
The Prideful Wizard in MHA.

After meeting Voldemort at the end of his first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter dies. But because he shouldn't have died so early, he was returned to the world of the living. . . Three hundred years later. Everything has changed quite a lot and now, instead of Wizards, about eighty percent of the population have special powers. And Harry had only one question: who started calling them Quirks? The first couple of chapters are information dumps about MHA, FMA, and HP worlds. The story will move at a slow pace because I don't want to jump into a canon that hasn't changed a bit. The main pairing is Harry Potter/Luna Lovegood. Also, he gets his magic back in later chapters, just bare with it. I do not own My Hero Academia, Harry Potter, Fullmetal Alchemist, or the cover art. But I own a cute cat, her name's Tosya.

Simple_Russian_Boi · Anime & Comics
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67 Chs

Azumi and Karin.

"How the f-" Sirius stopped when he remembered that there was a child in the room. ". . . Flip were you able to walk past the five most dangerous creatures on Earth?"

Everyone, except Luna and the little girl, was tense. Sirius and Gin did not lower their weapons, and Izuku blocked the exit from the kitchen. The woman didn't look like she was worried about trigger-happy teens - although she was - and just sat down opposite Luna, who had somehow managed to monopolize the little girl's attention and put her on her lap. Black, seeing his friend's reaction, relaxed a little and lowered his Wand, but didn't put it away. Gin followed his example.

"We didn't walk." She simply answered.

"Teleportation or flight. Do I have to hatch a flying Basilisk to protect the house?" He muttered to himself. "Okay, why did you come here?"

"I went back to my house with my daughter, so I should ask you what you are doing here."

"A couple of months ago, this place was home to hundreds of spiders with a private mud pool in the basement. And you mean you would come to this hell with a child? Try again."

The woman narrowed her eyes.

"I wouldn't have come here if I had a better option. Trust me, Karin and I would have chosen a five-star hotel instead of this in a heartbeat. Although it looks much better now than it did ten years ago."

"Is your name Karin? What a cute name!" Luna said with a smile and squeezed Karin in her arms.

"Luna, do not squeeze the child," Sirius said without even looking at her.

"But Siri! Look how cute she is!"

This time Black turned around and looked at the little girl who was sitting in Luna's lap. She had a round face and a little pale skin, her eyes were stone gray and sometimes sparkled as blue as her hair.

The very scene of Luna hugging a little girl warmed his heart. His old friend wrapped her cat tail around Karin's waist and let her pet it.

"Okay, she's cute."

Karin smiled brightly at his compliment. He turned back only to see Azumi's smug smile that said, 'My daughter is the best.'

Sirius sighed heavily and put the Elder Wand back into the holster.

"So will you explain why you came here? I can try to guess, but it's much easier to hear the story from the source."

"Well, I can, but why would I? You are in a house that belongs to me, so-"

"So you can kick us out, yeah yeah. I doubt you can do it, but I can see your point. Damn, I was hoping this house would be completely abandoned. . ." Sirius rubbed his temples. "As I understand it, you are not going to go anywhere else because you two have no other choice. Woman, did you have any other shelter? If you have a child and you are doing something dangerous, then you must have at least one safe and clean place to escape. Seriously, don't you know that kids can get sick? What would you do if this place was in a terrible state? This is irrational. How are you-"

"Siri. You're ranting again." Luna said softly, but it was enough for the annoyed Black to take a deep breath and try to calm down.

The woman, meanwhile, was just staring at the teenager. Everything he said was true and she knew it very well but she had no other choice.

"Wow, you really sound like you're four hundred years old. Hey, grandpa don't you need to lie down to rest? All this stress is bad for your heart." Izuku chuckled.

"Midoriya, shut up or I'll make a worm chimera out of you."

"Can you even do that?"

"Yes, but since you will be my first attempt, you will die in less than thirty minutes. Oh, and you will be more of a worm than a human, so I will not bury you, but. Now quiet, adults are talking."

