
Bell test Pt 2

Kakashi was surprised when he saw me arrive with Naruto not long after him.

"So...Mind telling me where you learned that technique from?" Kakashi asked looking towards me

"The only thing I remember teaching you was the 1 thousand years of death technique"

" Aha!" A Triumphed shout coming from the door as the door burst open revealing a frustrated Sasuke and exhausted sakura. who was looking towards me with a smirk

we both ignored her making her angry.

" Nunya," I said blankly

Kakashi was confused as he had none of any ninjas named nunya in Konoha.

"who is this nunya?"

I smirked as Kakashi stared intensely at me.

"Nunya business" my smirk grew as Kakashi faceplanted

"Dobe, I demand that you teach me that technique!" Sasuke shouts getting into my face.

"Uchiha please get out of my face your breath stinks," I said calmly giving him my signature blank looks before glancing at sakura "if you keep it up your face will be stuck like that "

Naruto snickered as Kakashi shook his head

Sakura and Sasuke were red with fury they both leaped at me


(forgot he had that tail didn't you )

they were slapped to the ground unconscious tail marks imprinted on their cheeks

my tail waved in the air before wrapping itself back on my waist then I turned back towards Kakashi.

"They never learn do they?"

Kakashi could only sweatdrop

who do you want his saiyan name to be it has to be a pun off of fruits and vegetables like kakorot vegeta and Raditz

Lucas_Robinsoncreators' thoughts