
The Rarest Flower

With an unknown past and a familiar looking guy attacks you. HELL, brakes lose and only you can solve it.

Kaho_Jasmine · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 3: Deep in the Rabbit Hole

I watch him as he dash towards the bus. Once he got on the bus, the bus took off really quick. I could hear Joey screaming my name trying to get out. The man that graves me before did it again.

"Ah!" I shouted.

I fight him for a bit then pull away, quickly turning around, pushing the guy in the face then quickly back up to kick him in the stomach. I dash away from the two guys as fast as I could. I quickly ran down the street but without warning I got graved from behind. I started to kick and scream until he covered my mouth.

"Mmhm." I mumbled.

He pulled me close to the shadows, I was straggle until I saw the other guy speed around the corner. The man that was holding me slowly let go, causing me to gasp for air. I glance at him seen that he was scared, I moved away from him as I bump into the man.

"Ah! S-Sorry" I mumbled scared.

I quickly took off trying to get back to the school. I peek behind me seen that man following me. As I continue to run I finally spotted the school gate.

"Finally!" Speaking Out of breath.

When I got to the gate I shook the gate screaming for someone open it. But when I stop, I heard some foot steps coming from behind me.

"Someone please!" I shouted.

The foot steps got closer and closer, looking behind me for the last time. Seen the man close up in my personal bubble. I took a deep breath, thinking that it is my last. Suddenly someone graves me from behind and pulled me throw the crack opening of the gate away. I fall to the ground, as soon as I hit the ground blood splatter all over me, I quickly staring up at a female figure.

M-mrs. Elaine.." my voice shook.

I saw a knife in her chest and his hand holding her throat, holding her close to the gate.

"R-run..." she try to speak as blood came out of her mouth.

I saw something fall out of his pocket and I dash forward to grave it then fled back to the school. As soon as I got in the building, I quickly lock the doors.

"Wh-what's going on?" I stuttered. I dash towards the office to find the staff.

"Where is everyone?" I ask.

"Wait? Where are the fourth graders??" I panic.

I darter towards the location where they're suppose to be at.

"Please! Please be there!" I cried, running down the hall.

As I was halfway down the hallway, the lights went out. I started to panic a bit trying not to think to much about the negative things that could happened. I slowly down to feel the walls to know where I am, suddenly I heard footsteps behind me again. Panicking a bit, I suddenly felt the sign for the stairs.

"Yes. Deaf sign language paid off" I whispered to myself.

I slip throw the door and headed up the stairs. When I turn around the corner of the stairs, when lightning stroke. I saw something on the top of the next level of the stairs. Fear shaken me as I notice what was on the top of the stairs.


The lady was studying me as I was studying what she'll do next.

"Do you know what I am?" She ask in a lovely creep voice.

I nodded as I reply to her.

"Marry....Bloody Marry." Telling her.

She smiles pleased of my answer.

"But...why are you here?" I exclaimed.

"For you..." she replied seriously.

"What?" I froze.

She slowly walk towards me as I crept backwards to the wall.


"Your a special girl....kair." She stated as she was now really close to me.

"How do you know my name?"

"Everyone knows Micheal's lovers name." She grinned.

I was afraid of those words that she spoken even puzzled.

"Micheal's lover?" I repeated.

"Yes a small girl that didn't know any better." She commented in a tearful voice.

"You stolen him from me!" She shouted in my face,

In unpleasant voice.

"So now...I'm going to kill you!" She announced anger as she raised a knife at me.

I got startled and quickly closed my eyes as I pulled my arms up as a shield.