
The Prophecy of the White Wolf

The Moon Goddess herself created Mila Dawson and her wolf Sapphire, a white wolf. Mila, on the other hand, is the only wolf in a small town full of supernatural beings and has no recollection of how she got there. Mila is shocked to learn that Nathaniel, the alpha wolf's son, is her mate when a new pack moves into the area near the town. She is confronted with dark secrets, a missing family member, a guardian, and a coming war when she turns 18 years old.

DaoistW6PmDJ · Fantasy
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I sprint as quickly as I can to Emily, the one person I can talk to. I must inform her so that she can inform George. We must safeguard Mila. She will need to assist me. We have been concealing Mila from everybody and presently we have an arsehole man prostitute as a mate.

I keep running, and I know Mila is trying to get past the barrier I put up, but I can't tell her who he is or anything like that.

I immediately run to Emily's house. The door is open and cookies are in the air. I revert to Mila's human form, but I remain front and center. Emily is standing there before I open the door. She recognizes me.

"Sapphire, what's the matter? She asks, sounding concerned, "Why are you in human form instead of Mila?"

"We got a man prostitute as a mate from that new pack and they need to come here to see the town," I say with a snarl.

In shock, Emily looks at me. You found your partner, mate. Sapphire, is Mila aware of this? She demands. I shrug my shoulders. I was going to tell her no until he mentioned that he was sleeping with another woman and would take her as his mate instead of us. He has no interest. Mila despises wolves already. He will exacerbate the situation to rekindle her dislike of wolves.

Emily shakes her head and looks stunned.

"My dad needs to know, so we need to tell him. Can Mila understand us?" She asks, sounding extremely anxious once more. I shrug my shoulders. I blocked her, no. I put a stop to the bond. She didn't know."

Mila knows that I'm a powerful wolf, but I only have a few powers that I know how to use. We have powers that only Emily is aware of.

We should wait to tell George about our other powers, according to Emily. We will learn more about what we can do when Mila turns 18, which is in a few days. My powers are slowly coming on.

I hate telling Mila lies.

I don't want to tell you a lie, but the Moon Goddess told me to keep Mila safe at all costs. I don't have any idea what has been going on with her. The Moon Goddess is wise, but neither of us has any memories. I rely on her.

As Emily pulls out her phone to call George, I pay attention to her. I can sense Mila trying to come through once more as she tells him everything I said on the phone. Emily looks at me and sighs as she hangs up the phone. We should keep it from Mila until she turns 18 according to Dad. Regarding the mate, he has attended a meeting with a few council members to discuss the new pack. He doesn't want them to come to the town because many supernatural beings don't like wolves, but they're thinking about it because it might help with the whole rogue thing. They appear to be looking for someone, but we are unaware of their identity.

I acknowledge what she said with a sigh. I ought to let Mila win. She has been attempting to breach the wall I constructed. I won't tell her that he is our mate, but I will tell her that I detested what the man said about the whole mate thing.

In order for Mila to take control, I close my eyes and break the barrier.

MILA When I open my eyes, Emily is glaring at me.

I was completely in the dark.

"What's up, Sapphire? Why did you act like that? I ask with greater force than I intended.

In my head, Sapphire stretches her legs as she lies down to get comfortable. I was prompted to discuss partners by that stupid male. Our soul mates are selected by the Moon Goddess herself. I thought he was out of order, so I had to run. Mila, I'm sorry about that. I had to get away. Due to your lack of sleep, I have also been anxious all morning and for the past few days.

Please refrain from doing that again. I don't want you to feel that way about a stupid man because we are one. He was an adulterous man. With a snarl, I say.

You may be wondering why I despise my own species for a variety of reasons. Additionally, I now know that I generally despise men.

I look up at Emily, who has been smiling as she has been staring at me all along. Are you talking to Sapphire? As she gives me some new clothes, she says. I just realized that I was in front of her completely naked. I put on a pair of jeans and a T-shirt, forgetting to put on a bra because I remembered that Sapphire had ripped all of my clothes, including my underwear, so I will have to go back to my apartment to change because we left the bag on the ground before we followed them—damn rogues!

"We ought to move. I manage to say, "I need to get back because we got a shift at the café today," as I take a sip of the coffee she set out for me on the table. Emily gave me a nod but looked at me. Mila, are you ok?

