
The Rinnegan Hunter Of Jump-chan: Jumpchain-First Stop At Tensura AU

Samael Kaiser had always thought the world was so black and white for him, but upon greeting Jump-chan he was surely In for a surprise. Because who thought he was going to be one of the many victims of Truck-kun, only living because he was saved by Jump-chan on a whim. And thus a legend was born. A legend that will live and alter the very Omniverse centered around him and his crazy followers calling him the ["All-Snake"]. ~~ [***Disclaimer: I don't own anything I use In this Fanfic, other than my own creations***] [***Tags: Nasuverse | Naruto | Warlock Of The Magus World | Tensura | So I'm a Spider, So What? ] [***Disclaimer: I write for Fun and for Entertainment. Don't take this too seriously. This Fanfic could count as Wish-Fulfillment. Updates are uncertain and Irregular***]

RinneganGod · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Chapter 1: It All Starts With A Flash

" Samael!" A beautiful mature female voice made to a young boy's ears. The boy himself looks to be 16-18 years of age retaining a handsome look with white short hair and turquoise-colored eyes. He has a good build with healthy light tan skin, under his black jogger sweats and a black long-sleeve T-shirt.

" Yeah, Ma?" Turning off his PC, Samael yelled back getting off his black gaming chair putting on a long black jacket that passed his knees.

" Can you go to the store real quick, Kama needs something at the store, Oh and while you are there, grab me some candy." His mother said.

" And why doesn't she get It herself?"

" Because we both love you."

Rising his lips, Samael left his room and walked down the stairs to the living room. Laying on a long black couch is a beautiful voluptuous youthful lady around 24-26 years old, with long white hair and turquoise-colored eyes. She seems to wear a similar black jogger sweats and a long black long-sleeve T-shirt hiding her light tan skin. She is basically Samael but as a female.

Kissing her forehead, he whispered to her ears," Love you, Mom."

" Love you too." Kissing his cheek, she said the same, grinning ear to ear lovingly.

Walking to the front of the house, Samael was about to leave but suddenly stopped feeling someone hugging him from behind.

" Me too." He heard a cute little girl's voice say.

Rising his eyebrow at this, Samael got out of the hug and crouched down In front of a cute/beautiful young girl around 14-15 years olds with long white hair and magnificent blood-red eyes that stared Into his soul with love and care. She wears an oversized black jacket and cute black shorts with red lines on the side, concealing her pale white silky smooth skin.

" Love you too Kama." He kissed her forehead lovingly and smiled affectionately at her.

" Nope." She shook her head and pointed at her lips.

Chuckling lowly, Samael kissed her lips lovingly and softly.

Breaking from the kiss, Samael's blank turquoise-colored eyes shone a little with emotions," I love you Kama."

" I love you too, Samael." She said so heartfeltly and caringly that passed the boundaries of normal.

" Be right back, kay?"

" Mhmm~ See you later~!" Giving him one more deep kiss, Kama ran back to her room with a bright red face.

Rising his lips Into a small smile, Samael shook his head and smiled a bit.

Opening the door, then locking It, Samael started walking.

Looking around, he found no one walking or cars driving down the road.

" How odd..." Truly, he found this bit on the odd side. Usually, a few people and cars would be here and there, but he guesses not today.

" Is today a holiday or something?" Mumbling this to himself, Samael's expression altered Itself to an unusual one, that would make any shiver at the sight of.

Glancing up and seeing a red light he started walking," I swear today is an odd one. First that question from some random on Reddit, then this." Looking up at the purple sky, Samael's eyes flickered," Today could not get any odder."

Wait! Purple sky?!?

" I stand corrected, today can get odder."

" Yes, It can Little one." Responding back to him is an everlasting calm yet beautiful female voice.


As the voice spoke, Samael disappeared from the world In a bright Golden strike of lightning.


Following this odd sight, an even odder sight transpired, with a white truck coming out of nowhere and passing right through the flash of lighting, hitting a building.

" Fuck! Not that God again!" Came a genderless voice from the truck as It vanished from where It was.

Watching all of this, a young high school boy mumbled to himself," I'm too high for this shit."














" Hello there." Came that voice from earlier In a cheerful manner.

Samael smiled at this, knowing where It came from," General Kenobi."

" Hahaha~! Good, good." Appearing In front of him, is a formless featureless humanoid being. However now and then bright purple-colored eyes would appear where Its eyes are supposed to be.

