
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

C is for Cuack.

Sirius watched from the shadows as the 0-pointers destroyed the faux cities. The Examinees fled from the robots like the plague, and if truth be told, Black agreed with their decision. Even he doubted that he could have destroyed such a giant at the age of fifteen. But apparently, Izuku thought otherwise. The teenager decided that he could destroy the 0-pointer and the reason was visible in his hands.

Izuku ran towards the robot with a four-round rocket launcher on its right shoulder. The problem was that it was about the size of Izuku himself, if not more. But Sirius noticed something else besides his green-haired friend downstairs.

There was a girl right in the path of the 0-pointer, so Black decided to see to her safety.

He immediately created a shadow-eye to monitor the situation, but it was not necessary because Izuku chose this moment to blow the robot apart. He stumbled back and two more missiles crashed into his body, destroying the head of 0-pointer. Sirius made sure he didn't kill anyone when he fell and only then heard Izuku's voice.

"Okay, this looks bad. Sirius, you bastard, get your ass over here!"

Luckily for him, the exam has already ended.

"Time's up. Everyone out."

Sirius Apparated down to the street ignoring several examinees who still hadn't escaped and just stared at them with wide eyes. He looked at the girl's condition and frowned.

"That's not good."

Her leg was crushed by a rock and Sirius doubted that normal medics could help her recover. Fortunately, Uraraka couldn't see her leg because of the tears in her eyes, otherwise, she would have started crying even harder. Her pants were covered in blood and torn in several places, and her leg itself was bent at an unnatural angle.

Sirius pulled out his Holly Wand and muttered a Medical Diagnostic Charm, the results making him frown even more. The bone in her leg was shattered and damaged both muscles and nerves. The girl will need a long operation to put everything in place and Black was not going to make her go through this. Magic was much better than muggle healing.

He sat down next to the girl and prepared for future questions from the Principal. Seriously, the beast was even more paranoid than Mad-eye.

"Okay, now you will lose all sensation in your leg, don't worry, this is necessary to heal you. What is your name?"

His calm voice put the girl's mind at ease - if only a little. She breathed a little more evenly and wiped the tears from her face.

"O-Ochaco Uraraka."

"Well Uraraka, get ready."

First, Sirius cast a Numbing Charm on her leg, and only after that he used Alchemy to build a wall around them - Izuku also stayed behind the wall so as not to embarrass the girl when she calms down from the pain. With one wave of her wand, her leg was cut open, revealing a painfully-looking flesh.

He mended bone and flesh with Parceltouge Healing Magic, ignoring how wide her eyes she was looking at him. Yes, the snake tongue was so creepy. If her wound was bigger than this, he would have to ask for help from Luna.

"It's done but it will be a little painful to walk for a while, maybe Recovery Girl can help you with that."

Uraraka could only nod at his words and look at her now healthy leg. Suddenly her clothes were repaired as if by Magic and the wall around them went into the ground, knocking her out of her stupor.

"Thank you Sensei. . ." Her cheeks flushed a little. "Erm. . . I don't even know your name."

"You will find out when you become a student here, Uraraka. Now go to the exit, the exam has already ended."

Sirius Apparated away, leaving the girl alone with Izuku, who was waiting outside all this time.

"Are you okay now?"

The green-haired teenager held out his hand to the lying girl, helping her to stand.

"Yes, Sensei healed my leg, although I didn't even understand how!" Now when her leg was not screaming in pain, Uraraka began to think about her healing. "He can teleport and heal people! What kind of Quirk allows you to do that?"

She winced as soon as her foot touched the ground. The offer to visit Recovery Girl sounded necessary now.

Izuku snorted, knowing full well that wasn't a Quirk but decided to keep it to himself. He put Uraraka's hand around his shoulders to make it easier for the girl to walk and her face turned red like a tomato.

"W-what are you doing?!"

"Helping you to the exit. After that kind of injury, no one has to walk on their own, believe me, I know."

Her face became even redder and Izuku began to worry that she would pass out. He had no idea why Sirius hadn't just Apparated them to the exit, maybe the bastard was just lazy.

Unknown to him, Sirius had far more problems than a little pain in the girl's leg.


"And what was that, Mr. Black?"

Nezu was still in the observation room with the rest of the teachers - Chiyo had gone to help the students who got hurt during the exam so she wasn't here. All eyes were on him, reminding him of the day Nezu had told the others about his identity as Salazar Slytherin. It was a fun day.

"It was Biological Alchemy, Nezu. You should know what the Alchemist is capable of if he wants to."

Nezu considered his words and fell silent. Everyone in the room knew that the little animal simply didn't trust Sirius Black. Not when he had so much power at his disposal. Not when he had a too strange past.

