
The Rising of Uzumaki

Can one person change destinies of Thousand? Can he rebuild a Broken clan to Better than it Golden days. See how he does this, from ground up with some help.

Atom_Guy · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 3

Arata created eight shadow clones and sent them in all directions to find any human settlement. He created only 8 because all his shadow clones had his sensing abilities and covered all 8 cardinal directions. His current limit for shadow clones were around 1500 clones give or take, as he grows physically and spiritually naturally his chakra reserves will expand . It can also be increased by exercising, reading, meditating and using almost all his chakra till he reaches near chakra exhaustion state on a daily basis. He promised himself to train daily once he reaches age five.

He needed information on where he was, which time period he was in and how to secure his livelihood at least for now. While waiting for his clones to find a settlement, he created 5 more clones to practice telekinesis with a medium sized stone ,use MEK(Mind's eye of kagura)on his surroundings, use remote viewing in different directions , chakra molding and shape transformation to form rasengan, tree climbing exercise while having leafs stuck on him at multiple parts of his body. He himself was practicing the chakra suppression technique used by Black Zetsu and Karin to hide their chakra signature which was checked upon by the MEK clone.

With telekinesis he could only move an object within 5 meter radius and upto 1 kg for now which cost a very negligible amount of chakra and mainly used his mental strength . As for Rasengan, he could move chakra in two different directions while starting the process and mainly concentrated on maintaining the spherical shape. Chakra suppression could not be done easily even though he had only 1/14 th of his usual chakra amount, from MEK clone's view ⅘ th of chakra was suppressed.

This went on for another hour until one of the clones sent on scouting mission popped and sent it's location, which had a small civilian village nearby towards the north-west direction from his current position . Arata commanded all the clones sent for scouting to pop, six of them didn't find anything except more forest but one found a medium sized lake and another found a trail with cart wheel marks on it.

Arata decided it was safer to move towards the village due to lack of shinobis, he was not gonna risk it on the trail route because it could contain shinobis moving around due to some war or skirmishes between the hidden villages. With his clones continuing to practice what they were doing, the group of six moved towards the village which was approximately 15 Km away from his current position , so it would take around 2 hours to reach the destination.

Yes, it was quite slow for a chakra enhanced body but what could he do being stuck in the body of a 4 year old . He was basically waddling towards his destination while resting in between because of fatigue felt by the clones who went for scouting.

On the way he ambushed 5 rabbits using shadow clones and telekinesis to surround them and turn their heads 180 degrees to kill them. In his previous life Arata had hunted a few times so he knew how rabbits behaved and skinned them for meat . But he didn't have tools necessary to do it with him.

He was going to offer this to the villagers if they asked for any payment to stay. Eventually reaching the village boundaries, Arata first sent a clone to check whether they would accept him or be hostile in the village. 20 minutes passed while the main body was watching the conversation between villagers and his clone while lip reading, hearing faint sounds because he was around 200 meters away from the place of conversation.

Basically they agreed to let him stay in a house which was occupied by a orphan girl with weird ability, but they could not provide food due to lack shortage they are facing reason being on going war, sometimes shinobi wearing red dress and brown flak jackets would come take their food. Arata understood they meant Hidden stone village ninjas.

This led to Arata reading minds of villagers and finding out that the village was somewhat near the border of Land of stones and Hidden Grass village, situated in the lands of hidden waterfall village.

He found out from reading the mind of the village elder that the Third great shinobi war was still going on and the Kannabi Bridge Incident happened one year ago. So it means the war will continue for another year, which means higher chance of getting killed randomly by some irritated shinobi like what happened in Hidden Rain village. His mind was racing with many possibilities upon thinking this and none of them were good.

Arata finally calmed down after a few minutes and decided he could think about this tomorrow after a night's rest. All the clones including the one sent to the village and the ones near who were still practicing the abilities popped off to give him experience and chakra back once the villagers returned to their respective homes.

He proceeded with his real body this time, to give 3 rabbits to the villagers and kept 2 hidden for himself and the orphan whose house he was going to stay at. The villagers thanked him and showed way to the girl's house.

Arata knocked on the door a few times and waited for the girl to open it. Few seconds later when the door opened, there stood a malnourished girl around his age with spiky blue hair wearing a teal short kimono with gray turtleneck and red shorts. He was shocked for a second to see a very powerful character from the Naruto series for the first time, but was ignored after her arc was over.

Arata greeted her with the brightest smile he could put up on his face " Hello there, Guren".