Azumi Sato looked closely at the four teenagers in the room. The catgirl Luna played with her adopted daughter and did not show any aggression. She was on her vibe and it seemed that she did not pay attention to what was happening around her. But this was not true, she saw how her pale silver eyes were reflected in the knife on the table and followed her. But she looked like she had taken her daughter to protect her from accidental attacks if the situation got hot.

Midoriya kid was a close-range fighter and blocked the most obvious way out of the room. She could say little about him, only that he was trying to seem relaxed, although his whole body was tense like a spring. So his Quirk was most likely associated with strength.

The silver-haired girl - whose name she didn't hear unlike the others - didn't even try to hide the fact that she was watching every move. The gun on the table was different from the usual ones and looked like it was firing acid and not bullets. So either she created the weapon herself, or her Quirk helps her with shooting.

But the strangest of them all was Black. First, he pointed a stick at her as if it were a deadly weapon, then stated that he was able to restore this house from a "terrible state." And what was that about the five most dangerous creatures on the planet? As far as Azumi knew, the most dangerous creature on the planet was a human.

Sirius Black exuded an aura of danger, was a natural leader, and was the oldest one of the four. If the house is guarded by five more people of his level, then Azumi will not even have a chance to escape with her daughter. On the other hand, this could be the perfect opportunity for her and Karin. This house is one of the safest places in all of Japan.

". . . quiet, adults are talking."

Azumi got out of her thoughts and decided that they needed to stay in this house. Moreover, it will be beneficial to both parties.

"I think we started on the wrong foot. My name is Sato Azumi, the girl in the arms of the catgirl is my adopted daughter, Hitachi Karin."

"Black Sirius, the catgirl - Higher Powers will be hard to get used to - is Lovegood Luna. Broccoli behind you is Midoriya Izuku, and the girl who wants to melt your face is Hagane Gin. As I understand it, you are not going to leave."

"Just like you."

Azumi and Sirius stared at each other for a couple of minutes. Both were not going to leave this house. Because what are the chances of finding another unoccupied house in the forest with such good protection?

"Luna?" Black asked the catgirl for advice.

"They are good people, Siri."

Sirius sighed heavily and closed his eyes. He leaned back in his chair and muttered something under his breath - most likely another curse. The threatening aura that surrounded Black abruptly disappeared as if it weren't there from the beginning.

". . . The next person who enters this house without an invitation will become a volunteer for my experiments."

And that is how the last inhabitants of the House of the Rising Sun were determined.


After a couple of weeks, all six calmed down and found a place for themselves in the house.

Azumi and Karin occupied the master room as no one had ever used it.

Izuku stopped showing up at his home and spent every night in the first guest room.

Luna on the very first day redesigned the second guest room for herself and now every time someone went inside they found themselves in the Forbidden Forest.

Sirius lived pretty much in the basement where almost all of his research took place from the very first day, so he stayed there.

And Gin spent most of the nights at home, and when she was here she spent the night in the same room with Luna.

Apart from their rocky beginning, Azumi and Karin were quickly able to become part of this small group, where the woman became a kind of a safety measure. She stopped Sirius and Gin's too dangerous experiments lest they blow themselves up. She also made sure that Luna did not paint anything outside the house as it would draw too much unnecessary attention.

Karin became the younger sister for everyone in the house, but Azumi, Luna, and Sirius remained her favorite people - to the great surprise of others. They still didn't know the details of the former Potter's life, so they had no idea that he raised two children and one failure already.

Sirius walked in from his daily Fire Alchemy training with Basilisks on his body. They have already reached their adult size and were feeling "Ssstrange" Black thought that their special abilities would soon awaken.

"Siri, you've brought snakes?!" Asked Karin with a sparkle in her eyes.

No one except Izuku and Sirius himself had yet seen the Basilisks, as their growing body demanded freedom and spent most of their time outside. But as soon as their bodies began to change, they immediately stuck to their friend like glue.

All five people who were sitting in the living room and eating a dinner cooked by the joint efforts of the three women in the house - Gin was not allowed to the kitchen after the first time she somehow set fire to the water - turned towards Sirius.

