
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs


Oliver spread out his perception to create a 5-meter domain around him after taking out his swords.

The distance between the 5 AVX12s and Oliver was around 15 meters while the nearest person in front of Oliver was around 3 meters.

The area descended into an awkward silence until Oliver dashed towards the nearest group.

"Fire!" A man said, but it was too late as Oliver appeared in front of the group of four.

Fear invaded the hearts of the group as the 5-foot child, whose face and clothes were covered in blood, appeared in front of them.

His light purple eyes scanned them making them feel naked and the two short swords covered in blood didn't help that scene as they struggled to put up their weapons.

Oliver didn't care about their internal problems as he separated someone's head from their body.

Oliver watched as the man's body, weapon, and gadgets fell with a pondering expression.

'System. I can store that man's body and everything on him because he is dead now right?'



A smirk appeared on Oliver's face as he stored one of his swords and then touched the man's body, storing everything on him into his inventory.

The scene bewildered everyone in the area, but Oliver helped them regain their composure by killing the next two people besides the man.

He stored their bodies and was about to attack the last man until instincts screamed danger.

Oliver saw from the corner of his vision 2 blue beams heading toward him. He quickly stored his last sword and he didn't hesitate to turn around and run.



'Damn!' Oliver thought as the shockwave from the cannons blasted him forward.

Oliver rolled on the ground a couple of times before standing up. He quickly scanned the area looking for a building to find cover in.

To his disappointment, most of the buildings in this area were either 1 story or 2 stories.

His disappointment didn't last long as he heard another cannon shot was fired, along with hundreds of bullets entering his perception domain.

Knowing that he couldn't be picky he went into the nearest building which was a two-story house on his left.

Just as Oliver kicked down the door of the building he got grazed by an electro bullet on his shoulder which sent a shock into his whole arm.

Oliver's eyes widened as he felt his left arm become numb. He held it with his right and ran toward the stairs.


'Damn!' He thought as the building shook because of the cannon shot.

Oliver wanted to take out the AVX12s, but that would be difficult as the armed men surrounding them wouldn't give him a chance to try.

When Oliver reached the second floor he went to the window on the opposite side of the group and broke it.

He looked out of it and saw that there was a 2 story building next to it. He could jump to it if he got a running head start and he started to back up.

He let go of his left arm as he was starting to get some feeling back into it. His arm wasn't at 100%, but it was good enough to not get in the way.

Oliver took a deep breath before running towards the window and jumping out of it.

As he was in the air heading to the building next door weird thoughts appeared in his head.

'This is the first time I've ever jumped out of a window. Then again this day is just filled with firsts.' A chuckle escaped his mouth as he landed on the building next door.

He ran across it and jumped over to the next and continued.

Oliver knew that there would be no way he could fight that many people at once, so he decided to run. There were still a few minutes until the emergency quest was over.

He didn't know exactly what would happen after the timer hit zero, but the system only told him that all the Hostiles would disappear. So, he decided not to fight unless necessary.

However, the group was making it difficult as they kept sending cannon shots toward the buildings he was running on, creating a scene of destruction.

Oliver jumped to another building which was 3 stories high and he found that he wasn't alone as two people were in front of him with rifles.

Both sides watched each other with caution until one of the men tapped a button on his uniform taking out big handcuffs.

"Put these on. Un… unless you want us to… shoot." He said while throwing metahuman dampeners toward Oliver.

Oliver didn't look at the handcuffs that fell to his feet, as he could only stare at both men, with a funny expression.

'Am I really that scary?' Oliver thought while trying not to laugh.

As Oliver could sense others' emotions after coming back from the dead.

He could sense the men in front of him were oozing fear. Then their hands and legs shook as they aimed their guns at him.

He didn't blame them for fearing him after what he did, but what confused him was their other emotions.

Oliver pondered for a while before walking toward them.

[The Host's actions are not suggested.]

Oliver ignored the system and continued toward the men. He knew he was wasting time as he could hear the AVX12s and men coming toward him, but he had to satisfy his curiosity.

Every step he took caused the two to back up until they reached the edge of the building. Oliver kept on walking toward them until he was 1 foot away from them.

Since he was shorter than the men he had to look up while asking a question of pure curiosity.

"Why are you guys not attacking me right away like the rest of them?" Oliver could feel the surprise in the men at his question, but they didn't answer as they feared Oliver too much to speak.

This made Oliver frown and he took out one of his swords and put it to one of their necks.

"Answer my question." He demanded.

Oliver couldn't understand why unlike everyone else who had any ill will or hatred toward him. These two didn't have any at all.

He even sensed gratitude and conflict in them which caused him to have an interest in these two.

"Ou o our mother... our mom she could finally get a job because of your mother." The man with a sword at his neck stuttered.

"What?" Oliver said with apparent confusion.

Seeing that Oliver didn't know what his brother was talking about, the other person spoke up.

"Your mother's business helps give jobs to normal humans which helped our mother get a job. We didn't want to go on this mission, but we were forced to."

"What are you talking abo.." Oliver stopped his sentence midway as his instincts screamed again.

He didn't get a chance to react as the 3 story building he was standing on got hit by a cannon blast making the whole structure shake and both the men fall off.

'They're gonna shoot me when their teammates are here?!' Oliver thought while jumping to the building next door. He landed on his feet before sensing something in his perception.

Oliver quickly went on his stomach and a second later bullets flew over his head. Oliver started to punch the roof of the house and dropped inside once the hole was big enough for him to fit.

