
The Primordial Legacy System

3,000 years ago an alien race called the Utros tried to invade earth. They broke the barrier around the earth to let their ships through, but an unplanned element occurred as different types of Universal energies enter the earth giving humans the power to fight back. The Utros underestimated the human's power while being attacked by other alien enemies which caused their defeat in their conquest of 200 years and had to retreat back to their territories. Oliver is a boy who has lived 12 years of his and passed the prime age for gaining these superpowers. Giving up on the dream of every awakening he steals an item hoping to let his sister who means the world to him awaken, but it cost him his life. Coming back from the dead he ends up with a system and the legacy of an ancient being. Watch as Oliver grows stronger, and learns about himself while uncovering the secrets his mother hid from him. ----------- I don't own the pic I will try to post one chapter every day

J_Morgan052 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Higher Authority

Oliver briefly went over his notifications before looking at the Metahumans in front of him.

'System are you doing this?' Oliver questioned while watching the people in front of him turn into dust.

There was chaos everywhere as the group chasing Oliver found their bodies disappearing in front of their eyes.

Some tried to stop it by using their powers, but it didn't stop the inevitable.


The system answered after everyone disappeared and the area descended into silence.

'What do you mean you aren't doing this?' Oliver asked and jumped back as a white door appeared in front of him.

[The system doesn't have any information about this event as everything is blocked by a higher authority.]

'What do you mean blocked by a higher authority? Who would have a higher authority than you?' Oliver asked in confusion.

[The Creator Of The System]

Oliver's eyes widened as the door in front of him opened and sucked his body in.

A blinding light made Oliver shut his eyes, but that didn't stop questions from appearing in his mind.

[The host should calm down and be respectful when meeting this entity, even in my prime I didn't have this type of power.]

Oliver shivered when he heard the system's solemn and fearful tone.

Every time the system talked to him, it was always in an emotionless tone.

Even when he was being warned by the system. Its voice was always emotionless like it was a robot only following its commands.

Now, the system was expressing fear and saying even in its prime it couldn't match up to the higher authority he was meeting.

Although Oliver didn't know how powerful the system was in its prime, he couldn't help but adopt a solemn expression.

Oliver didn't have much time to think as he found himself in the middle of a field full of purple flowers.

He looked around only to find an endless span of flowers while a lake was near him.

'This isn't what I was expecting.' Oliver thought while taking a deep breath.

All his built-up fatigue went away as every breath he took felt refreshing.

Oliver looked up to see a white sun in the sky. The sky was blue and clear of any clouds.

Oliver took his eyes off the weird sun as he felt drawn to the lake.

A white path appeared underneath him as he walked toward the lake so that none of the flowers would get crushed by his feet.

When Oliver arrived at the lake he took a good look at himself and was surprised when he saw that he was clean.

There was no blood or dirt on him and he was dressed in a white robe.

He had nothing on his feet, but that didn't feel uncomfortable as the path he walked on was smooth.

He took his eyes off himself as he felt something in the water calling to him.

He saw that no one was looking at him and decided to take off his robe and jump in.

As Oliver entered the water he felt the calling leading him toward the bottom of the lake.

He swam down for a few minutes before reaching the bottom.

Curiosity appeared on his face as he saw an egg on a pedestal in the distance.

As Oliver swam closer to it, he found himself falling.

"There's no water here?" Oliver said as he landed on the ground.

He was amazed as the water didn't come anywhere within 8 meters of the egg.

Almost as if an invisible barrier was stopping the water from getting near it.

Oliver also realized that he wasn't wet.

His hair and body were still dry like he never entered the water in the first place.

Putting those thoughts to the side Oliver walked toward the pedestal.

The pedestal was 4-foot high and pure white.

On top of it was an egg the size of a football.

Oliver watched in interest as the egg kept changing colors. White, red, cyan, violet.

As Oliver got closer to the egg it stopped changing colors staying on a lavender one.

'It reminds me of my eyes.' Oliver thought once he reached the pedestal.

"Are you the one who called me here?" Oliver asked.

He knew it was weird to talk to an egg, but he felt like it wasn't a normal egg. Oliver had a feeling that it was alive, or whatever was inside the egg was alive.

The egg shook in response to Oliver's question which made a slight smile appear on his face.

'I would have seemed like a real idiot if I didn't get an answer.' He laughed before bending down to get a better look at the egg.

"So, why did you call me here, egg?"

Oliver didn't get a response as the egg started floating before going into his body at a speed faster than he could react.

Oliver gasped as he felt all the air in his body leave him.

He rolled on the ground as he couldn't breathe.

'Am I really going to die again and this time to an egg!' Oliver thought as all the strength in his body left him.

'Sys... system help.' Oliver thought before his eyes shut.

As Oliver's eyes shut his body started glowing. First, blue, then red, and then green.

Similar to what the egg was doing.

While Oliver's naked body was glowing with different colors, it suddenly disappeared from underneath the lake.


On a hill surrounded by purple flowers, there were 2 altars.

One of the altars was empty while the other had a small girl laying on it.

The girl's eyes were shut and her body was shivering as frost came out of it. The coldness seemed to affect her as her black hair started to turn snow white.

Surrounding the girl was a golden barrier that stopped all the frost and ice from spreading.

