
Bell test Pt 3

Time skip 1 hour later Sakura and Sasuke had awakened and we were all standing across from our sensei

"Well since it is our first time meeting, not counting Naruto and Memma, "He said glancing at us and Eye Smiling before closing it. "Why don't you tell me a little about yourself"

"What do you want to know?" Sakura asked

Kakashi shrugged "I don't know your likes dislikes dreams for the future?"

"Why don't you go first?"

Kakashi rolled his eyes "Fine, My name is Kakashi Hatake! I have no intention of telling everyone my likes and dislikes, my dreams for the future...hmm, As for my hobbies I have a lot of them."

"Your hobbies and Likes are reading Porn, and smut all day" Naruto deadpanned

"It's not Smut its art" Kakashi said with a glare

Naruto snorted "Sure"

" You dislike Gai's Screaming of the "Power of Youth," and people who abandon comrades" I added with a smirk. "you are Also a former Anbu captain Inu, the famous copy ninja who copied over a thousand jutsu," I said Causing everyone's eyes to widen even Sasuke who paid more attention

"Well" Kakashi Glanced at me "Mind telling me how you got this information"

"I researched," I said simply making him sigh

"Well then," Kakashi said "Since your so well informed, why don't you go next"

"ok then" I Shrugged "My Name Is...Memma. There are a lot of things I like and dislike." Kakashi's eyes twitched in irritation yeah bastard now you know how I feel: "My hobbies? I have plenty of hobbies-"

"Alright Enough!" Naruto shouted gaining everyone's attention "His name is Memma Uzumaki His likes include Food, me, and training, His dislikes is anybody who harms and makes fun of me, his dreams for the future is Becoming the strongest."

"Way to ruin my mode Naruto," I said as Naruto just glared at me

"Well, then" Kakashi chuckled "why don't you go next Blondie." Naruto turned his glare to him

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki! My likes are my brother, Hinata-chan, and ramen. I dislike the amount of time it takes to cook the ramen and Memma's training. My dream is to become the Hokage."

I chuckled "it made you stronger didn't it?" Naruto rolled his eyes

"Hn, Like a dobe like you, could become the Hokage," Sasuke said He, of course, went ignored making him mad.

"Alright next is the Banshee." Kakashi said pointing his thumb at an increasingly angry sakura"

I chuckled causing her turn towards me with a glare before she huffed.

"My name is Sakura Hurano! My Likes?" She looked toward Sasuke and squealed "KYA!"

I winced "Can you quiet down?" I asked causing her to snap out of her dream world and glare at me "Quite Pervert!" She glared before continuing " My dislikes are NARUTO! and ERO-MEMMA NO BAKA!"

"As For my dreams" She glanced at sasuke "KYAAAAAAAAAAA"

"Ach" I winced rubbing my ears I stand corrected her voice knows no bounds How did she become a ninja again? oh right her parents.

Naruto and Kakashi glared at Sakura for being loud even Sasuke looked annoyed

"Alright," Kakashi sighed "Now that that's over with, how about you next emo brooder."

Naruto snickered Sasuke and Sakura glared

"You forgot Duck-ass" I grinned causing Kakashi to snort, and Naruto to laughed harder.

Sasuke and sakura's glare intensified

"My name is Sasuke Uchiha. I have a lot of likes and dislikes,"ignoring Naruto's groan he continued " My dream? no,.... My ambition...is...to kill... a certain...man and restore my clan."

Me, and Kakashi sighed, already knowing what he was on about Naruto though looked at him weirdly and Sakura was...well...Sakura.

"Well then" he clapped twice "Now that the introductions are out of the way, you are free to go, but just remember to be here at 7:00 AM tomorrow morning, and a word of advice don't eat anything or else you'll throw up.... Ja'ne" and with that, he vanished via leaf shun shin.

I snorted Like hell I would listen to that! "Come on Naruto lets go to ichikaru Ramen," I said Naruto nodded and walked towards me Sakura glared

"Memma no Baka are you deaf? Our sensei clearly said no eating"

I Glared at her 'I'm about to be deaf'

"My God girl, it was merely a suggestion, If you really believe that ninjas can function at all without eating then you're more stupid then you look!" And with that, I grabbed Naruto's shoulder and vanished in a fire shun-shin."

Sakura glared at the spot I was just at for a few seconds before turned to Sasuke noticing that he was also gone. She sighed depressingly before walking home.