
The Power Of A Broken Heart

Amelia Rose Novak; a young girl who set to get revenge for her family's untimely death but more hated filled her heart when she found out that the son of her family's murderer was her mate. He was rude, arrogant and enjoys sleeping around with ladies of his pack which made her hate him more But will her revenge over power the mate bond between them? Or will Amelia fall in love while being at war?

Asmau_Usman · Fantasy
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10 Chs


The door flew open and Francis looked up, she sighed in relief as she saw that it was Loki and Arya, she stood from the chair she was sitting on ready to leave

"Thank the moon goddess you're here"

"Amelia how did my son get injected by wolf bane and silver?" Amelia's frown immediately turned to a smile like she was waiting for him to ask that

"Rumors spreads like blazing fire I see"

"I want answers Amelia" Arya said impatiently

"Fine, you see your son told me earlier that he was my mate, hold on a second Arya don't be all my son has finally found her"

"Did you just call me by my name?" Arya questioned with a traced of anger in her voice

"Well I'm sorry beloved Luna" Amelia said dryly with a fake smile

"Relax Arya" Loki whispered in her ears, but Amelia heard it

"So as I was saying your son told me he was my mate and I hate him so much that I rejected him"

"You rejected him?!"

"Oh Loki don't get on my nerves now aren't you listening?" He was about to launch towards her, but Arya pull him back

"As I was saying, I rejected him but before that you see he tried to kiss me and I pushed him away then he was mad as hell and shift into his wolf I know you guys are expecting me to be like ahhh! I'm wolfless, I can't go against such a big wolf!..." She laughed "... But that wasn't the case at all rather I ran towards my wardrobe and pulled out my bow and arrow at first he knocked me off and gave me a scratch you see that's why my hand is wrapped in a cloth so as I was saying my bow went flying another way but luckily my arrow was closed, so I pulled one out and stabbed him with it and yeah my arrow is filled with wolf bane and silver..."

"You did this to my son?!" Loki yelled, but she still wasn't moved by him

"What were you thinking Amelia? You injected him with silver and Wolf bane and then rejected him he can die by what you just did" Arya spoke softly with sadness in her eyes

"Oh trust me a part of me wanted him dead and if you dare to come close to me, I won't hesitate to kill him or kill you"

"How can you be so heartless?" Arya asked in tears

"Heartless?..." She laughed "... Your freaking son goes around sleeping with women and raping young ladies, and you dare to call me heartless. You might be a great Alpha and Luna, but you have failed as his parents..."

"How dare..."

"Your arouse or power doesn't work on me Loki, so stop trying, will you? I respected you for years for you have a reputation, but enough is enough! You are both good people and sometimes very horrible, but your sons has failed to take over your good legacy. Nico and Nash find pleasure in scaring the shit out of people and pranking them when it's clearly not funny and the other finds pleasure in hearing a woman's cry, and you stand here with your head held high and say I'm heartless? How about you check your children before you criticize someone else!" She yelled at both of them

"We both agree based Nash and Nico but what you're saying about Francis is not true" Arya growled with her eyes turning gold slowly

"I don't care if you believe me or not, but they are victims of your son's stupid behavior" she pointed towards Jenna and Ursula who had their heads down in submission

"Enough Amelia!..." Loki's voice boomed in the room, but she didn't move a bit, "... I've heard enough, and you are banned..."

"You don't need to do that I'm already leaving" she starts to walk away, but Loki grabbed her hand and immediately regretted it

"What the hell?!" He hissed as his hands burned from the silver bracelet on her hand, "... Why are you wearing that?"

"I told you not touch me, but you did and why I have a silver bracelet is none of your business"

"Who was your father?" He suddenly asked and Amelia's anger just increased

"That's none of your business!" She spit at him and shut the door at his face

She walked out of the hospital and walked towards the pack's gateway. She was mad, annoyed but most of all upset she might want to for fill her dreams, but she's going to miss the happy moments she had with her best friends

"Aren't you going to say goodbye?" She heard Jenna's voice and turned around,

The tears she had been holding back fell off her cheeks. She ran to them, and they all hugged each other

"Do you really have to leave?" Ursula sobbed on her shoulders

"I'm sorry, but I have to. Don't worry about me, but I promise when I settle down in a place I'll come back and get you guys" she wiped their tears

"Stay safe Rose"

"You know I would have been mad, but I won't be" they all laughed

"We love you so much Amelia"

"I love you guys too and remember don't let anyone misbehaving with you especially that rascal; Francis. You both will be fine and don't forget to always take part in the morning trainings, so you'll learn how to kick asses" she smiled, and they laughed

"Bye Amelia"

"Bye guys" with one last hug she turned around and left the pack

Francis's eyes flew open, he felt her leaving the pack

"Francis my child" Arya cried, and his eyes snapped towards her

"She's leaving mum, someone stop her she's leaving!" He yelled, but they only looked at him with sad eyes

"Son we know what you did" his father said sternly

"What I did doesn't matter, but please don't make her leave, Dad please stop her"

"I can't do that son"

"You're the Alpha she will obey you of course you can"

"My Alpha position does not work on her, it never did, and she left on her own will, we can't stop her son"

"We have to do something?!" He removed the cover off his body trying to get out, but his father's command made him stay in bed,

"Francis lay down now! Look here you have tarnished the image of this family due to your stupid needs and wants, and I'm sorry to say, but Amelia did the right thing by rejecting you"

"Loki!" Arya gasped

"I'm speaking the truth Arya, stop spoiling the kids! If you had found out I was a man whore in the pack, wouldn't you reject me out of hatred and disgust?" His eyes held sorrows and anger

"Yes I would have" she spoke softly

"That exactly what Amelia did, and she had every right to do that so don't you dare question her going away or her rejection. Francis the moment in an hour time you're staying in dungeon 101 the moment you are out of here till you realize what you have to do and will do in your life" and his eyes widen

"That's the dungeon for top criminals I can't stay there Dad"

"But you have committed a top crime and that makes you a criminal, have a talk time with your mum because it going to be a long time before you get to see her again" 

"Loki please give him another punishment, no one has ever made it out of their" Arya cried

"If he loves Amelia so much he will get out of that place" with that Loki left the room