
The Rising of Uzumaki

Can one person change destinies of Thousand? Can he rebuild a Broken clan to Better than it Golden days. See how he does this, from ground up with some help.

Atom_Guy · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 5

Taking Guren's hands, Arata walked towards the forest in a jovial manner when the time was 9 AM ,while a clone near him was using mind's eye ability to look at surroundings and carried some essentials like a fire starter, a couple of knives and some food seasoning in a small old and torn cloth bag. She was curiously looking at the shadow clone, but didn't question it. He took the initiative to explain " This is called Shadow clone jutsu, which creates a clone of yourself from chakra and yang release, whatever the clone does the information will come back to you when it deactivates."

She just looked at him with a cute tilt and nodded her head. He knew she didn't understand anything, the explanation could wait after they reached the training spot. The training spot was the lake his clone found yesterday, which was almost 10 kilometers from here. Guren was tired by the 3 Km mark, so she had to stop and rest. Not wanting to waste any time, Arata carried her on his back and moved towards the destination.

45 minutes later they both reached the lake without any problem and sat down for a ten minute break.

Arata then proceeded to create 77 shadow clones, which shocked Guren a lot because now there were 77 more of her new friend. 5 were sent to practice telekinesis to increase the lifting capacity , range of it , try to form solid constructs, handle multiple objects at once and move an object in different directions when other 5 five would talk telepathically and try to mind control or cast genjutsu on the clones who were practicing telekinesis , this way he could practice all mind based abilities at once.

5 clones started tree climbing, while other 5 were water walking and all ten were carrying different size stones, had four leafs on the temples, front and back of their head to make it more difficult to practice chakra control.

5 were checking his nature affinities, for each element one respectively.

10 were sent a little away from all the activities to sit totally still and try to feel nature energy.

10 were using the mind's eye to find chakra moments and increase range, another 10 were using remote viewing to increase range in a particular direction.

2 clones were assigned to Guren; one would teach the basics of chakra , chakra control , leaf sticking exercise, tree climbing exercise and water walking. Another would practice chakra transfer by matching her chakra signature. He wanted to teach her reading and writing too, but realized he also could not read or write even one among Kanji, Hiragana or Katakana. But he could talk for some reason.

To solve this he sent one clone back to the village to mind read the language from villagers and for now he would teach her English. Some words which sounded like English existed in the Naruto world but the English language didn't exist.

He also wanted to teach her History of this world, general Geography, Basic mannerism, healthy and cleanliness habits, how to communicate with people and Science, Math at least till High School Level, he was a STEM major after all. He created another clone to try and remember all concepts he learnt in his previous life and make a mental note of it. His improved memory helped in this endeavor.

Another set of 10 clones were practicing shape transformation with Rasengan and by the looks of it he could complete it within a couple of days. He had already completed the first step by rotating his chakra in multiple directions at once and was half way there in the second step by increasing the force, speed applied and density of chakra to get it to be more powerful.

Last set of 10 clones were practicing adamantine chain ability, focusing on increasing the size in both diameter and length of the current chains, which were 5m in length and 10 cm in diameter respectively.

The original Arata was running around to increase his physical stamina by going in a circle among the different groups of his clones practicing the above said abilities.

The training continued for only 2 hours for Guren due to her small chakra reserve , which was at a little higher level than normal for a 4 year old. The clone responsible for teaching went to hunt some wild animals and get edible fruits, wild vegetables whose knowledge he got from the villagers. While the other one was trying the chakra transfer technique on her.

After another hour passed, he practiced all the abilities until the clone who went to hunt came back with some wild chicken and some edible mushrooms. He cooked one bird each for them and just kept mushrooms on fire till he felt it was safe to eat. The remaining birds could be used for trading some essential items from villagers like better clothes for Guren and him, spices and basic utensils.

He had already recovered physically but needed to change some things in his training . For Guren he was only able to fill her chakra reserves up by a quarter of her capacity; it looks like he needed to practice this more to increase it's efficiency, he could have made her bite him to refill chakra, but he wanted to use it only in emergency situations. Currently he would make her learn English and other subjects he had decided upon.

The clones who were trying out different chakra natures reported telepathically to him that he had good affinities for Wind, Water and Earth releases, major being Water release , while remaining two needed a lot more work to use it more proficiently. Looks like he will practice these three for now . He popped off those five clones and created another 15 clones to practice Nature releases, with each group of 5 clones taking one element.

For wind release he used leafs and tried to cut them into halves vertically . For Earth release he tried condensing the soil and forming a more compact and solid form. And lastly for water release he tried moving water towards him , while standing at the edge of the lake.

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