
The Rinnegan Hunter Of Jump-chan: Jumpchain-First Stop At Tensura AU

Samael Kaiser had always thought the world was so black and white for him, but upon greeting Jump-chan he was surely In for a surprise. Because who thought he was going to be one of the many victims of Truck-kun, only living because he was saved by Jump-chan on a whim. And thus a legend was born. A legend that will live and alter the very Omniverse centered around him and his crazy followers calling him the ["All-Snake"]. ~~ [***Disclaimer: I don't own anything I use In this Fanfic, other than my own creations***] [***Tags: Nasuverse | Naruto | Warlock Of The Magus World | Tensura | So I'm a Spider, So What? ] [***Disclaimer: I write for Fun and for Entertainment. Don't take this too seriously. This Fanfic could count as Wish-Fulfillment. Updates are uncertain and Irregular***]

RinneganGod · Anime & Comics
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Auxiliary Chapter: Samael Kaiser Powers & Items from Jump-chan~

[-1st: World~Random |-| Let's Samael Kaiser Pick a Random World to start his Hunt.]



[-2nd: Title~Zelretch's Student(Type-Moon) |-| Discounted to Magus: Zelretch has taken an interest in you, making you an apprentice of his. At this point, you currently know how to travel worlds provided you have something to guide you to another world. You will be provided with information to master the Kaleidoscope further.]



[-3rd: Inherit Ability~Third True Magic(Type-Moon) |-| The Materialization and Manipulation of the Soul. Most notably, this allows you to turn your own soul into a unlimited mana generating machine. That is, you can generate magical energy is endless, kind of like a Perpetual Motion Machine. It also allows you to bring back the dead, to a certain extent. So long as the soul hasn't fully returned to the Root, you can draw it back out. The Third Magic is what is used to summon Servants from the Throne of Heroes. It's also capable of granting a form of true immortality and manifesting your soul as a physical body (like what Servants are). There's probably some other fancy stuff you can do with it, but that's what we know it can do.

Nevertheless, You can't call the soul of a Servant (you can only copy it, much like a photocopier only able to produce copies of the original). This is all conjecture and extrapolation, but you can go abduct this random John Smith and rewrite his soul into that of a Servant's from the Throne, and if you can convince that Servant to work with you, you get an NP-wielding monster at your beck and call. Or you can skip all that, burn your loyal servant's body and stick him in a new, more powerful body to serve as your overpowered henchman, you know whatever works.]



[-4th: Class~Hunter |-| Possessing the Hunter Class, you possess extraordinary talent and instinct in/for hunting all things. You can track anything under any conditions, sense the weaknesses of your prey and exploit them and finally kill or capture your prey. ]



[-5th: Power~Rinnegan(Naruto) |-| Alright, so the rinnegan gives the user the capacity to perform any technique, all nature releases, the ability to see chakra and chakra points in the body. It also allows the user to see invisible things such as barriers or Madara's limbo clones. With the rinnegan, you also are immune to visual genjutsu (at least cast by other rinnegan). The most important technique the rinnegan gifts to the user is the "Six Paths Technique" which, despite its name, gifts the user seven special techniques. They are called Paths. Nagato created the "Six Paths of Pain" with the Outer Path, and each used the other 6 Paths through them.


(1)---[**Asura Path**] - This allows the user to create missiles, cannons, blades, tentacle-like appendages, extra arms, etc. As seen with Nagato, it has many purposes. With it, he created extra arms to subdue Bee and Naruto at the same time, and almost fire his cannon before he was interrupted.

(2)---[**Naraka Path**] - The user can summon the "King of Hell", which can interrogate people as well as restore any damage to the user. All you need to do is hold a captive and the King of Hell emerges, grabbing their "tongue". You ask them a question. If they lied, Their "tongue" is ripped out and they die, if they tell the truth, they are spared. As for restoration, the King of Hell grabs the user, and pulls them into its mouth. The user then emerges restored completely.

(3)---[**Human Path**] - This allows one to take out the soul of an opponent just by one touch. All one needs to do is touch them and their soul will begin to come out. If your soul is ripped out, the opponent dies and you can also read their mind through this. It also appears to take one's "power," making it hard to resist. KCM Naruto was trying and failing to pull his soul away from Nagato even though he should be able to overpower him.

(4)---[**Animal Path**] - With this, one can summon a number of different animals that apparently can be killed and re-summoned. Combining this with the Outer Path, the user can put chakra receivers into the animals and use them as extensions of their vision. These summons require no blood or seals unlike other summons. It can also summon people with the use of seals.

(5)---[**Deva Path**] - This path grants the ability to "control gravity." The user can attract an object to them or repel it. It has more uses of course, like repelling any and all attacks no matter the size (as stated in the newest databook). This makes it one of the more valuable paths in my opinion. It also doesn't literally repel attacks but disperses them in a way nullifying said attack. Another ability it grants the user is "chibaku tensei". The user can create a center to which everything surrounding it (aside from the user apparently) attracts to. Once caught inside, you're done for as stated by Naruto. With immense power, one can break out of it, but it took 8 tailed Naruto to do so. And that problem could be solved by "making a bigger one". There's a huge weakness though, you can fire an attack which can destroy the center. Chibaku tensei can also be used to create meteors and drop them down on the battlefield.

