
The Praised Hypocrisy

An Eneas, He who is always praised, never looked down upon. That's who I always ambitioned myself to be. Unlike many in this accursed world. I wanted to be someone who's praised for his goodness, not his utility. But poor me for my foolishness. Never would I have thought what the Universe itself had planned for me. From being drowned in the depths of the Oceans, to having to survive in the Void while fighting against several Dieties for the sake of survival. I have to face it all. After all, I bear the Legacy of Damnation. "The Praised Hypocrisy".

InfernusReal · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Mist

I moved out of the car as the men nodded to each other, seemingly talking in some secret language. Their eyes darted here and there while they faced each other, making me believe in my speculation even more.

I, however, disregarded this and went ahead. My footsteps were heard as the green nature around me started to seem vague. The men in the suits came forward to me with eyes filled with alertness and worry.

"What's happening?" I asked them under apparent confusion. However, suddenly, my eyes narrowed as wariness surged through my heart.

I immediately turned around, and the rerealisationame crashing on me. The surroundings were covered with a white mist. The greenery just across the road was now completely hidden by it.

I looked towards my mom's car, where she was waving her goodbyes to me. And I saw nothing.

White mist filled the area as worry filled me. What was happening? I didn't know. I looked behind me, and the men in suits had their hands aiming their pockets as if they were about to pull out a gun.

"What's happening?" I approached the one beside me and asked. However, I only got replied with a finger to the lip. I wanted to question more but knew better than that.

The air became colder to breathe as the white mist made even the road beneath me vaguer. At this point, nothing could be seen in the surroundings, only a white fog that filled me with suffocation.

I hoped my mom was gone now. 

"DODGE!" in an instant, I was tackled to the ground, drifting me away from where I was standing previously. However, before I could think of who had done that, my eyes locked in horror when I looked at where I was standing previously.

Scratches that went deep into the cement half engulfed it. Bits of rocks and pieces torn out of the road by sheer force were littered. My eyes widened in horror once again as I suddenly felt something behind me.

"MOVE OUT OF THE WA-" Before I could finish my sentence, A claw slashed through my back. A pain so strong that it would've made me pass out instantly if not for the current situation that occurred to me. I wanted to cry, yet no tears came out as I flew from the point of impact.

"TAKE THE BOY AND GO!" The man who had tackled to save me before screamed as he stood up. The white mist still reigned and silent as ever. If not for the pain, I would've thought that nothing had ever happened.

My instincts screamed at me to run, yet my feet were rooted on the spot. The pain in my back flared up. I bit my lip, tasting the blood as it tainted my teeth. Someone suddenly grabbed me by the collar and ran towards the gate.

I knew this was the other suited man as the first one remained back to stall for time. I flew in the air as the man ran, which surprised me. The strength that these men had was unfathomable. It was even more surprising my collar didn't get torn apart.

As we made our way towards the gate, I suddenly heard a massive scream echoing. My eyes widened in horror as my heartbeat raced in panic. Blood stained the ground in the near distance as it dissolved into a white mist.

'Don't tell me'...

I was right; these men were incomprehensibly stronger than me, yet one of them got killed almost instantly. My heart genuinely feared whatever this mist was hiding. 

As we moved ahead, I felt the white mist getting thicker and thicker. Even the air suddenly felt heavier as it got thicker. I felt as if I was being suffocated to death.

Little did I know that should be the least of my worries...

Suddenly, a silhouette of a giant dragon-like creature running towards us appeared. The enormous dragon had wings that felt like they could cover the sky. It was so huge that I didn't even know how I was able to survive a strike from it.

"The creature is gaining upon us!" I shouted at the man running in the direction of the gate. The man, however, just nodded and said one word in reply.


Suddenly, a huge claw from the side of the road flashed in front of the suited man. Seeing the incoming attack, the man increased his speed instead of slowing down to dodge. At this point, I couldn't even make up the white mist.

Suddenly, A weird yet reasonable thought came into my mind. My eyes narrowed as I looked towards the man.

"Hey, why are we moving in the opposite direction towards the gate?" I asked in contemplation.

The man, however, suddenly halted. I fell on the ground due to the sudden cease in movement. My breath came in short as a shiver ran down my spine. 

"What... what are you?" My voice stammered, barely more than a whisper. Suddenly, the air had become suffocating as I choked for more breath.

However, when I looked up, I saw the man's eyes glowing red as a horrifying grin covered his face.