Azumi choked on her tea while looking at the five snakes. She felt the same aura she felt from Black the day they arrived at the old house. Everyone else didn't seem to be surprised by the snakes, they were already used to Luna and Sirius doing some pretty weird things daily.

"Yes, they are considered the royalty of their kind. But. . ." Sirius leaned over to Karin and loudly whispered as if he was telling an important secret. "They are not really just any royalty, they are the very last of the Basilisks' kin in this world."


". . . They are not simple snakes. "It was not a question, but rather a fact.

"Of course! Their poison is the most deadly in the whole world, and their gaze, according to legend, could kill people who dared to look them in the eye!" Luna said.

In one leap she flew over the table and landed next to Sirius. As a catgirl, her body became much stronger, faster, and more flexible than her past one, and she used this advantage daily.

"Well, yeah, but these little ones can't kill with a simple glance. . . Yet."

Izuku, Azumi, and Gin sweatdropped hearing Sirius's words. Karin and Luna ignored Black's bloodthirsty smile. The blood of the blackest House of Blacks was strong in this one.

"Rowena is on my left shoulder and Helga is on my right, you can tell them apart by the color of their eyes." The basilisks on his shoulders nodded in unison. "Godric is the little guy on my finger, Clay's around my neck." None of them reacted. "And around my belt is Rasputin."

"I was expecting boring names. You know, you usually call your research files by very simple codenames." Luna said, patting Rowena on the head.

Karin was more interested in Godric.

"He's as black as your name! Sirius Black!"

Sirius was momentarily carried away by nostalgia at the moment when the Fat Lady was shouting almost the same phrase as Karin did.

"Okay, you have tamed snakes that can kill a person in a second. Cool, cool, cool. Please keep them away from me, I don't really like snakes. And lizards. And crocodiles. You get it." Gin muttered nervously as she stood up from the table and made a tactical retreat.

Sirius looked at her and shrugged. He can't make others love Basilisks.


Sirius walked the night streets of Gunma in search of what made his senses tingle. It was a particularly cold night, so the Wizard transmuted a warm thick cloth and borrowed a pink scarf with kittens at the ends from Luna. What? It's called style, bitch.

With every step he took, he felt how this sense - which he called "Fucking trouble finder" (FTF for short) - began to whisper louder and louder. It was like someone's voices from behind the mind that told him where to expect danger. Now they were leading him to the abandoned areas of Gunma, where even the Heroes did not dare to go. Ghon was a very dangerous place.

If some Villains were doing business in perfectly clean hotels, then this was the place for real scum who wouldn't even think a second time before ripping your throat out. Someone might think that such a place cannot exist so close to Tokyo, but this someone has never seen the Villains who wanted to tear off a piece of land for their gang.

Cheap drugs and even cheaper whores. Sirius even began to regret taking the Basilisks with him to this disgusting place. Children shouldn't see it, no matter what kind they are.

§I sssmell blood.§ Clay said suddenly.

It was not very surprising, it had a better sense of smell. But here. . .

§It sssmellsss like blood everywhere, Clay.§

§It'sss fresh blood. Sssomeone has just been wounded.§

Hearing this, Sirius was not surprised again. Someone got stabbed or killed in Ghon, nothing new. Unfortunately, his FTF dragged him right into the heart of the slum, from where it reeked of blood.

Sirius, whose face was obscured by shadows, walked to the exit of the dark alley into a fairly open area. But as soon as he realized what he was looking at, his eyes widened in shock. He was so shocked that he didn't even notice someone's gaze on his back.

Not far from the center of Japan, the safest country in the world thanks to All Might, there was a huge ring with battles to the death. Hundreds of people stood around it and apparently shouted in excitement. Black could swear that he saw someone in the crowd fucking like wild animals. There were ten people in the stone ring, of which only four were alive.

'Now it's clear why I didn't meet anyone on the way here, all them are gathered here. But why is FTF still so quiet? There are too many people here to- oh.'

One of the men in the ring fired the bones from his hand and pierced his opponent's neck, who was distracted by the other two. The crowd screamed even louder, but not a single sound entered the alley.