Sirius had no problem showing his Alchemy, but Magic? Well, it was much more difficult. The Wizards had a reason to hide from the rest of the world after all.

All his abilities up to this point could be explained by Alchemy - even teleportation, as absurd as it may sound - he had a huge advantage in that no one understood Alchemy at his level. As a last resort, he can always say that this is his Quirk and that he lied when talking about his Quirkless status.

". . . And the stick?" Finally asked Nezu.

"Oh, come on, that's just a stick. Let others think that it's important to me for some reason."

"I can't say that I can't see the logic in your words. Why couldn't I have thought about this use of Alchemy before? I started to grow old."

"Nezu, you're not even forty. I'm four hundred and I feel like I'm fifteen, so don't complain."

"Ha-ha very funny." Midnight muttered. "A teenager with the ability to change his appearance and he uses it to appear older. I'm jelly."

Sirius simply shrugged his shoulders and looked back at Neza who was the only one in the room who was pondering his words. The beast was too smart not to know the phrase "There is some truth in every joke."

"Well, the exam has ended. Thanks to all the staff present, we will be selecting suitable candidates for the various Courses."


Sirius saluted and Apparated away, causing Mic to recoil from Black's sudden disappearance.

"Dammit, I'll never get used to this!" He rasped out.


While Sirius lied through his teeth to his co-workers, Izuku and Ochaco were finally at the gates to site E. Some examinees looked at them strangely, but this was to be expected. But what was not to be expected was Ochako passing out from embarrassment forcing Izuku to give her a piggyback ride. Smoke came from her head and her arms hung limply from his neck so that she did not fall, he had to hold the girl by her thighs. Not that he was against it.

At first, he thought that if she woke up and saw that he was carrying her like a princess, he would simply die of embarrassment. But now, when two soft hills rested against his back, he was not sure who would die of embarrassment first.

To Midoriya's surprise, Mina and Kirishima were already standing at the gate and waiting for him. And as soon as the gaze of the pink-skinned girl fell on him - to be exact on Ochaco on his back - her eyes flashed with mischief.

"Izu! Have you brought us a new friend? Or a girlfriend?"

"Shut up or face my wrath." He grumbled. "She can't walk on her own, so I'm taking her to Recovery Girl."

"That's so manly!" Kirishima shouted and this woke Uraraka up.

"Waz goin' on?"

She raised her hand to wipe the remnants of sleep from her eyes, but she collided with something. Uraraka frowned and opened her eyes only to see green and nothing else. She was confused for a second until someone started talking.

"First of all: ow. Second: can you take your hand away from my eye? Please? I kinda need it."

And only then did she understand what was happening. The boy who saved her was carrying her on his back! Her face became red but before she could pass out again she was distracted.

"Heya there! How is your leg?"

Mina immediately jumped to Uraraka and began to examine her with interest from head to toe. Seeing that she had a distraction, Ochaco breathed a sigh of relief and smiled.

"Better now. The teacher who explained the exam rules to us healed me, so I'm fine. Erm. . . Could you put me down? I can stand on my own." She turned to Izuku, who was still carrying her towards the Recovery Girl tent.

"Sure, but you'll just pass out again. And then I'll have to carry you again. So no."

"Izu, if you keep talking like that she'll pass out anyway."

Smoke began to rise from Uraraka's head again, and her face turned redder than the Red Sun. She perfectly felt how her chest rested against his strong back, how his hands squeezed her thighs, and how-

"Aaaand she's gone." Kirishima said finding the situation absurd. "Why is her face so red? Does she have a fever?"

Sirius sighed heavily and straightened the unconscious body on his back so he could comfortably carry it.

"Such innocence. . . Mina, explain to him about the birds and the bees, I'll finish here for now."

Izuku entered the tent and immediately noticed that there was only one person in the room besides Recovery Girl. It was a purple midget with weird hair and broken arms and a rocket in the a- ahem, where it shouldn't be.

"Looks like I have another patient. Be dear and put her on the bed."

The old heroine was very short with gray hair tied in a bun. She wore a white lab coat and used a cane that looked like a huge syringe. Recovery Girl approached Izuku and took him to the bed, away from the purple midget. Midoriya put Uraraku on the bed and turned to leave. Here he finished.

Izuku walked out of the tent and a strange sight appeared before his eyes. Kirishima's face was redder than Uraraka's - if that was even possible. He covered his ears with his hands and tried to be as far away from Mina as possible.

He failed badly.

The pink-skinned girl had a victorious smile on her face. As soon as she noticed Izuku, she immediately straightened up and saluted him as if he was a general in the army.

"Sir, the birds and the bees explained, Sir!"

"Good work, soldier! You can come back to base, we will be waiting for you!" Izuku quickly saluted back.

