
The Rise of Nathan Kane

"in your next world never come back this way,it will be a shame if you make this mistake twice" this were the words directed to Nathan before he was shot. Nathan suffered a great deal from the most powerful and influential individuals of Swiss. He was treated as a nobody by everyone both at home,at school and in his workplace. He was a thing of ridicule. His life changed the day that he went against one of the most powerful family in the country. His supposed misfortune turned out to be a fortune for him,his return will surely be a........

Carsondellasanta · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 10(The Heir)

Heir to the biggest organization in the country, that will surely take time to sink into him.

To Nathan it is a very good turnout of event coming to know that he originates from the most powerful people in the country.

It have been seven months since the incident he is now very ok and also done with the crutches. His physical body also has improved remarkably. His masculine physique was magnified and his body flexibility was now top notch. He is very whole and healthy.

His room in Kanes Castle was an exquisite the king size bed, his sitting room, his bathroom and many others. It was like having another complete building in a huge building.

He was awed by the beauty of the castle. He has never seen anything like it. To crown it all he is now the heir to all the whole structures, cars, private jets and the family's business.

It was like living in a wish world. From grass to grace. It was a magical elevation.


"Wait here gentle man" the security guard orders as he made some calls.

"I am sorry you can go in now" the guard said as he opened the thick glassed door.

"Sorry please I will like to see the director" Nathan asks the receptionist who is on the counter.

"Do you have any appointment?" She asked politely


"Your name sir?"

"Nathan O'Neal" he replied

"Ok you can go in sir" she responded respectfully

He went inside and greeted the man. On the man's table lies a name on a tag and it reads Dr Frederick Douglass.

"How may I help you?"he asked

"Can I have a seat sir" he gestures to the direction of the seat.

"Is that before you answer my question and by the way what made you think that you can come into my office and tell me what to do?" Douglass yelled at him

"Am sorry sir"

"Sorry for your self" he responded with anger.

Nathan was calm but was still standing.

"Sir please i was told to come and get a copy of your monthly report " he stated.

"Who sent and where is Dax?" he asked him with an insulting demeanor.

"I am his assistant, Dax is out of town "

"So that's why you acted stupid"

"Am sorry I mean not to disrespect you"

"A common company report collector asking for a seat" he speaks to himself aloud not minding the presence of Nathan.

He continued "take this and leave this company " he commanded with a stern look.

Nathan left, It have been a very stressful week especially since his uncle assigned him the role of conglomerate report collector.

He has moved from one branch to another in the space of seven days meeting up with the various directors of each company.

This was an instruction from his uncle. This was to enable him have a picture of what the conglomerate is all about and also to know the various personality that each directors pose to normal individuals.

So far for Nathan almost all failed the test. They were very rude and egoistic. They tend to treat people based on their class.


The two weeks ultimatum given to Mr Kane will be over the next day. In response to this he fixed a board meeting .

He entered and they all stood up as usual before the meeting commenced.

After discussing on several issues they then entered the main issue of the day which is, who will succeed the Kanes Consortium?

The board were very curious for it will be a tricky answer. Everyone in the board were definitely qualified to get a call for the superb role.

From the secretary general to the Administrative head.

The nominated individuals were very tensed and curious. Who will bear the mantle.

Surely they never knew what was coming.

Mr Kane stood up and spoke

"Regarding the pertinent issue of who will be my successor after much deliberation I have decided to pick my successor, my heir today"

The well ventilated board room became hot immediately. The whole environment was tensed.

Who will the lucky one? who will be the fortunate one? if only he can just go to the point, he is definitely too slow. These were all racing in the minds of the board members. they were dieing of curiosity and suspense

Mr Kane continued after he paused to observe they reactions.

"The truth is that finding my successor was an easy task for me although you all have the attributes that can make any of you a head of this organization "

"This company, the largest company in Swiss country is a family heritage, a family business and a family property and I hope for it to remain so" he added.

This statement surely did confused the board members.

"Is the old man alright?" one of them whispered to his colleagues.

"He is surely demented" the other replied

"By reproductive health status is no longer a news to you people and also the death of my younger brother and his family made it sure that the legacy of the Kanes will end with me" he pauses as he observed them again.

This statement made the twelve board members happy and lively again at least he was still in line as against his former statement.

Mr Kane continued "so I thought until I found my nephew, my brother's only surviving family and my only family " He stated with a smile.

It was now obvious to the board members that the old man still have some tricks under his sleeve. The question they now asked themselves is who is this heir? who is going to be the next heir of Kanes Consortium?

"With all joy and gladness I present to you the heir of The Kanes Empire, Nathan Kane" as he points to a direction.

Just then a very young man so handsome that the bitches wished, so strong and masculine that Samson praised, so tall and bold that he appeared like a god.

It is Nathan O'Neal Kane son of Smith Kane.