
The reborn whirlpool

There are many fanfics about reincarnations, but for it to happen to me? Now thats a new one. Lets just say that I will make my mark on this new world. Follow Naomi Uzumaki Namikaze on her journey through the world of Naruto. She will make friends and enemies alike. She will travel to see new places and fight battles. "And all because I ended up in a world where people breathe fire and fart thunder!" *While it is called the reborn whirlpool, do not expect it to be about the village hidden in the whirlpools. Its more correct to call it the reborn Uzumaki.*

Michaela_9156 · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

Chapter 9

The white tiger contract.

Naomi couldnt believe her eyes. She had only read a fanfiction back in her previous life abot a person utilizing this particular contract, but to find it inside her own library? She was ecstatic.

She grabbed the scroll and headed toward the training room on the other side of the basement. She wanted to sign the scroll immediately, but she knew that she would have to summon a member of the clan to gain their acceptance after, so she thought that she might as well do it in the training room.

Having reached her destination, she quickly unfurled the scroll, looking across the different columns where the names of previous contractors where signed. There was only one name however, Suzana Ryu.

She didnt waste a moment before making a small cut on her finger and writing her own name next to the first. After writing her name she had to make a bloody fingerprint of each of her fingers underneath the name. After completing this, she rolled the scroll back up and put it to the side. Having done all the steps, it was time for her first summoning attempt.

She cut her finger again and went through the handsigns: Boar - Dog - Bird - Monkey - Ram, and slammed her hand on the ground, infusing chakra into the technique.

"Summoning jutsu!" She exclaimed.

There was a large puff of smoke. It filled almost a third of the room, but she didnt focus on the potential smoke hazard, no, she focused on the creature that emerged from the smoke.

From the smoke she could see a large feline of nearly five meters, standing on four legs. It had pristine white fur adorned with multiple black stripes along its length. When the smoke dispersed, Naomi noticed the yellow slitted eyes looking around with a certain curiosity. Naomi just stood there, amazed that the jutsu worked as well as it did. She also observed the feline in pure amazement, but was quickly broken from her stupor when it spoke.

"Where is this? Who has summoned me?" The large tiger asked.

"That would be me." Naomi spoke, getting the tigers attention. She spoke again.

"I apologize if I summoned you at a bad time, but I had stumbled across the contract and wanted to attempt the summoning jutsu." Naomi said while showing respect to the summon. She did know that some summons seemed to very prideful from what she had seen.

The large tiger observed the summoner with a discerning eye. She had just been summoned for the first time in over a decade and was understandably curious about who would be their next contractor.

"A child? From where did you obtain the contract?" It finally spoke.

"I am an orphan, and have often looked through my parents personal library for different scrolls. Recently, I started working more on my sealing techniques, where I coincidentally stumbled across a small collection of contracts." She said and continued.

"I had heard about the power summoning contracts hold and was excited to sign one myself. I wasnt able to find one that seemed to fit myself and was close to giving up when I felt a certain attraction towards yours. Once again, I am sorry if this offends you." She finished with a bow to the large tiger.

The tiger was surprised. A collection of contracts? It was the first it had heard of someone like that.

"Raise your head child." The summon said, to which Naomi complied.

Now that the tiger could see clearly, she noticed a girl no older than nine with red hair and slim build. But the tiger could clearly sense her chakra, to which only seemed to surprise it even more at the sheer amount.

"What is your name child?" It asked in a somewhat soft voice, now sounding more female than before.

"Naomi Uzumaki Namikaze." She answered truthfully.

"Naomi Uzumaki. My name is Catarina. I am the tiger clans boss, and from this day, you are one of us."

Naomi was surprised. It was that easy to get accepted? She almost couldnt believe it, so she asked out loud.

"It was that easy? I had heard multiple horror stories about clans that would make near impossible tests before accepting a summoner." She just couldnt fathom how it was that easy for her. Catarina just laughed out loud.

"Some clans are simply too prideful to have a summoner, but those like us tigers only do so because they dont feel the summoner is right." Catarina said.

"You however, I sense is a proper summoner. Not exactly perfect, but that will be rectified with time." She finished. Naomi simply bowed again.

"I thank you Catarina sama. I will do my best to live up to your expectations." And she meant it too. She would work her hardest to be the best tiger summoner that would ever come to be. Catarina nodded at the sincerity of the girl.

"Good. Now, raise your head. We have a custom where each summoner have a personal summon, so please perform the jutsu again with a third of the chakra used when you summoned me."

Naomi did as instructed and raised her head. She then quickly cut her thumb again and performed the jutsu.

"Summoning jutsu!" She called out as she slammed her hand on the ground.

Once more the room was filled with smoke, though it wasnt nearly as large as the first.

"Mooooom! Why did you summon me? Even better yet, where are we?" Came a childish voice from the smoke.

From the plume of smoke appeared a small tiger that barely reached the girls calves. Like the boss, Catarina, it was a white tiger with yellow eyes. The small tiger didnt manage to speak any more as it was swiftly picked up into the arms of Naomi.

"fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy fluffy....." She muttered over and over while cradling the stupified feline. Catarina just laughed, and laughed hard. She barely managed to speak up after nearly five minutes of laughing.

"This is our new summoner, *phew*. You are to be her personal summon from now on Ice." The boss said to her daughter, who couldnt do anything other than nod dumbly.

- Timeskip.

Naomi stood pouting after having to put her new cudly summon down. She stood in front of the large boss who was telling her daughter, Ice, about whats expected from a personal summon.

They went on for a few minutes before they once again turned back to the poting girl. Catarina simply gave a smirk at the sight.

"Now, before I take my leave." She started, getting Naomis attention.

"We tigers pride ourselves on our combat, stealth and tracking. We have more areas that we specialize in, but those are the big three, so take this into consideration when summoning our clan." She spoke. Naomi just nodded while absorbing the information that she was getting.

"Now for the next part is that Ice will stay here for some time so that the two of you can get a feel for eachothers personality. This is done so that the two of you will be more in sync in the future." She stated, making the two younger ones nod their head seriously.

"Good. Then this is farewell for now. I will recall Ice when it is time for her to learn more of our clans style. Have fun you two." She finished.

Barely a second passed after Catarina disappeared before the tiny tiger was snatched up again by the fluffy crazy summoner.

"Oh boy....." She said to herself.