'Each of the people in the crowd is a Villain, but none of them looks like they have much power. These are all small fry. A team of strong Heroes could clear this place in a couple of hours, but they didn't. Someone is looking after this place or the Government turns a blind eye. Just like Knockturn Ally. Keep all the scum in one place so that it doesn't spread throughout the country.'

A bloodthirsty smile appeared on Sirius's face.

§Get ready, little onesss. We're going to hunt the ssscum of thisss planet.§

Now he needs to find some metal and everything will be perfect.


At the same time, a team of Heroes, in cooperation with the police, was preparing a raid on the infamous Ghon. Kamui Woods, Midnight, Endeavor, and Best Jeanist were chosen for crowd control. The Eraser Head, Black Hat, and Death Arms sat in cover at the only three exits from the Ring of Death to catch those who could escape from the heavy hitters. Of course, there were dozens of minor Heroes with them, but their names were too difficult to remember.

The role of the police was to quickly join the hidden Heroes after the start of the attack to help them control the exits. After that, several squads will join the Heroes at the heart of the operation and begin to fight alongside them.

This place has existed for so long only for one reason. What happens in Ghou remains in Ghou. And of course, there were a few corrupt Heroes who helped to hide this place. People from the Hero Commission have already taken care of them.

Naomasa examined his subordinates and nodded. His team would control the passage along with Black Hat, an underground Hero who could control everything that touched his head. In most cases, he used his hat with blades instead of the trim to attack his opponents and quickly take them out of the fight.

"Everyone here was at the briefing and know our plan. Team A comes in and knocks out as many Villains as possible near the Ring of Death. Teams B, C, and D will join the Pro as soon as Team A shows itself. Right now, according to the calculations of our specialists, there are about two hundred and fifty Villains below B-rank, a dozen of A-ranks and three S-ranks inside."

No one even blinked when they heard this information. They knew what they were doing. Seventy cops and thirty Pro Heroes against two hundred and fifty Villains.

"We're sure that" His speech was interrupted by Eraser's voice in his earpiece.

[True Man, your Vigilante, Salazar Slytherin has just passed through my zone. He has four snakes with him. There was not a word in your reports about them. This idiot can ruin our operation, should I knock him out?]

Naomasa would have sworn badly, but he was brought up better than that.

". . . No, leave him alone. Judging by his behavior from the reports, he doesn't start attacking until he reads the whole situation. And your fight can attract someone's attention. We have a chance to catch him during the operation."

[Well, I hope you're right because his snakes just disappeared into the crowd. He is also apparently able to give them orders in very creepy hisses. He could be a good Hero with such abilities, why did he become Vigilante? Irrational.]

"We will ask him personally when he is in the interrogation chamber." The detective turned to his team. "Our plans have changed, we are moving immediately. One Salazar Slytherin wants to see the Ring of Death. He is not our priority and will probably even help us in the battle, so he will be the last. Get ready, this is going to be difficult."



Since the Author's Note is usually ignored, I will write something here.

I decided that Luna would be Sirius's love interest, as she is one of the few people who can truly understand him. So rejoice, the proletariat, the leader will finally write romance!

Izuku is already different from canon, so after a lot of thought, I decided to pair him with Uraraka. I have big and very evil plans for their relationship.

Gin will get Mei. It was a no-brainer, so don't even try to argue. I just think that they can invent together and my blood runs cold. In a good way. Is there a good way in this situation? Probably not.

And I will be very grateful if you leave a review. What for? I don't like that there are no pretty stars next to the name. I love stars.

A Simple Russian Boi who celebrated his birthday by scamming his readers by one chapter out.

The beginning of writing this chapter:

So I decided that I would write a little slice of life and enjoy it here. The government decided that from October 28, everyone will stay at home.

Cool, right. (no)


The end of writing this chapter:

What the fuck happened. I started writing slice of life and ended up with the fucking Ring of Death.

The next chapters will be quite hot.

Simple_Russian_Boicreators' thoughts