" Now this out the way, you probably want to know why you are here."

" I sure do." Samael nodded at this being.

" Well, because you were about to die to the famous Truck-kun that you know about." The being explained with a low chuckle as It continued," And being the loving and caring God I am, I helped you."

" I was about to die to The Truck-kun?"

" Yep~ Before It could kill you, I made you appear here Into my void."

" Now let me explain~ Do you remember that anime survey you did an hour ago~?" She(?) asked, drifting around him.

" Yea I do," Samael said, remembering that very odd anime survey he did and its six questions.

" Mind telling me the results~?"

" I don't." He shook his head and started listing the questions and his answers," 1st: World~Random. 2th: Title~Zelretch's Student(Type-Moon). 3th: Inherit Ability~Third True Magic(Type-Moon). 4th: Class~Hunter. 5th: Power~Rinnegan(Naruto). 6th: Bloodline~Giant Kemoyin Serpent(Warlock Of The Magus World). Main Weapon: Ring Of Solomon. Secondary Weapon: Dimension Lost(High School DXD)."

" Oh~ Aren't you just a lucky one~" The being said, kind of Impressed at Samael a Human, Luck, even though he was playing WoW while pushing random on the survey.

" I guess." He shrugged his shoulders at this, already knowing the high luck he possesses.

" Would you like to play the Grand Game?" She asked, caressing his hair, lovingly.

" Grand Game? Sure I don't mind. But..."

" But?"

" Can I go back to my world after this Grand Game?"

" Hehe~ I can answer, but all you have to do is listen~ Can you do that my Jumper~?"

" Jumper...?" Possessing a thinking expression, Samael played the simple word on his tongue. Then as If remembering something, he smiled," Ah~ You're Jump-chan of the glorious Game: Jumpchain. I know where this is going..."

" Fufufufu~ So you do know little ol' me~" Jump-chan giggled at her Jumper with a little glow around her formless featureless humanoid form.

" Yes, among other things."

" Fufu~ Good." Brushing Samael's elegant white hair out of his line of sight, Jump-chan began explaining," Jump, an incredibly powerful force of existence that can move between worlds of the Omniverse. If so inclined, I could bring other beings along for the ride, dropping them into worlds that could be drastically different from the world they come from."

" Such a powerful force, capable of nearly anything I wish, has only one problem." Caressing his unusually cold skin, a pair of Rinnegans appeared over where her eyes are supposed to be that sparkled," Boredom."

" So, in one small section of one small world, in one small speck of a universe, which isn't even a speck in the grand scheme of the Omniverse, I decided to have some fun." Whispering softly In her Samael's ear, Jump-chan smiled somehow," Thus, was birthed The Grand Game, or GG."

" The rules of GG are quite simple. Get thrown into another world, one of fiction. Your job is simply to make to the end of the story. Where that end is will vary depending on the story. Maybe it's only a few short hours away; or maybe even ten years will pass before you leave."

" Make It to The End, and you win whatever you got from that world... Within limits, of course. Then, you move on to another world, where the trouble may get better, or get much, much worse."

" Fail, and you get nothing from that world, and the game ends. You retain your previous winnings, but you return to your life as a mortal, changed though it may be by what you have experienced and gained. Your old World time and space stopped, so even If you leave for X amount of years, it will feel like you have not left."

Smiling larger somehow, Jump-chan eyes altered around her body," This is the story of one Grand Game, and one's first foray into the great and infinite Omniverse."

" However, of course, being a Hunter, you can kill the MC of that fiction and it will be a Complete for you and then you can use that World as you wish~!" She added cutely with a touch of his nose.

" So~?"

" What do you mean,"So?", I'm a dead man walking literally, so of course I'll play this game of yours," Samael said as it was the most obvious thing in the world, retaining an eye smile on his face.

" Good~ Then have Fun my Jumper~!"

With her cheerful reply, Samael started losing his consciousness as his body began to disappear In golden crosses.

"... I don't get to choose my world?" He said, losing half of his body.

" Nope~ Sorry about that my Jumper~ But this Jump-chan likes her Mystery, like, she likes her men~" She responded mysteriously, as the void altered In and out of reality.

" Heh, then I must be your Type..."

" Fufufu~ Who knows, who truly knows~" This was the last thing Samael heard as everything became black for him.
