
The Rinnegan Hunter Of Jump-chan: Jumpchain-First Stop At Tensura AU

Samael Kaiser had always thought the world was so black and white for him, but upon greeting Jump-chan he was surely In for a surprise. Because who thought he was going to be one of the many victims of Truck-kun, only living because he was saved by Jump-chan on a whim. And thus a legend was born. A legend that will live and alter the very Omniverse centered around him and his crazy followers calling him the ["All-Snake"]. ~~ [***Disclaimer: I don't own anything I use In this Fanfic, other than my own creations***] [***Tags: Nasuverse | Naruto | Warlock Of The Magus World | Tensura | So I'm a Spider, So What? ] [***Disclaimer: I write for Fun and for Entertainment. Don't take this too seriously. This Fanfic could count as Wish-Fulfillment. Updates are uncertain and Irregular***]

RinneganGod · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 2: Waking Up In Tensura As A Oni

Laying under a tree is an extremely handsome young man with long fluffy white hair and odd dark purple eyes. He wears black and red Samurai armor with some gold linings around It. Spiking up from the left side of his too forehead is a black-red crystal horn that looks like a tree branch. At his right hip is a full black Katana that could blend In with the darkness park is the void, It looks like It's sucking the light around the young man.


Opening Itself open, the earth consumed the young man, taking him somewhere else.

" Young Master I-... Young Master?" Walking out from some trees is a normal-looking older man with two green-red horns poking of his head under his long grass-like hair.

Not seeing the Young Master of his Ogre village, he started sweating hard and became cold immediately,' Oh shit!'














It's dark.

The darkness enveloped all, preventing Samael from seeing any shape or figure.

' Where am I?'

[ *Ding* Answer: Tensura World---Sealed Cave where the MC of Tensura spawns In as a Slime. Where he would defeat many of the cave's inhabitants, gaining their  skills  before leaving the cave after meeting The Storm Dragon Veldora.] Announced an emotionless female voice, ringing throughout his head. The voice Itself lacks intent; like the voice that would come from a computer, calling it synthesized would perhaps be most accurate.

' Oh? Ain't that a bit a cliche?' Questioned Samael, getting back his line of sight and senses.

[ *Ding!* Answer: I suppose so.] Was the computer-AI-like voice reply.

' Nevermind that... What are you?' Samael asked while looking around seeing nothing but colorful grass surrounding him. Likewise, around and above him is a rock cave-like structure.

[ *Ding!* Answer: I'm The Hunter's Guide or HG for short. As The Hunter's Guide, we help the Hunter along with their way in their journey In every way we can. Likewise, as The Hunter's Guide, we have other functions that would be beneficial to you as a Hunter.

~Would you like to hear them?~]

' Of course.' With nothing to do, for now, he sat down against a wall, overlooking the colorful grass area.

[ *Ding!* Status: Let's Hunter's check their status and personal information.

Scan: Can scan anything and anyone to find their information.

Inventory: A endless space where Hunter's can store their items and belongings. Anything stored inside your Inventory will go into a state of stasis. |- Note: It can not store living beings inside It yet.

Gacha: A place where Hunter's can pull items, summons, and abilities/skills, using Hunter Tokens upon Completing a Mission or Quest.]

' It's pretty self-explanatory on how It works.' He commented upon seeing this In his mind.

' Wait... If it's like those systems then I should have that...' Supporting this thinking he asked,' Hey system, do I have a starter pack?'

[ *Ding!* Answer: Affirmative. Would you like to open It?]

' Ah, so I was right...' Sighing out this, his lips raised themselves Into a thin grin,' Yes, use the started pack.'

[ *Ding* Opening Starter Pack! ]--[ Rewards: Body Armor(Type-Moon)---High quality, but mundane, body armor. This is made of a similar material as EMIYA's body armor from the future. Note- Can customize how the armor looks.|-| 10,000 Gold Coins(Tensura) |-| Healing(Type-Moon)---A form of magecraft designed to repair the body, remove toxins, and cure all manner of poisons, venoms, and diseases. It can also be used to alleviate pain or to keep the body in optimal condition (such as being used to prevent physical fatigue in a fight). You could even regrow entire limbs that have been lost, though it would become more difficult the longer the limb has been lost.]

