
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Just a slice of life.

Yeah, so about Toru Hagakure.

Sirius can still see her, so can Luna, he just does not approach her because he considers it unnecessary. Hagakure herself cannot understand where she saw her teacher before, so she chose to ignore the problem atm.

Their interaction is not forgotten, I'm just really not sure how to proceed with it. At first, I thought that Sirius would meet with her parents - after Summer Training Camp Arc - and they would notice his resemblance to the child they had helped before. However, this is too far in the story, so I thought of something else. You can expect this little plot to develop in future chapters.


While he was sleeping, his students from different classes tried to visit him, but Chie did not allow them to get a cannon shot from the Medicin Wing. He was grateful for that. This gave him time to collect his thoughts and calm down.

Sirius breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the whole story from Luna and the other teachers - much of that sigh was from relief that he hadn't lied to Eri about the Nomu.

Apparently, after Toshinori arrived on stage, he knocked all the shit out of Nomu and sent it flying. The fact that Symbol Of Peace could only use its power for fifty minutes a day after that show left a bad taste in the Wizard's mouth. He could have helped in the battle if he hadn't been so reckless before.

All his enemies in this life could not cope with his Magic or Alchemy, they simply didn't have a chance to resist the power and versatility that both powers had. Sirius hated to admit it, but he allowed the power get into his head - not even his weekly pairings with Luna helped him, and she beat the shit out of him every time at these. - He simply couldn't believe that after the disappearance of Magic there was at least someone in the world who could really match him (which was absurd, he knew perfectly well that Yagi could kill him if he could get the jump on him.)

But during this short battle, Sirius realized that he was still as powerless as he was at that time in the closet under the stairs. He was as powerless as during the time spent by the personal slave of the Buttergems family - Sirius flinched at these memories, he did not even want to think about Alexander's life until the moment Harry came to this world.

Harry. . . The name he left behind. He hadn't thought about it for quite a long time - and now those thoughts returned with the scar on his forehead. Was this the right decision? Was it right to take someone else's name as your own? Maybe it was not too late to accept himself? Harry James Potter, a man who could not stop getting into weird situations.

Of course, he liked being Sirius. The pranks that he pulled at people, the constant jokes from which half of him laughed and the other half groaned from dread. He was comfortable wearing the mask he created for himself, and almost everyone around him was comfortable with this mask. Well, not that Harry's thoughts were that much different from Sirius's. It's just that Harry had a lot more problems - and that's considering that the real Sirius Black spent thirty years in Azkaban.

There was also the problem of the appearance of the old Witch and Greed. Oh, he knew that the Homunculi were far from dead, he just didn't know that they were here in Japan. But the Witch was the real problem. Who is she? How could she survive where the others died? Could Jasmine have made a mistake? Maybe not all Magical were-

The sound of broken glass pulled him - and his Basilisks - out of his thoughts. He turned to see what had happened and dark green eyes met the pale silver ones. Luna was on all fours on the table, her ears twitching at the sound. On the floor next to the table lay the remains of his - stolen from Aizawa - mug surrounded by black coffee and half-dissolved charcoal.

Luna looked pleased with herself and smiled happily at Har- Sirius. The man just shook his head, waved his Wand to fix the mug, and leveled it onto the table.

"Feline instincts?"

"Mhm. . . Although I think this is the work of Whackspruts, my brain's rather fizzy."

"Don't you mean Wrackspurts?"

"Of course not, silly, these are completely different creatures, albeit related to Wrackspurts."

Sirius decided not to argue with the Master and plopped on the sofa in front of the table, Luna immediately crawled into his arms.

It was pleasant to be home, where no one could hurt either him or his family - he made sure of that a long time ago when he was not so confident.

"Do you want to visit Karin and Azumi? They should start dinner with the rest of the Orphanage kids around this time."

Sirius thought for a second and nodded. He needed a distraction and this was the perfect opportunity. Moreover, Eri needed more communication with peers. He remembered how he felt without friends at her age. And although their lives were quite different, everyone could use more friends.

