
The reborn whirlpool

There are many fanfics about reincarnations, but for it to happen to me? Now thats a new one. Lets just say that I will make my mark on this new world. Follow Naomi Uzumaki Namikaze on her journey through the world of Naruto. She will make friends and enemies alike. She will travel to see new places and fight battles. "And all because I ended up in a world where people breathe fire and fart thunder!" *While it is called the reborn whirlpool, do not expect it to be about the village hidden in the whirlpools. Its more correct to call it the reborn Uzumaki.*

Michaela_9156 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 8

Back at the academy, a group of children could be seen standing outside. They were moving in what seemed like taijutsu katas. Next to them, observing, stood the academy teacher Iruka and his assistant Mizuki. They were observing the class progress while also helping them correct their stances, should they be a bit off.

They had started learning the taijutsu a few months prior, but had to stop for some time due to the village mourning the death of the Uchiha clan. Itachi Uchiha had killed off his own clan one evening, leaving only his younger brother alive with the pretense that he was simply too weak to kill. But Naomi knew better.

Like seriously, he killed civillians and babies, yet called his academy student brother too weak. Naomi just shook her head. How no one had made the same connection was beyond her. Though to be fair, she did have knowledge about the true reason behind the massacre.

The fact that they were planning a coup, how Danzo ordered Itachi to kill them all so he could get their sharingan, and how Obito had made a deal to help Itachi in return for him joining the akatsuki. But in the end, she was the only one with that knowledge.

Sasuke had spent about a week in the hospital due to the trauma. When he returned, he had become the brooding emo we all know and love/hate. The funeral had been almost village wide seeing as it was an enire clan. Naomi also believed that it brought back some PTSD for those that were old enough to remember a full Senju clan before starting to die off one after the other.

But the students were soon back at the academy to continue their training. They had progressed nicely, but there were still those that lagged behind, mostly civillian kids, but thats why they had the instructors.

What pissed Naomi off though, was the fact that Mizuki and the other teachers actively sabotaged Naruto. Only Iruka took to teaching him seriously. She had in turn started to create copies of the proper stances for taijutsu as well as proper instructions for the academy jutsu that she snuck in and left inside Narutos apartement.

She had no plans to reveal herself before the last year of the academy, but she had half a mind to barge into the hokages office and tear into the grandfatherly man. The only thing that held her back was the fact that it would create more problems than necessary.

- Timeskip: After the academy.

Naomi had just entered her home and gone to the library to continue with her fuuinjutsu training. She had sent multiple clones off to train in her affinities while studying.

While walking through the fuuinjutsu section, she had noticed a seperate section. She had never noticed it before due to her only now going further into the subject, but seeing the scrolls made her dumbfounded. On a shelf laid a bunch of larger than normal scrolls with different kanjis at the ends. She couldnt stop the large grin that came forth on her face.

"Toad, slug, snake, tortoise, monkey. They are fucking summoning scrolls!" She said full of glee.

One should know that to get a summoning contract, one have to first, know the handsigns. Then they have to perform the jutsu that sometimes cost more chakra than the person have availible. Then finally they have to get the summoning clans acceptance before finally signing the contract in blood. Most shinobi never gain a summoning animal, so having the opportunity to get one is rare.

Naomi couldnt hide her excitement and almost went to reach for the toad contract, but stopped herself mid-way. She thought to herself: 

`Naruto, Jirayia and Minato had the toads. I want to be different.´

So she went through the large collection of scrolls one by one.

"Dogs, clam, fish. Even the damn salamander contract`s here?" She murmured.

"Cat, raven, hawks, Marlin? The giant swordfish? No thank you. Weasel, chimera? Danzos summon, no thank you. Come on come on. I know there is one here somewhere." She started to get a bit frustrated, not finding one for herself.

"Conch king. Wolf? Interesting. Might take that one." She spoke while going through the near hundreds of scrolls in search of a clan for her.

She kept going for hours while looking, but just as she was about to give up and return to the wolf contract, she felt it. A feeling akin to attraction, beckoning for her to follow the feeling. She walked and walked for what seemed like eternity before the feeling told her she was near. In what seemed like desperation, she started to dig through the pile of scrolls around her. Then she saw it, the scroll that seemed to call for her. Screamed for her to sign.

It was a pure white scroll with black striped across its length with kanji at the end: White tiger.