
Wave pt 1

"Thank you thank you thank you somuch " The damiyo's wife thanked as she squeezed tora to death.

Naruto was smirking at the cats misfortune with scratch marks all over his cheeks.as he and the rest of team 7 was standing in in front of the old-man "serves you right you demon cat" He mutters under his breath

Once she left Sarutobi started going over the next mission which was another d rank Sasuke has had enough.

" No, enough of that! I demand that you give me a higher ranked mission!" with Sakura was nodding her head in agreement.

Naruto groaned while I sighed.

"Watch your tone uchiha!" Sarutobi glared.


My eyes widened before I grinned. Shes finally up

"What are you smiling about baka?" Sakura asked but I ignored her causing her to fume.

"Mornin fluffy" I grinned "Enjoy your beauty sleep?" (mentally speaking of course)

"I did" she nodded it was then she remembered what happened and blushed damn that felt good. "How long was I out?"

"About a couple weeks give or take" I answered with a smirk "You sound so cute when you snore"

"I am not cute!" she yelled blush growing "Anyway mind catching me up on whats been going on?"

"Sure" and with that I started explaining everything thats been going on these past few weeks.

"hmm, interesting," She said "A shame I couldn't, reward you for such an achievement." her voice became more sultry

I grinned "naughty, but I wouldn't necessarily call that an achievement" Kurama nodded her head in agreement. of course, it was to be expected.

"Memma, Memma, Memma" Naruto's voice snapped me out of my daze I noticed team 7 staring at me .

"is She up?" Naruto asked, I nodded my head in response

"Who... is she?" Sarutobi asked me and Naruto shared a look before replying "Nunya" at the same time causing Kakashi to sigh.

Old man Sarutobi Narrowed his eyes at me I gave him a blank look in response,



"Go to hell old man, you don't scare me."


Naruto started Snickering,