
The reborn whirlpool

There are many fanfics about reincarnations, but for it to happen to me? Now thats a new one. Lets just say that I will make my mark on this new world. Follow Naomi Uzumaki Namikaze on her journey through the world of Naruto. She will make friends and enemies alike. She will travel to see new places and fight battles. "And all because I ended up in a world where people breathe fire and fart thunder!" *While it is called the reborn whirlpool, do not expect it to be about the village hidden in the whirlpools. Its more correct to call it the reborn Uzumaki.*

Michaela_9156 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 7

It had been nearly half a year since the start of the academy. Like she imagined, they didnt really start learning anything physical except body conditioning. Most days simply consisted of mundane classes like math and history, and like everyone other than the clueless kids, she was utterly disappointed. She entered the academy to learn of the shinobi arts, not whatever this was. But then again, what could she do? So she just decided to suck it up and continue training in private.

Something else happened though. After entering the academy, she started to train her fuuinjutsu extensively. She got better and better and sent the complete products to Ken, the shopkeeper. She also decided to finally show her home to the man. She did, however, not expect him to bring his daughter along.

- Flashback.

Naomi entered the shop an afternoon just before closing time and noticed both Ken and Tenten packing up shop.

"Heya." She said.

"Hey there." Tenten responded excitedly at the newcomer. Ken however, just gave a grunt in acknowledgement.

"So, ready to see the fun toys I have hidden away?" Naomi asked, but before Ken could even respond, Tenten jumped up and answered.

"Yeah, its gonna be so fun to see." She smiled brightly, taking Naomi aback.

"Eh? I thought it was only gonna be you, Ken." She stated confused. This time he managed to answer.

"Tenten is what you would call a weapons nut. Once she found out that I was gonna look at a weapons collection she immediatly jumped in, wanting to come. Its not a problem is it?" The man said in his gruff, but friendly voice.

"Its not, right?" She asked, a bit more subdued.

"Eh, not really. Just please, dont tell anyone about the place after, okay?" Naomi answered with a sigh while scratching her head a bit.

Tenten seemed like she was on cloud9 while jumping around and thanking Naomi. She did calm down a bit when they left the shop, locking the doors in the process, and walking towards the alley between the hokage tower and academy. Ken merely walked silently, but Tenten was confused, and she wasnt shy about asking.

"So hey, uh, why are we going to the academy?"

"My home is a bit special, also one of the reasons I want you to keep it secret, but its behind the school." Naomi answered.

"How? I have never seen a house behind the academy."

"Like I said, special. My house isnt behind the academy per se, but rather inside the mountain. It was created by my father, and is held together by fuuinjutsu." She answered, using the excuse she came up with should anyone ask how an entire cavern existed and noone knew about it.

"Fuuinjutsu? I thought that you could only make tags with it." She asked, this time more contemplative. Ken answered her this time.

"Tenten, fuuinjutsu is arguably the strongest, yet most overlooked ninja art. If you know the how, you could more or less do anything with it." She just thought for a moment, letting the information sink in, before having an aha moment.

She just kept silent the rest of the way while imagining all the possible ways to use it. They kept walking in silence until they reached the cave entrance. Naomi touched the door while emitting chakra until the door opened a few seconds later.

"Please come in." She said, holding her hand out.

The father daughter duo entered. Ken did have to lower his head a bit, but they entered. Once they saw what was behind the door, they were gobsmacked. They could see the large cave, the lake with a large bridge across and tori gates on both sides. But what caught their attention the most was the tower on the other end.

"How? Just, how?" Ken asked while gaping. Tenten wasnt any better, so she just nodded in agreement to her fathers question.

"Like I said, created with fuuinjutsu, and a lot of it too." Naomi answered with a somewhat smug tone in her voice.

They couldnt do anything else other than just nod at her answer. The trio started walking again after a few moments. They crossed the bridge after a few minutes. Tenten did have a bit of fun looking at the clear water underneath them, but they soon arrived at the entrance of the tower.

"Well, a quick info I guess." Naomi said, gaining the duo`s attention.

"This place, like I mentioned earlier, was made by my dad during the end of the third war in case something happened to him and my mother had to hide. This tower is my home. It has my own place at the top and a bunch of guest rooms, as well as library, training ground and what I call the showroom." She informed, gaining an excited look from Tenten and an apreciative look from Ken.

"The showroom is where I put all the weapons that I found around the place, like swords, daggers, and just funky weapons in general." Naomi once again stated while walking.

They had started to enter after the initial info and had not long after, entered the large room on the ground floor where she kept all the weapons she had summoned. The duo looked around with an almost star-struck look in their eyes while starting to walk around reading the plaques near them.

"Zangetsu, Tensa Zangetsu, Yokai no fuuin (AN: The sword from blue exorcist.), Yoru, Shusui. How in the world did that man keep this hidden?" Ken asked himself. Naomi just stood at the entrance while answering.

"No idea. There wasnt any letters laying around when I found the stuff, but I can imagine that he made this bunch to have a chance at rivaling the seven of the mist. You know just as well as me that my old man was a genius."

Ken just nodded before continuing browsing the weapons. He couldnt hide the awe at the blades displayed on the walls as well as the pedestals around the room. Tenten, however, seemed to almost have an orgasmic experience while jumping from place to place. Naomi thought it was fun to see her like that.

"Well, while the two of you have fun looking around, why dont I go and start making dinner? You might as well get something while here." Naomi spoke as she pushed off the doorframe she leaned on.

"When you are done, just head to the top floor." She said and began ascending the stairs.

The father daughter duo just nodded. Naomi chuckled to herself while walking.

It was almost an hour later when the two came to the top floor. They were once more shocked at the place, but soon shook themselves from it since they had already seen the place outside. But the timing fit since Naomi had just placed the last pan on the table, ready for dinner. She looked up, seeing the two and gesturing for them to sit down. Once they did, they saw dishes they had never seen before.

Naomi had decided to make something simple, yet delicious. She had made burgers. Funnily enough burgers hadnt been invented yet, so it must have happened after the fourth war since Boruto was seen eating them like Naruto does ramen.

They all prayed with an `Itadakimasu´, and started to dig in. Though Naomi had to show how to build the burgers. She had some laughs from seeing the duo try to make it, but she still helped.

- Flashback end.

Since then, both Ken and Tenten had almost become regular guests for dinner. Tenten however, asked to start training with Naomi, so she came over almost daily when she wasnt required to help at the shop. They hadnt done any hard training yet. They just worked on their taijutsu and bukijutsu. Naomi did show her the surface walking excercise, so she did get that one down.

But back at the academy, things were about to change a bit. Once Iruka had entered and the kids became quiet, he announced:

"Students. I know many of you are tired hearing about regular classes, but you should know that they are important. But now we will do something different." He got the students attention saying that.

"We are going to start working on your taijutsu. Some of you might already have a family style since you come from a clan or have shinobi parents, but we are still required to learn the academy style taijutsu. This style is what could be called a beginner style meant for you to build upon once you yourselves become shinobi or kunoichi, to create your own personalized styles." He stated.

The kids erupted with cheers of excitement at finally learning more than theory. Iruka had to quickly use his patented big head jutsu to calm them down.

"I know you all are excited, but remember to keep calm." He said with a huff in his voice, receiving apologies from the students. He just smiled afterwards.

"Now, lets head outside to start the training." Iruka said, causing the kids to nearly run outside.

Iruka could only sigh and shake his head at the students actions, but soon left the room to make sure the kids didnt do anything stupid in his absense. He didnt, however, notice a certain redhead still hadnt left.

`But, he never said for us to leave....´ She thought, crying anime tears and heading out herself.