
The Praised Hypocrisy

An Eneas, He who is always praised, never looked down upon. That's who I always ambitioned myself to be. Unlike many in this accursed world. I wanted to be someone who's praised for his goodness, not his utility. But poor me for my foolishness. Never would I have thought what the Universe itself had planned for me. From being drowned in the depths of the Oceans, to having to survive in the Void while fighting against several Dieties for the sake of survival. I have to face it all. After all, I bear the Legacy of Damnation. "The Praised Hypocrisy".

InfernusReal · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The Start

It was a normal day; I woke up on my bed, groggily wiggling my head, trying to fix it. Sunlight shined through the window right beside my bed. Every day I wake up, the first thing I do is look outside the window.

Today was no different. I looked outside, and everything was normal. Cars were moving, an old lady wearing a red dress with a trim along with her dog was walking along the footpath, and a man with his suit was smoking a cigarette with a weird grin.

The sounds of children playing and cars honking came to my ears. I never liked noisy things. I'd always liked to avoid them.

However, today was going to be a busy day for me. Before I could think about my tasks today. I suddenly heard footsteps right outside my room. Mere moments later, I heard my mom knocking on my door.

"Carter, wake up. You will be late for the ceremony!" My mom exclaimed in a loud voice out of my room. 

"On it, Mom!" I said with excitement, suddenly making an entry in my squinting eyes. Today was a big day for me, after all. 

Every year, in this world of magicians and warriors. Each person is assigned a legacy from their fathers or forefathers. According to the legends, each person or generation has an ancient ancestor in their bloodline.

As such, the ancient ancestors living in the Ancient era, or the Aeonic era, the golden age for magic, have a certain set of legacies that is passed down from generation to generation.

However, as they are passed down, due to genetic differentiation, they get impure and change themselves; as such, the legacy is modified for each and every one of them.

"Hurry up! You are already getting late!" Suddenly a huge voice entered my ears from downstairs, interupting me in the middle of my contemplation.

"Sorry!" I immediately pushed the blanket away and rushed towards the bathroom, passing by the dressing table and a boque of flowers. Mere minutes later, I was out of the bathroom with a towel around me. My black hair was soaking wet as I felt some water droplets entering my blue eyes.

I wasn't able to focus on anything right now. I was quite excited for the ceremony. A ceremony that would determine my future. My face broke into a smile of joy when I thought about that.

However, there was no time. I couldn't be late!

I immediately opened my closet right beside the door to the bathroom. As I opened the brown closet. A set of choices filled my head, making me feel worse once again.

I never liked to make choices. I wish everything could just be done when it's needed. Why do I even need to make a choice? I've asked this question to my parents quite a lot of times. Only to be given a lecture about persona and other's opinions as a reply.

I stood before with me gazing upon the set of garments before me. I swept from different colors and textures but my hand hesitated, uncertain. I was never good with diversity. I liked simplicity. In the end, I reached for familiarity and the comfort that lacked diversity. A black buttoned shirt with matching pants, a plainess such that reflected my own nature.

I reached out to a belt aside and with a quick practiced motion, I fastened the belt around my waist, the glint of gold against dark fabric reminding me subtly the significance of the ceremony.

Despite the urgent situation, I looked myself in the mirror momentarily. I studied my reflection with anticipation. How would the legacy shape me. Would it for the betterment or the worse? with a shake, I immediately threw the thought of my head.

As I got out of my contemplation, I rushed towards the door, snatching my bad on the computer desk along the way. With each step, my anticipation grew more and more.

As I opened the door, a wooden stairway came into view from which i darted downwards, jumping in the middle, foregoing the last of the steps and reaching the front door immediately.

Behind me my mom stood with blond hair and blue eyes. I had inherited my hair from my dad and my eyes from my mom. So I have black hair and blue eyes.

My mom had a purse in her hand as if she was ready to take me to the ceremony.

"Let's go, you took so much time, we might already be late" my mom said as she opened door with me following.

My excitement levels sparked through the roof in anticipation. I wondered what sort of legacy I would have. I had heard how the Dimensional Severance, a divine legacy that could slash through any thing. Even through space and time. Meanwhile, another famous one was Heavenly Agony, the most powerful legacy in the fire type legacies and how it could burn an entire city and even a country if it's mastered fully.

