
The Glorious Tazuna

:"Memma no Baka how dare you speak to Hokage-Sama Like that!" Sakura shrieked.

"Shut it Whoreano!" Memma glared "any louder and my ears are gonna bust, and I treat anyone however I want they'd have to earn my respect!" So true, if he hadn't been such a pussy we wouldn't have been in this position as the pariah of the village it was that or he was trying to weaponize us.

Naruto nodded in agreement "Preach! Nissan!" he cheered

Sakura was flushed as she glared heatedly at me.

Sasuke snorted

Kakashi well....you know.

Sarutobi sighed, "We will discuss this later," he said to me before turning to the rest of the group.

"You want a higher-ranked mission so bad then I'll give it to you, a C-Ranked mission, your mission is to protect the client. "

Naruto's eyes sparkled "ooh~ who is it, is it a princess! Please Make it be a princess "

Sarutobi merely chuckled "bring him in" he called out.

Then suddenly the door opened, and the smell of beer filled the room

Behold, Tazuna. walking through the door with All his drunken glory.

"So," he said glancing around "these are the so-called ninjas that are supposed to protect me? An emo brooder, a pink banshee, A Monkey boy and a whiskered brat that looks high on drugs!?"

Naruto's face fell.

I frowned.