' Huh... It's almost a starter pack-like, unlike those Starter packs that make you A God In one go or give you god-like items Inside It.' Thought the man who has the potential to destroy/end the world.

Oh~ The irony~


After some time and thinking, Samael can be seen snatching up and uprooting the last bit of colorful grass Into his endless Inventory.

' Better make use of It.' Was his thinking process, that lead to this.

Upon scanning the grass he got this-[Hipokte Herb: A valuable Herb that only grows In areas with rich In Magicules. Note---It can be used In healing potions.]-[Hipokte Grass: Can be used to create ointment. Only grows in areas with abundant magic essence. If grass's sap is combined with magic essence, a restorative medicine can be created. If the grass is ground up and combined with magic essence, an ointment to stop bleeding can be created.]- Basically, the best Item to use when needing a heal.

' Now what to do?' Noticing he ran out of grass to uproot, his demonic purple eyes started scanning for something to do.

[ *Ding!* Quest: Kill The MC Of Tensura |-| Reward: (1)-Allows you The Hunter to take one of their cheat skills. (2)-Random New World Ticket. (3)-10 Hunter Tokens.]

' Sounds easy enough. Especially how this world's MC starts off as.' Next to thinking this, a ball of blue can be seen rolling through the now barren cave.

' Eh? It can't be this easy right?' Samael thought, seeing the ball of the ball just sit there, as It's thinking about something.

[ *Ding!* Answer: It can. ] The system Inside his soul, ringed throughout his head, reacting to him.

' Lovely... Just lovely.' Shaking his head, he quietly walked to the blue slime.

Then In a quick movement, he put his right hand on top of the slime and chanted,' Ningendō(Human Path).'

Before the Slime or its Great Sage could react, Samael pulled out a purple clear soul-like body out of It, ultimately killing the would-be Rimuru Tempest.

[ *Ding!* Main-Quest: Complete! ]

" Huh... That was easy." He echoed this, upon feeling nothing killing a former human.

[ Due to completing the ---Main Quest--- You can seize one of two would-be Rimuru Tempest Unique skills.

1st: Great Sage | 2nd: Predator |

System Note: Pick -Predator- My Hunter. Because as The Hunter's Guide I can basically do what the Great Sage performs.]

' Somebody sounds jealous.' Putting the now dead slime in his Inventory, Samael whistled out.

[ *Ding!* Answer: Unlikely, because as Hunter's Guide I can't show or display emotions.]

' Hmmm, I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing In all honesty.' Hearing his Guide, Samael said to himself.

After some time thinking to himself, he shook his head and mumbled,' I'll think about that a little later.'

' Pick Predator.' Walking to where he feels the most Magicules In the air, he ordered following his Guide's advice.

[ *Ding!* Affirmative~! Unique Skill: Predator-Gained!]

' Display me what It does.' Sidingsteping a little yellow spider, Samael kept on walking after slashing the spider with his bare hands, killing It and storing It.

[ *Ding!* Unique Skill: Predator.

Effects:---[**Analyze**]: Analyze and examine the stored target. Can create items that can be produced. Under the conditions with sufficient materials, replication is possible. After successfully analyzing skills or magic, it is possible to learn the target's skills/magic

---[**Stomach Sack**]: Store targets that have been predated. Also, it can conserve objects made from Analyze. The objects stored inside the Stomach sack will go into a state of stasis.

---[**Mimicry**]: Mimic targets that have been absorbed, can use the same level of abilities as the target. However, it's only limited to objects that have been successfully analyzed.

---[**Isolate**]: Storage of impossible to analyze or harmful effects. After passing through the nullification process, restores magic power.

—– The five abilities above]

' A little OP if I do say so myself...' Samael remarked killing another yellow spider.

"*Uwaaa! Don't kill me! I'm a good spider!*" A clear female voice ringed throughout his mind.

" Mm?" Looking down, he saw a little white spider under his foot that he was about to squash. The spider herself/Itself possesses a white body with black splotches on her cephalothorax and abdomen, with eight red spider eyes. Additionally, her two forefeet have sharp claws.

" You can talk, little one?" Samael asked with an amused smile on his face, picking up the white spider by Its feet.

*" Ow-Ow! Yes, I can!"* The spider confessed, under his very amusing gaze.


And thus two beings of the same yet different worlds met each other.
