio of what guren released.

3) Wood release is not only Water+Earth, but something added to it.

But at this point he was too tired to do or think anything, so he enquired Guren if she had any mat or cloth he could lay upon on ground before sleeping because she had only one bed. She was happy to give Arata her bed, because it was the first time someone interacted without any hate and didn't want him to be uncomfortable. Arata insisted he would sleep on the ground, but she didn't agree to it. They finally decided they both would sleep on the bed, even though it was small, it could still accommodate two four year olds. At this point he didn't care and just wanted to sleep.

Next morning when Arata opened his eyes to wake up he could see a hand and a leg sprawling across his chest and thighs from his right side , it was of course Guren who was drooling on the pillow and still sleeping . He didn't want to disturb her so he let her sleep for another 30 minutes, while he stayed in the same position, until she eventually woke up. Guren opened her eyes groggily and looked around, she found her limbs sprawled across someone, when no one was supposed to be here. She jolted from the shock and looked at Arata looking back at her.

Then she remembered yesterday's events and showed a bright and cute smile. " What made you so happy?" he asked. " I thought yesterday's events were a dream and got scared, but seeing you here I realized it was not a dream." she replied.

Then they got up properly and cleaned themselves with water that was in a small water tank like structure and proceeded to cook the remaining rabbit for breakfast.

After breakfast Arata enquired what she does on a daily basis, to which she replied a little gloomy with small tears forming near her eyes " I just roam around the nearby forest and try to get some berries and wild vegetables. I am not able to hunt any animals yet. Yesterday was the first time I ate meat since my power came up six months ago". Looks

" From today if you train with me, I will find, cook food for you and stay with you here" he told her.

" Really ?" Guren asked in a happy and excited manner . " Of course, I promise," he answered while making a pinky promise with her.