He also needs to apologize to Kumono for his abrupt departure - and destruction of the Yakuza. Oh, and start planning his wedding - although for some reason he felt like Nemuri was thinking through every little detail of his wedding right now.


In the U.A. teacher's box, one Nemuri Kayama sneezed but decided not to pay attention to it. She had a wedding to plan and she won't fall asleep until she's done. Three days before the start of the Sports Festival seemed like a good date.

Suddenly, a Villainous idea entered her mind. But no, she couldn't, she was a Heroine and no one deserved what she was planning to do. But she still needs revenge for the prank that Sirius pulled on her last year. . .

With a huge smile, Midnight entered her boss's office.

"Do you wanna plan a wedding~?"

The chimera's laughter rang out in the corridors of the school and no one felt safe.


A family of three appeared literally out of thin air in front of the new Orphanage. A man in soft pink robes knocked on the door and waited for an answer while a woman in the same pink robes straightened her daughter's pink dress. Of course, it was Luna, Sirius, and Eri - who hesitated to wear pink until her parents decided to wear the same colors.

After a couple of seconds, Azumi opened the doors. The woman looked at the newcomers for a couple of seconds before taking all three in a hug. She had already heard about the incident from the news and was afraid that something went terribly wrong.

"Hey, I'm fine and wearing pink. Isn't that wonderful? Do not worry it's okay."

"Not you, idiot, you are practically immortal. I was more worried about Eri and Luna."

Or not. . .

They spent several minutes just standing at the entrance and hugging each other until they were interrupted by the appearance of the fifth member of their family. Karin only looked at them for a couple of seconds - just like her mother did - and also joined the hug.

After this relatively long greeting, Azumi led them to the table. The family of three was greeted with gazes full of interest, Eri shied away and hid behind Sirius's legs - he was larger than Luna and provided more cover.

"Everyone, this is Sirius Black, his future wife Luna Lovegood, and their daughter Eri. I told you about them before, so be respectful. And no Kars, you can't ask them about their Quirks if they don't want to talk about it."

Although Azumi said that he couldn't ask any of them, it was mostly about Eri. It was a painful topic for a girl and no one wanted to open only closed wounds.

A blond teenager with brown eyes scoffed and crossed his arms over his chest so that Sirius quickly realized that this was the so-called Kars. He somehow resembled Malfoy, but Sirius still couldn't figure out how exactly.

Luna leaned over to Eri and whispered something in her ear. The girl nodded uncertainly and walked over to the part of the table at which several children were sitting closer to her age.

Karin started to introduce the children in turns with a small smile, her change in environment was good for her. When she got to the three who were sitting next to Eri, Sirius began to listen a little more carefully.

Ichigo Tovashi was a loud and easily aroused boy. He had pink hair with rainbow eyes - something to do with his Quirk. He recently turned seven years old, and he was the tallest of his growing group.

John White - Sirius bit back a chuckle comparing their last names - had white hair and the same white eyes. If not for his barely visible pupils, Sirius would have mistaken him for Jasmine's son. There were small holes in his arms, and strange pipes protruded from his elbows. He was much quieter than Ichigo, like his polar opposite.

The last one was a girl who was shorter than even Eri, Shia Sobu. She looked so normal that she would have been easy to miss if not for her bright orange T-shirt and pants. As far as he understood, she was terribly smart - on par with Karin - and Quirkless. She strongly reminded him of Hermione, so much so that even Luna admitted it.

The dinner was loud, so loud that Sirius remembered his time at Hogwarts. Friendly conversations, jokes, minor conflicts. . . He missed that feeling. The decision to come here was a good one.

Just a slice of life, nothing else. I thought that everyone in the story needs it.

Recently I noticed that re-write got more collections than my first work. So let's celebrate! Thanks to everyone who reads me and to those who just came here to see what the fuck is going on. I am very grateful for your support and criticism :)

Simple_Russian_Boicreators' thoughts