The serious atmosphere was shattered by the laughter of two teenagers and the tired groan of a third. Post-exam stress has long been forgotten.


A few days later the teachers got back together to discuss possible students for different Courses and as usual, they started with Hero Course. The names of the students were projected into the air and right now there was a list of class 1-A on the screen.

{1. Aoyama Yuga.

2. Ashido Mina.

3. Asui Tsuyu.

4. Ida Tenya.

5. Uraraka Ochaco.

6. Ojiro Mashirao.

7. Kaminari Denki.

8. Kirishima Eijiro.

9. Koda Koji.

10. Sato Rikido.

11. Shoji Mezo.

12. Jiro Kyoka.

13. Sero Hanta.

14. Tokoyami Fumikage.

15. Todoroki Shoto.

16. Hagakure Toru.

17. Bakugo Katsuki.

18. Midoriya Izuku.

19. Mineta Minoru.

20. Yaoyorozu Momo.}

The class 1-B list looked like this.

{1. Awasa Yosetsu.

2. Kaibara Sen.

3. Kamakiri Togaru.

4. Kuroiro Shihai.

5. Kendo Itsuka.

6. Kodai Yui.

7. Komori Kinoko.

8. Shiozaki Ibara.

9. Shishida Jurota.

10. Shoda Nirengeki.

11. Tsunotori Pony.

12. Tsuburaba Kosei.

13. Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu.

14. Tokage Setsuna.

15. Fukidashi Manga.

16. Honenuki Juzo.

17. Bondo Kojiro.

18. Monoma Neito.

19. Yanagi Reiko.

20. Rin Hiryu.}

Sirius used Occlumency to remember the files of all the students and frowned. Most of them were good candidates, but one name. . .

"What the hell is Mineta doing on the Hero Course? His personality doesn't suit a Hero, rather a sex offender. If we let him become a Hero, he'll use his position for shady things."

The teacher turned towards Black in shock. They had never heard Sirius so. . . serious.

"My advice is to replace the idiot with someone promising from the General Course. For example, Shinso Hitoshi. He has no obvious deviations and his Quirk is ideal for an Underground Hero. If anyone should be in 1-A, it is him."

"We can't just expel a student-"

"He's in Class 1-A, a class taught by Aizawa. Who are you trying to fool, Nezu?"

Sirius began tapping his fingers on the table without taking his eyes off Principal. The Beast and the Alchemist stared at each other without blinking until a heavy sigh comes from Aizawa's side.

"Mineta came forty during the practice exam, and he could only do that by stealing points from others. On the first day, I'm going to conduct a Quirk Apprehension Test to see where they start. If he comes here last, then he has nothing to do here, then we will take Shinso in"

That was enough for Sirius that he decided to stop being so serious.

"I have a question about Midoriya and you, Blak. Are you really Quirkless? I know what science is capable of, but so that it can change matter with just a touch. . . I'm sorry, but I don't believe that." Ectoplasm said with his arms crossed over his chest.

Black sighed heavily and closed his eyes. He touched his warm cloak and it was covered in a flash of red lightning before becoming a sleeping bag, his remaining clothes becoming pajamas. Moonbean jumped onto his chest and disappeared into his sleeping bag, preferring to lie on his lap.

"Nezu, explain how it works, I'm too lazy."

Now it was Nezu's turn to sigh, he couldn't just leave this question unanswered.

"The alchemy used by Black and Midoriya harnesses the energy of the movement of the lithospheric plates. Anyone in this room can become an Alchemist with enough knowledge and understanding. Unfortunately, you need a lot of talent in energy manipulation to use Alchemy. This is why Black and Midoriya's powers are so different, yet so similar at the same time."

The teachers nodded in understanding and moved on to the next agenda, Students of the Support Course, Business Course, and General Course. Sirius also remembered their files through Occlumency but did not remember anything terrible that they could be excluded.

Eventually came the final topic of discussion: Sirius Black's position as a teacher. This caused the Alchemist to reluctantly wake up and fully awake when Moonbean bit his thigh.

"Well, Mr. Black, now you can now call yourself Sensei Black. From this day on, you will be teaching Advanced Tactics to the first years to allow you to get used to responsibility. Next year, you will be teaching for all three years." Sirius nodded, already thinking about what he could give his students in the first lesson. "Also, some of the lessons on Advanced Tactics will be held in conjunction with practical exercises. I hope you are ready for cooperation."

"No problem. Maybe I can even remember the times I worked for the Ministry. Sometimes it was fun. . ."

Everyone in the room ignored his words. They are already used to Sirius saying strange things. Everyone except Luna. She knew that sometimes Sirius missed his past life and could only hope he didn't miss it as much as she did.




I named the chapter that way because I wanted to.




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