
The Rarest Flower

With an unknown past and a familiar looking guy attacks you. HELL, brakes lose and only you can solve it.

Kaho_Jasmine · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 4: are we there yet?


I didn't feel any pain, I slowly peeked my eyes open. And I stared at her blood drip out of her mouth. Her body drop to the ground and staring at me was michael, he quickly lend into my face.

"michael..." I whispered.

He was just observing me and touch my hair admirable the color and texture.



"Kair!" I look up the stairs and noticed Cole was there.

"Cole..." I whispered.

Michael let's go of my hair and turns around, glaring at Cole. I quickly dashed up the stairs towards Cole.

"Kair....you okay?" he commented.

I nodded then glanced at Micheal frightened. Then I noticed Bloody Mary started to move again.


"Michael!" I shouted with a terrified voice.

He gazed at me then glanced down to Mary.

"Kair! let's go!" Cole quickly responded.

He grabbed my hand then pulled me up the stairs. We heard the sounds ecohing up and down the stairs. We fled thought the door and Cole lock the door behind us.

"....Where's the fourth graders?" I declared.

"In the...the gym...why?" He responded.

"I need to get him out" I stated.

"whose him?" He remarked.

"my brother..."

"I need to get him out of her, before something else happens." I explained.

" okay" he replied.

we both nodded and jogged to the gym.

(I hope, I make it in time! wait for me, JOEY!!)

When we got there, we kick the door open.

"!!" I observed the damage gym with terrified on my face.

"Kari?" Cole whispered as he glanced at my face.

"Joey!" I shouted.

"Joey!!" I shouted again as my chest went down to my stomach.

I started to stroll around the damage gym with Cole. I keep shouting and watching out for joey. Then we heard some noises.


"K-Kair!" Joey tried to shouted.

"Joey!" I dashed towards joey and help him.

I examined joey as he slowly got up.

"Joey! Are you okay!?"

He nodded as he hugged me really tight. I stared at Cole with cheerless on my face. Then glanced at Joey again.

" Where's Jake? and Sara?" He grip on me even harder, I started to shake with fear.

"Cole...We need to get out of here" I whispered to him.

I gazed at him with a tearful look, he walks over and have me and joey a massive huge.

"we have to get out of here" he replied.

I picked up Joey and Cole graved my hand, pulling us through the gym. He opened the door and let us go first.

"okay... where's the closest exits?" I ask him.

"um down the hallway and-"

"Cole!" we turned and saw Sara.


She jogged up to us and we noticed her make up running down her cheeks.

"He....He killed Jake..." She cried out.

"Who?!" I ask her.

"Michael..." she bust out crying.

"Micheal?" I whispered.

"He followed me all the way here"

I glazed behind Sara and stared at Michael. I slowly put Joey down then peeked another glanced at Micheal.

" Cole...take everyone to my house...." I declared.

"What? but!?" he shouted.

Then I saw three figures behind Micheal in the distances.

"oh no!" Sara yelled.

Sara pulled Cole and graved Joey away when she turned around and stared at me.

"Thanks Sara...Take care of Joey ....if I don't come back." I cried joyful.

You can hear one out of the three making the weird laught.

"Now go!" I shouted at her.

when they left I turn my head back and gazed at Micheal. He turned around and saw the three man get closer. I started to dashed towards michael, when he glanced back, seen me running towards him. He quickly moved out of the way just in time as I ran past him, I quickly run up on a bench. Jumping off of the bench placing my foot into one of the guys face.

"Take that!"

The other two tired to grave me, but I moved away from them. Micheal slowly crept next to one and stab him in the shoulders.

"Ah!" The man groaned.

I kick the other one in the stomach then kick him in the face. The other man on the ground graved me by my ankle and pulled me down to the ground.


He quickly clime on top of me and penned me down. I keep pushing him, tying to get him off of me.

(if this keeps up....this will be unpleasant)

I slowly started to lose my strength as I faught him, slowly showen how scared I was. I glanced up at him seen a cheerful look in his face, he leans towards my face.

"NO!..NNOO!!!!" I cried as I hissed at the man on top of me.

Micheal quickly stab one of the man then quickly walk up to the man on top of me. Gripping his shoulder and thrown him off of me. I slowly leaned back up,gazing up at Micheal. Noticing him staring at my shoulder, gaze over seen my shoulder bleeding.