
The Rarest Flower

With an unknown past and a familiar looking guy attacks you. HELL, brakes lose and only you can solve it.

Kaho_Jasmine · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter Two: Wrong Turn

we quickly seat down at our deck and took out our notes as the teacher continues back up with his lesson. I soon started to take notes as I found my lucky pencil, but for some reason something outside caught my attention from the lesson. I could see the school yard from where I sat, few trees and bushes. I even notice that the clouds started to gather quickly.

"Might rain today after all." mumble to myself depress.

I gazed back down at the school yard, gazing back at the nature. I notice something behind trees, at first I couldn't tell what it was or who it was. But for some reason I felt a cold chill running down my spin. I couldn't stop staring, I couldn't even brake away from the glaze.

"Miss Patel!" the teacher shouted.

I jolt back into reality, quickly stood right up and staring back at the teacher.

"Yes!" I reply.

"Your not paying attention to what I've been discussing with the class." the teacher exhaled.

"The Elementary fourth graders are going to come by the High School to show us there art project. Even taking the day to spend with us, sir." I explained.

"That was a lucky guess Miss Patel." He said angrily.

(you have been talking about it for a whole week...no one can forget..)

" Well...since you know what's going on...you're going to be taking the assignment . To make sure they make it from point A to point B. SAFELY." He smirk.

I glared at the teacher knowing darn well his doing this to me because I wasn't focus on him.

"I'll have a note for you to take to the front deck. It's the excuse for you to do this. And I'll have the notes ready for you when you get back." He was explaining as he wrote on the note.

I started to gather up my things and put them in my bag. Then strolled up to the teacher to receive the note.

" And please be careful on the way there and back." he sounding sincere for once.

I quickly took off towards my locker before heading to the office. I made sure that I had my cell phone with me along with the note when I headed to the office. I waved at Mrs. Elaine with a big smile.

"Well hello again Miss Patel." She smiled at me as I had her the note that the teacher gave me.

"Oh! This time of the year again! I love it when this little ones come around." She continues to smile.

"Yep. This year, they ask me to do it." I explain as she pulled something up on her computer.

I watch her as she starts typing something up. Her typing was so fast that I didn't even notice that she graved the radio off of the charger port.

" Hello Bus A30? Are you there?" she ask.

It was quite after a while then suddenly the radio scratch. You could hear a voice fading slowly getting stronger.

"Hello?Hello?...Yes I'm up front" the bus driver explained.

"Alright, I'm sending her out." she explain to him as she puts the radio down.

"He's up front waiting for you." She smiled.

I nodded to her then headed to the entrance. You could now hear the thunder from outside, it was getting louder and louder by each minute.

"Great...it's going to rain soon." I sigh in depress.

I opened the door, seen the rain drops falling. I could see the bus park right upfront, where he spoke of. I strolled over there as soon as I reach the bus door, I knock on the door abit so that he could hear me.

" Hello Miss. I have to run inside for a minute to get some paperwork taken care of" He explained.

"But you can come and sit on the bus before it gets bad out." He told me.

I saw that he quickly ran for the door, trying not to get to wet. I was staring around the bus watching all my surrounding then suddenly I saw him. That man again, watching me from underneath a tree. I slowly got back off the bus and went around the bus to see him.

"Ex-excuse me? Are you lost?" I ask him.

He just stood there staring at me like he did earlier. It was like he was staring throw me into my soul or something. Gazing down seen something in his hand. The chill ran down my back again, my chest feeling heavy. I quickly dash back on to the bus, feeling my heart beating out of my chest. I slam the door shut as I hide behind one of the seat breathing heavy. I felt my head spinning, I thought I was going to throw up or something. Suddenly the door slams open causing me to jolt, screaming.

"Miss Patel! Are you okay?" He ask me.

"Yes...just I'm not big on Thunder storms" I lied to him.

He patted me on the head and told me that everything is going to be okay. He quickly got into the driver seat and took off. I got lost in my train of thought, thinking about the man that's been stalking me all day. My brain is so puzzled of the situation that I didn't even notice that we arrived at the Elementary School.

"Miss Patel. we're here" He announced.

I stood up, slipping off the bus.

"Thank you. I'll quickly head inside. Letting them know that we're here for them" I told him.

He nodded as he opened the door to let me off. Dashing towards the entrance door trying on to get to wet from the rain. Once I got inside, I glance around for the office of the school. Finding the front office, I strolled over there.

"Hello. I'm here to pick up and travel to point A to point B with the students" I explained.

"Ah! yes! There in the gym waiting for you." She I formed me as she pointed in the direction.

"Thank you" I smiled.

I tiptoe towards the gym, you could hear the students laughter and yelling as you get closer. I slip throw the doors into the gym. I could see a large group of fourth grade students, group together.

"Can all of the students quite down for me! Please!" A male voice rang through out the gym.

You could see them slowly claiming down quickly.

"Kari Patel is here to help us get to point A to point B. Now, I want all of you to give her the same respect as you would with your teachers." He explained.

"Now. Make sure you guys have all your things that you want to bring with you. Because we're not coming back. we'll be going home afterwards." He continued.

"Now once you got your things. Check in with Kari before getting on the bus." He added on.

"Yes! Mr.Bowie!" They shouted.

They started to get up, off the gym floor. Graving their backpacks and making sure they have everything.

I quickly took off towards the bus, so I could be ready for them to load on the bus. But as soon as I reach the door Mr. Bowie stop me in my tracks.

"Miss Patel. You don't need to worry about a thing. Because I'll be coming with you." He explained.

"That's Fine." I explained before going to the bus.

As soon as I got to the bus, the students started to head towards the bus. I graved the clip board from the bus driver and started to name off students so they could enter the bus. Mr. Bowie was already on the bus count the students just incase. I noticed Jake getting on the bus, but Joey wasn't with him. They never are apart, they're best friends.

"Joey?" I shouted.

But I didn't hear him nor see him. I started to go look for him, I couldn't find him at first, until I walk around the bus. I saw him standing in front of the man, talking to him.

"Joey!" I shouted and they quickly look at me.

"Get on the bus!" I continued.

I strolled over towards them, apologizing to the man.

"I'm sorry, sir. If my brother is bother you. But we have to go." I told him.

We starred at one and another for abit making me zone out of my surrounds. Suddenly I felt someone grave me from behind, I quickly push him away so I could push Joey away from the two strangers.

"Run Joey! And Tell the bus driver to take off without me!" I shouted at him.