
The Praised Hypocrisy

An Eneas, He who is always praised, never looked down upon. That's who I always ambitioned myself to be. Unlike many in this accursed world. I wanted to be someone who's praised for his goodness, not his utility. But poor me for my foolishness. Never would I have thought what the Universe itself had planned for me. From being drowned in the depths of the Oceans, to having to survive in the Void while fighting against several Dieties for the sake of survival. I have to face it all. After all, I bear the Legacy of Damnation. "The Praised Hypocrisy".

InfernusReal · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Victor of All

Before I could react, a sudden pain echoed from my stomach as I realized that the man in front of me had vanished. Punching me in the abdomen almost instantly. Blood flowed from my mouth as I felt my bones cracking under sheer pressure.

The pain in my back flared up as I felt like death was looming over me. I stammered and fell to the ground while blood flowed from my mouth continuously. Despair, hatred, agony. Many flood of desires came crashing on me, I wanted to cry, but at the same time, I wanted to laugh at my weakness and foolishness.

What was my fault? What did I do to deserve this? Suddenly, anger started to build in me as I coughed up more blood. The cut from my back opened up again as more blood flowed out. My vision started to feel blurry due to all the bleeding.

The man in front of me started to move towards me with a grin. In an instant, a sword appeared in his hand. A sword that made me feel that death was the only option.

Suddenly, something started to stir within me. Something started to circulate, combining itself within me. Something I had never felt before. But I couldn't care less.

With a lot of effort, I stood up as my bloodshot eyes opened wide. My blurry vision suddenly had gone. In fact, my vision was better than before.


"Hm?" The man mumbled as he looked towards me, standing up, hunched down.


Suddenly, I lashed forward. The man immediately reacted and tried to slash me to shreds, but I had disappeared from my spot.

The man's eyes widened as I punched his guts, breaking his bones. A sudden dark aura rose within me. 


I punched him again and again; my background in martial arts helped. However, something was different. I was much stronger.

I punched him in the face, and his jawbone broke. However, in the corner of my eye, I saw the sword reaching towards my neck. In an instant, I disappeared from my spot once again.

"What?" The man questioned, but before he could realize I had appeared behind him. I immediately brought forth my hands and started to choke him. The man immediately tried to get out of my hold, but I refused.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps behind me. I instantly disappeared from my spot as a sword slashed where I was previously. I staggard beside the man and punched him, who tried to slash me. The other man whom I thought was killed was alive.

However, before my punch could reach him, he disappeared. 

"HAA!" I screamed as I turned around and kicked the other guy in the face. Sending him flying backward. 

My eyes wide open, bloodlust flowing.

A horrific aura rose within me. I blocked the original guy's punch from behind as the other man rushed towards me with his sword. I gritted my teeth and twisted my body.

As I dodged the incoming attack, my senses heighted once again as I felt something huge from above crashing towards me. I disappeared from my spot as a huge tail smashed the ground.

My anger rushed forward. I rushed towards the tail and started to move upwards, climbing towards the monster lurking. 

The two men behind rushed towards me, but I kept on moving. I was stronger faster. Something unknown was within me. I felt like a...


"DIE!" I jumped forward and brought out a punch to the heinous leviathan. Making it fall to the ground. The two men slashed their swords towards me in mid-air.

"You too." I suddenly grabbed one of the swords, breaking it apart. As I was falling down, I held both of their necks and made them have the impact first.

The ground shook as now a visible aura could be seen surrounding me. The two men gritted their teeth as all of us disappeared from our spots.

Punches were exchanged, and each kick was replied with a death-giving stare. I felt as if I was the self-embodiment of death. Anger, rage, bloodlust. I screamed as I went forward with everything I had and held one of the men's heads. Crushing it. Blood stained my hands as I looked towards the other man with eyes wide open, not even blinking.

My eyes were red, bloodshot with killing intent. My mind was blank, thinking of nothing but the monster and the left-alive man in front of me. I threw the head and once again disappeared from my spot. The man brought his sword to slash my neck, only to be sent flying by another one of my punches.

Instantly, I vanished from my spot as the leviathan's head crashed there, and rubble went everywhere. But not for me. I rushed towards it as the aura intensified. 

" Creation welcomed by nothingness, death begone by life. Reap and sow, you mere mortal," I said as I punched the leviathan in front of me. Huge shockwaves went everywhere as the leviathan's bones only remained.

" I AM DEATH, BEGONE!" I screamed as I turned, my hand black with white stars in it. I rushed and punched the other man in front of me. The man dodged only to be kicked.

He went flying backward as I circled my hands around me. 

"Infinity of life, Hell's Eve." Suddenly, the white mist dissolved as the sky cracked with purple lightning. The world went dark. Wind flowed like death. My eyes turned purple with lightning surrounding it. My hands were black as white stars twinkled in them. 

I brought one of my hands forward as a fiery void-colored slash went in all directions. The man in front of me tried to slash it, but his sword broke in two, and he disintegrated into nothingness.

In the end, I stood, the victor of all. Blood and debris lay around me. Evidence of my victory.