Watching the girl was a beautiful young woman wearing a white dress.

She was 5'8 with long flowing black hair, lavender eyes, and a crown made of purple flowers on top of her head.

She caressed the young girl's hair lovingly before turning to the other altar where Oliver's body appeared.

A small smile appeared on her face as she saw Oliver's body glowing with different colors.

"It looks like you've also had a fortuitous encounter, but with that dragon egg." The woman said as a golden barrier appeared around Oliver.

She waved her hand over the barrier and a screen panel appeared.





Name: Oliver Hayes

Age: 12

Race: MetaHuman | Utros (Sealed) | Primal (Sealed) | Draconic Human (In Progress)

Title: <Locked>

Class: <Locked>

- Rank 0

- Level: 9

- XP: 10/25,000

- Hp: 100/100

- ESP 150/150

- Mana 1


- Constitution: 19

- Strength: 11

- Dexterity: 10

- Speed: 17

- Agility: 10

- Perception: 16

- Intelligence: 17

Free Attribute Points: 1


>Enhanced Speed - Level 5

>Enhanced Strength - Level 1

>Solar Manipulation- Level 1

>Weapon Creation - Level 1 | (1 Creation)*

>Spatial Manipulation - Level 1

>Flare - Level 2

>Sword Creation- Level 1

>Spatial Mark - Level 3

>Sovereign's Punishment - level 1

Free Skill & Ability Points: 2


- Mana Core (Light Purple)

- Mana Core (Infancy Stage 1%)

{Elements & Affinities}

>> Fire: Proficiency - 0

Affinity: Perfect - Basic Element

>> Light: Proficiency - 0

Affinity: Perfect - Special Element

>> Time: Proficiency - 0

Affinity: High - Pillar Element


This panel has not been opened

<Yang Eclipse Bloodline> Partially Sealed

<Primal Bloodline> Sealed

<Dragon Bloodline> In Process


This panel has not been opened





- SHOP -

This panel has not been opened






"Hmm, this project still needs a bit of work,' The woman said while rubbing her chin. She touched the panel which had Oliver's data and a new one appeared.


Project: 183672



A small smile appeared on the woman's face after that and she waved her hand making the panel disappear.

"I wonder what awaits you in the future, child." The woman said before pinching her thumb making a drop of golden blood appear. The woman didn't seem bothered by the cut as it closed instantly.

The golden blood hovered in the air before flying towards Oliver's mouth.

The woman opened Oliver's mouth letting the blood enter and waited.

After a few seconds, Oliver started to frown as sweat appeared on his body.

"It's good you're sleeping, as unsealing or merging bloodlines is painful. Then you're gaining mine on top of that."

The woman said while walking away from the alters.

She waved her hand at an empty spot and a white table with two chairs appeared.

"You can stop hiding. I won't bite." The woman chuckled while taking a seat on one of the chairs.

She was looking at Oliver's body when talking and in the next second, a silver light came out of the area where Oliver's heart was and slowly flew towards her.

The woman watched the ball of light with a playful expression.

She crossed her legs as the ball of light came toward the table like a frightened kitten.

When the ball of light reached the chair, it transformed into a young woman with silver hair and sharp eyes. However, if you looked closely you would find that her body kept wasn't real, like a projection

"Do you have anything to say to me, Primordial? Or would you like me to call you by your real name, Xena?" The woman asked as a teacup appeared in her hand.

She took a few sips of the golden liquid inside while keeping eye contact with Xena.

Xena, the woman with silver hair shivered as the woman in front of her said her real name. It has been years since some called her by that name and even she almost forgot it herself.

Xena sighed before taking the courage to ask the question plaguing her for years.

"Why did you bring me back and then trap me in that device to become a guide?" Xena asked while trying her best to hide the rage inside her.

The woman silently drank from her teacup while looking at Xena with a playful expression and after two minutes of silence, Xena couldn't take it anymore.

"Is this all a joke to you!" Xena yelled while standing up.

"It's not," The woman said, cutting off Xena. "but you can think of this as your punishment for failing your mission. Since you couldn't complete it, you might as well help the person who will." The woman continued while placing her cup down.

"You're really punishing me because I couldn't defeat them?" Xena said with an expression of disbelief.

"Hahaha," She started laughing crazily and then pointed at the woman. "I tried my best and pushed them back, by myself. What about you? What are you doing! Sitting here peacefully drinking your tea."

"What kind of person are you? To have the power to basically do anything you want, but still force others into a suicide mission. For what?! Entertainment."

The woman sighed while standing up.

Her whole demeanor changed as she walked toward Xena who slowly started to back up.

Even though Xena's body wasn't physically real, she couldn't help but feel like someone was choking her while pressing a mountain on her back.

Xena fell to her knees as the woman appeared in front of her.

"Child," The woman said while bending down and lifting Xena's face so that their eyes could meet. "... nevermind" The woman sighed before retracting her aura and letting Xena go.

"One of the children has awakened. Let's put this conversation to the side shall we." The woman said with a smile and started walking toward the altars. She stopped a few steps away from Xena and added.

"You should be more thankful towards me. After all, you might get another chance to live a life without the pressure of your mission. That, and the fact that I let you pass down your legacy as the last primal." The woman continued walking toward the altars leaving Xena on the floor near the table.