I smile and say, "Yeah, I'm ok, just didn't sleep much again," as I look at her. This morning, the childhood dream I had came back to haunt me.

With a blank expression on her face, she looks at me. That seems odd. I believed it vanished. How frequently has it returned?" She asks, appearing to be more concerned than usual.

I try to decide whether I should be concerned by giving her a brief glance.

I tell her, "It's the first time in a long time that it has made a comeback," primarily because something deep within me is telling me the same thing. I am beginning to suspect that something is off between everyone, particularly me and my wolf lately, and I am fortunate to have blocked Sapphire from this conversation because I am aware that she will bring it up.

When certain people are around me, I have the impression that they are concealing information from me.

I focus on her. It's fine; perhaps it's one-off. I smile and say, "Let's go before Gloria sends a search party for us," knowing Gloria would do it, especially if it meant Emily would be embarrassed. It is hilarious to observe. Gloria loves her grandmother, but she likes to make Emily feel ashamed because she thinks it will help Emily become more outgoing. When she is around other people, Emily is so reserved and quiet. I'm the same way, but unlike Emily, who would rather lie back in a corner or something, I try to make an impression.

We go right to the door and go to her car, which is close to the town but we mostly take because I know Emily needs to run errands for her dad or Gloria at some point today, so she needs to leave right away.

We drive off in her vehicle.

We move inside once Emily's car is parked in her usual spot behind the café. While Emily searches for Gloria, I dash upstairs to change into underwear and change my clothes.

When I return downstairs, the café is just starting to open, and the first regular customers are making their way in for their morning coffee. The bistro holds all that you can imagine particularly with regards to extraordinary sorts of food like blood for vampires to home grown teas for the Faes and witches. We have a code and a form that anyone who wants a particular item must fill out, which is very rare, but Gloria will try to locate it for them.

Humans live in the Shadow Valley as well, but they are mates with someone here and are well-versed in the supernatural world.

While Emily fills the basket trays on the back counter by the door with packed muffins and biscuits, I take my place behind the counter.

The door opens, the scent hits me quickly, and I immediately recognize George as he enters for his morning coffee. I ask, knowing full well that he will never alter his order, "Hello, George, the usual black coffee with one sugar."

"Yes, Mila, please; how are you doing?" He asked happily. I focus on him. I'm satisfied; how about you? As I serve him his coffee, I inquire. While I take in his features, he takes a sip. George and Emily look like they have green eyes and black hair, but she has the petite build of Sybil. Being a wolf, I have Barry to help me, despite the fact that he is a bear shifter. On the other hand, George trains me in human form because he wanted to help me become stronger. George is built with muscle, and I know that this is because we train together a lot.

"I'm fine. Concerning the new pack that has established itself behind the town, I have a meeting. They would like to visit. I'm attempting to conclude whether it is great," he says while gazing straight toward me. I focus on him. He wouldn't have mentioned it, so he must be aware of what transpired this morning.

"How do you feel?" Even though I would like to know if he will, I just ask to talk.

I'd like to see that man once more. I can hear the growl of sapphire.

"MMM...I'll see what they have to offer us first, I think. We don't want them to think they can take over the town because we have created a haven for everyone who lives here, so if I say yes, we won't. However, they may also be able to assist us in obtaining some items and possibly a trade-in. He says as he turns to exit through the door. But abruptly stops to look back at me. Mila, you need to make sure your ring is on to cover your scent if they come here. We can't tell them about you yet because we don't know if we can trust them. Do you comprehend?"

I look back at him, slightly taken aback. However, I surmise that could be alright.

"That's fine with me, but George, if you agree, when will they come to town?" I ask. I'm sure Emily is paying attention to us and picking up on everything we've been saying.

"It probably will be soon, maybe in a few days. The Alpha needs to realize who lives here to ensure we are not a danger to them. He turned and walked out the door. "I let you know what happens so we can ensure your safety, Mila," he said.

"George will sort it, Mila, he will guard us" moans Sapphire. She feels flattened and not herself. Concerned about her, I am.

"Okay, Sapphire—are you alright? I ask, hoping for some sincerity from her, "You haven't been yourself since we came back from the forest earlier."

"I'm fine, Mila; You must return to work. She says, "It looks like it will be a busy day," and in a flash, eight people came in to order breakfast rolls and coffees.

Again, here we are. Let the good times roll.