I hoped fruitlessly that I would get one of them, knowing how I won't due to their rarity. Soon, we entered the car outside our house and we took off. As I entered the car, a sweet aroma entered my nose. My mom always liked to use this perfume on her car that I have told her many times that it's weird.

I sat down along the window as my mom seated herself in the driver's seat. 

"What do you think? What would you get?" My mom said with a hint of worry in her eyes. She examined my face as if trying to find any sort of stress or anxiety.

"I don't know," I replied with an optimistic tone. However, it was of no use. My mom's worry didn't fade. She was not just worried about the legacy, she was worried about my future, the weight held her heart under sheer stress.

"It's fine mom," I said reassuringly with a smile, hoping to ease her worry. But it still remained like a lingering shadow. I held my mom's hand as a silent gesture of solidarity. But still, it was fruitless.

My mom started the car and we drove off. Along the way I saw children playing and other people just going about on their day. However, I was in no mood for scenery. Throughout the whole way, the only thing I could think was me getting a super great legacy.

'Maybe If I can get the Red Sceptre I would be so great! Just imagine destroying a city with a red ball of light' I thought as we travelled.

My Academy of magicians, one of the most prestigous academy that I just got admission into, was quite far from here. It was way in the fields of nature where there is low population.

Every year, if someone enters this academy, a ceremony is held where they can get their legacy. The Academy instructors call it Aspect Legacy. I never knew why.

I could still remember passing the admission test and it still made me quite happy. The joy I felt when I realized I got into it when it only has a 0.9% acceptance rate was fabulous.

However, my mom's words suddenly rang in my ears.

"Look Carter, even if you got a bad Legacy, don't give up on yourself. Ok?" My mom said once again with worry evident in her eyes. It was almost as if she was fearing something.

"It's fine mom, you don't have to worry. I still remember how the instructor said that a person's personality is also a factor to a legacy and how much importance it has. Do you really think I am a bad person?" I said, smilling reassuringly.

My mom nodded as some of the worry in her eyes faded away, but I could still see it. She was still worried to some extent, Albiet not as much as before.

By now, I was fearing that I might dissapoint my mom, If I do get a bad legacy, knowing my mom she would probably break down into tears. I looked towards my mom's face while driving and suddenly, I silently vowed myself to get the best legacy possible.

As we continued, soon the city faded away into the distance as we kept driving. On both sides of the roads, there was nothing but nature. I vaguely make some shapes of the trees and the mountains in the distance.

Mere moments later, A huge palace came into view. It was so huge I couldn't see the ends of it from here. This was the second time I was seeing this, and I couldn't help but suck a breath in cold air.

From here, although it looked like a palace, I knew better that it was just the building in the centre of a whole city just for the students!

The palace was made of quartz and gold, in various places like palaces or window balconies, spruce wood was used. I can't describe how magnificent it looked. The pointed shapes of it were just perfect. In the middle, several spruce bridges connecting from one tower to another were present. 

Purely Magnificent.

As we continued towards the magnificent seemingly heaven. I remember the first time I went to the palace for admission. And I couldn't help but feel excited even more. From training yards to your own personal gym and an Artificial intelligence robot to practice your martial arts with.

Nothing seemed before the verge of Perfection! Soon, we reached the magnificent gates of Tartarus, the entrance to the Official Academy. As the car reached the huge quartz gates, 2 men wearing black coats with a tie stepped forward.

One of them nodded to the other, and the other moved towards us. Soon, he reached the driver's seat window, and my mom pulled it down.


"Sally Lawrence"

"Student Identification?"

"Carter Lawrence"

My mom was flooded with a series of questions so forth that I didn't even understand most of them. My mom replied also at the same pace which impressed me.

"You may enter" The man said as he pointed to his partner. The other man nodded as he knocked on the white door twice before it started to open. 

A sound of rumbling entered my ear as a line of images of a city filled with skyscrapers and other huge buildings came into my view. My anticipation levels burst through the roof seeing this.

"Good bye, son. I hope you have a good time".