(6)---[**Preta Path**] - This path allows the absorption of ninjutsu and chakra. If you are caught by a rinnegan user, it could absorb the chakra in your reserves and add it to their own. This makes ninjutsu effective. Senjutsu can counter this, as absorbing too much senjutsu can start the petrified frog transformation. Those with large reserves can tolerate a large amount of senjutsu though.

(7)---[**Outer Path**] - This path allows the user to produce chakra receivers which bind movement and allow the rinnegan user to control the target. It also gives the rinnegan user "control over life and death." Basically, one can revive the dead truly, unlike edo tensei. This path is the same one Nagato used to create Pain. The gedo statue can also be summoned (only with real rinnegan). The statue can create phantom dragons made of absorption chakra. These instantly kill targets when they fly through them. It can also manifest chakra chains, which are so powerful, they subdued all tailed beasts.

(8)---[**Special Abilities**] - Sasuke and Madara apparently have a "special ability". Sasuke's allows him to teleport within a certain range or switch places with things instantly. Sasuke can also teleport other people/things around him where he wants. Madara's allows him to create multiple invisible clones of himself that cannot be harmed by physical attacks. They are only visible by other rinnegan and can be sensed with RSM. They have enough power to knock all tailed beasts down in one use. They can also function as an invisible shield for Madara. Sasuke's rinnegan retained all of his MS techniques.]



[-6th: Bloodline~Giant Kemoyin Serpent(Warlock Of The Magus World) |-| Giant Kemoyin Serpent; Ancient creature, reaching the length of 5000 meters in an adult phase. (Some have even reached a length of 10.000 meters) It is known to have a powerful body and mysterious spell casting abilities. In the adult phase, it can go against rank 4 Magus and is the destroyer of many cities in legends. Main elemental properties: Darkness, with a secondary element of Fire! In the legends the Mother Of Ten Thousand Snakes had failed to gain control of the Shadow World, hence bringing her children to the Purgatory World. From then on, her descendants all possess the element of Fire.



(1)---[**Eye of petrification**]: A petrifying gaze will be emitted from the eyes, equivalent to the might of a petrification spell. The target will immediately be petrified. For more powerful beings, they would become rigid temporarily. Will grow stronger as the Giant Kemoyin Serpent matures.

(2)---[**Scales of Kemoyin**]: A layer of scales will form instantly providing a layer of defense. Possesses top Peak-Human physical defense and Magical defenses. Will grow stronger as the Giant Kemoyin Serpent matures.]

(3)---[**Toxic Bile**]: The ancient Giant Kemoyin Serpent possessed terrifying toxic abilities, and its mature form could even corrode the void. Through modification of their bodies and bloodline, ancient Warlocks were able to transplant this ability into their own bodies. Prerequisites: Modification of heart to that of Giant Kemoyin Serpent to 100%. Effect: Through neurotoxins let out of any part of the body, carry out an area of effect attack that attacks all living beings! Will grow stronger as the Giant Kemoyin Serpent matures.]

(4)---[**Intimidating Gaze**]: The Giant Kemoyin Serpent, as an elite ancient predator, who held the dignity of creatures from ancient times has a force field with an intimidating effect! Effect: any living being that is within the perimeter will have its powers suppressed. Those with weak willpower will enter a state of confusion. Will grow stronger as the Giant Kemoyin Serpent matures.]








[-**Main Weapon**]: Ring Of Solomon |-| This isn't actually the ring Solomon created to bind and control demons. Rather, it was created in the image of such an item. This ring, also known as the Ring of Binding Spirits, grants the power to force contracts on Spiritual beings. In theory, so long as the will of the user is greater than their target's, a contract can be forced on the target.

In reality, there's several other factors. If the target has Magic Resistance, then the ring will be less effective. If the target has much larger mana reserves than you, you'll need a truly overwhelming willpower in order to force a contract on them. Or if they have a greater will than you, you can resort to using overwhelming magical energy to force a contract on them in spite of their superior will. Failing to impose a contract on a target can cause spiritual damage to the user of the ring, with the damage being dependent on how badly outmatched they were. A clever Spirit that realizes they're outmatched can alter the terms of the deal. Essentially, they can accept that a deal will be imposed on them and focus on making the terms of that deal more favorable to them. This is much easier for the target to do, as opposed to trying to prevent the formation of the contract entirely. But most Spirits won't have the time or perspective to think of this option.

[-**Secondary Weapon**]: Dimension Lost |-| One of the original thirteen Longinus, the Dimension Lost is considered to be one of the biggest "bugs" in the Sacred Gear system and has world-class powers capable of destroying the world if used to that extent.

Abilities: Dimension Lost has the ability to create a special mist able to block any attack, as well as being able to transport anything inside of it into an artificial space. The mist can also be used to reinforce dimensions, even those of others such as Yasaka

Though it doesn't possess direct offensive capabilities, according to Azazel, Dimension Lost is the most powerful among Sacred Gears related to barriers and space, thus it carries tremendous power over dimensions. In fact, if the mist reaches the scale of countries, it can transfer it along, as well as its people into the Dimensional Gap to be destroyed. However, none of the previous users have reached that level.

Note: As a top-tier Longinus, it has the potential to destroy/end the world.]