He let out a breath of relief as he didn't have to worry about getting shot anymore.

'System, how are their bullets getting faster?' Oliver asked while going downstairs. He noticed that even with his speed being way faster than earlier the bullets could still catch up to him.

The system didn't answer him and Oliver knew he was going to have a headache.

'Ok, I'm sorry for not taking your advice earlier, but I had to satisfy my curiosity.' Oliver said to the system while walking out the back door.

[Now, where did that get you?]

A vein appeared on Oliver's face at the system's response, but Oliver didn't answer as he found the bodies of the two people he was questioning.

Normally Oliver wouldn't care about when he killed or dead bodies, but anger appeared on his face as he looked at the boys he was questioning.

Both of their lower bodies were crushed by rocks and their helmets fell off revealing their faces which looked no older than 17.

It wasn't their deaths that bothered him, but his unanswered questions.

Oliver stored the twin swords away before taking out two guns. Unlike the gun he used before, these weapons looked more like assault rifles.

[Why is the Host trying to use a weapon he doesn't know how to use?]

Oliver's cheeks turned red in embarrassment from the system's question.

'How hard will it be? I just pull the trigger and shoot.' Oliver thought while running away from the bodies.


[Here use this.]

Oliver stopped when a weird-looking weapon appeared in front of him.

'Wait system, did you just sigh?' His question was met by silence so he put the rifles away while picking up the new weapon in front of him.

'What is this system?' He asked while looking at the weapon.

[Aim it at one of the AVX12s and pull the trigger.]

Oliver nodded while leaving the building he was in.

He saw that there were no enemies outside and went to the intersection. He peaked at the corner and saw that the group and the 5 AVX12s were over there.

'Let's see what you can do.' Oliver thought while aiming the weapon at one of the AVX12s. He almost fell back from the recoil as a baseball size bullet flew toward the AX12.


Oliver watched flabbergasted as an explosion occurred when the bullet hit the AVX, flipping it into the building next to it.

'Holy shit, system. Where did you get this from.' Oliver thought while hiding behind the corner as bullets flew toward him.

[It was in the crate of weapons that survived your first flare attack.]

Oliver started laughing.

'Oh, imagine getting attacked by your own weapons.' He thought before shooting at another AVX12 flipping it over.

[The Host should check his notifications]

'Ok, one more time.' Oliver responded with a smile.

Peaking out again he pressed the trigger, but nothing happened.

'Huh, that's it.' He thought before going back behind the wall dodging the incoming bullets.

"Wow, that sucks, system. Pull up my notifications and data." He said.


[+2,700 XP for killing 27 Rank 0 Metahumans]

[+5,000 XP from Bonus Rewards | 25 kills]

[+1,300 XP for killing 13 Rank 0 Metahumans]

[+5,000 XP from Bonus Rewards | 25 kills]

[104/298 Hostiles eliminated]


Host Data

Name: Oliver Hayes

- Rank 0

- Level: 8

- XP: 5,010/17,000

- Hp: 100/100

- ESP 6/100

- Mana 1


- Constitution: 11

- Strength: 10

- Dexterity: 9

- Speed: 16

- Agility: 9

- Perception: 14

- Intelligence: 16

Free Attribute Points: 3

{Abilities & Skills}

>Enhanced Speed - Level 5

>Enhanced Strength - Level 1

>Solar Manipulation- Level 1

>Weapon Creation - Level 1 | (1 Creation)*

>Spatial Manipulation - Level 1

>Flare - Level 2

>Sword Creation- Level 1

>Spatial Mark - Level 3

>Sovereign's Punishment - level 1

Free Skill & Ability Points: 1


'System, add two attributes to my constitution and one in perception.' Oliver thought before storing the weapon the system gave him and taking out the two rifles from earlier.

'System how long until the mission is over.'

[1 minute.]

'So, what happens once the timer finishes?' Oliver asked while shooting the rifles.

He wasn't really trying to hit anyone as aiming from this far was impossible for him, but to buy time as they weren't shooting the cannons anymore.

Oliver was left in silence as the system didn't answer him for a while.

'Umm, system.'

[The system only knows that The Meeting will occur. As for what that means the system doesn't know.]

'The meeting?' Oliver thought before going back to stalling.

[20 seconds left until THE MEETING]

A system notification appeared on Oliver's face making him smile.

'This day just started and has been filled with sadness, excitement, and mystery. I wonder what will be next?' Oliver thought before throwing the two rifles into the street.

'Are they going to keep shooting? Maybe this will get the message across.' Oliver thought and then took out the small white flag he got from the hybrid. He threw it near the rifles and waited for the group's response.

The group stopped firing after seeing the boy disarmed himself, but they kept their guards up knowing that this boy defeated more than a third of their group.

[15 seconds left.]

"Let's see what the next chapter of my story holds for me," Oliver said while putting his hands in his pockets and walking toward the group.

Oliver looked at the massacre and destruction he created as he walked closer to the group, but none of that bothered him as the timer in his vision continued to count down.

'What an idiot.' Oliver thought as his gaze landed on a small figure.

'Will Ellie be alright, system?' Oliver asked with worry.


Oliver sighed and looked back at the timer.

What the system didn't tell Oliver was that Elizabeth would be included in the meeting


Oliver ignored them and started to count down.





[+2,000 XP for surviving for 5 minutes.]


(FAILED) Kill all the hostiles and leave no witnesses. <104/300>

(COMPLETED) Survive for 15 minutes without getting captured.

[+5 Attribute to constitution]

[+10,000 XP]

[+1 level]
