
The Platinum Dragoon

With his world facing inevitable destruction at the hands of an ancient dark entity, Vesryn Haerel performs what he believes is one final act of defiance. However, instead of the embrace of death, Vesryn finds himself waking up in a strange new world full of magic, monsters, heroes, villains, gods and demons. As the only survivor of his former home, he must now carve out a new place for himself in a world that seems to be in constant conflict. {Going to be posting this onto Royal Road. My pseudonym on there is also Huntingfate so keep an eye out.}

HuntingFate · Movies
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 11

Vesryn walked out of the bank with a small silver key in hand. Slipping the key into his pouch, he walked towards Professor McGonagall and Aurelius, the pair of which having decided to wait outside after Aurelius made clear his aversion to the bank's method of traveling through the vaults. Riding a metallic cart down a long, winding track, Vesryn was led to his new vault in the depths beneath the bank. Ogbert had made it quite clear that the goblins valued the security of their business and their patrons, as Vesryn pocketed a thousand galleons from the contents of his new vault.

He had planned on storing the extra materials in the vault but after asking about the bank's security Vesryn decided otherwise. From what Ogbert told him, the bank was in the process of finding a replacement for one of their security measures that had become 'outdated' as he put it. Although, Vesryn was sure the goblin was hiding something regarding that specific security measure, especially when the goblin refused to tell him why one of the other tracks looked as though it were melted by extreme levels of heat or why there were large claw marks on the walls from the lower levels towards what looked like a tunnel that happened to be blocked by rubble. Vesryn set aside his thoughts as he saw the professor and Aurelius waiting for him outside the bank.

"All done?" McGonagall asked as she stood with both hands clasped behind her back. Vesryn nodded as he looked at the numerous shops around them.

"Very well. Let's be off then. We have a lot we need to get." McGonagall said before moving to lead the two boys through the busy street. From one shop to the next, Vesryn and Aurelius gradually accumulated more and more items that the two had simply stuffed into their bags to be sorted later.

'Guess that bag was more than a coin pouch. Guess I shouldn't be surprised.' Vesryn thought to himself as he watched Aurelius struggling to put his new cauldron in his bag.

"What else do we need to get anyway?" Aurelius asked as he pulled out the supply list from his pocket.

"Owl, toad, or rat and a wand." Vesryn answered as he knelt to tighten the laces on the pair of black leather boots he was now wearing. After tucking the bottom of his trousers into his boots, he stood up and started looking around for the next store they needed to go to.

"Still not sure why you didn't buy shoes instead." Aurelius commented as he looked at the boots that reached halfway up Vesryn's calf.

"Not sure why you wear shoes. Those provide barely any protection. Also, I'm just used to boots." Vesryn replied as he pointed at the black shoes that Aurelius was currently wearing.

"Cause they're comfy. And I think muggles call these sneakers."

"Sneakers. Right. They haven't made you any sneakier, but whatever."

"Thank you, Madam Malkin. We'll have tea another time." Professor McGonagall's voice called out as she exited the store behind them. "Alright, boys. Let's get the last things you need, and we can go have lunch before heading back."

Continuing through the busy streets, Vesryn continued to take in the sights as he passed by the various other shops. His attention even being drawn to a store that seemed to be selling flying brooms. And as it so happens, Aurelius seemed to be equally drawn to the store as his eyes were locked on the man that had just landed in front of the store before dismounting a shiny black broom.

"Are they too expensive for you, or is it something else?" Vesryn asked as he continued following after the professor as they rounded a corner.

"Kind of. I'm sure I've saved up enough to buy a Nimbus, but gramps won't let me buy one until I'm thirteen. But at least it's not as bad as it was for my sister. He didn't let her buy a broom until 15 after she broke her leg falling off one." Aurelius answered as they approached a store made of gray bricks with a colorful sign with the words, 'Magical Menagerie,' in the center. Stepping inside, Vesryn was met with an almost unbearable combination of smells that caused him to visibly recoil. Looking at his two companions, it appeared that they weren't nearly as bothered by the smells in the building as they stepped further in.

"Professor McGonagall. What can we do for you today?" A red-haired woman stepped out from the back room with a crate filled with small bottles in her arms.

"I've got a pair of first years that I'm bringing around to get their supplies."

"Ah. So looking for pets then, boys?" The woman asked as she set the crate down and brought out a pair of black spectacles from her pocket before putting them on.

"Yes ma'am." Aurelius answered as he looked towards the owls in the back corner. The older woman stepped around the counter and walked towards the collection of avian creatures, as both boys walked after her. Crossing the store, Vesryn observed the diverse collection of different creatures, all squeaking, squawking, hissing, or making nearly every other kind of noise possible as he passed by. As the lady introduced the various breeds of owls, Vesryn spotted a particularly large owl whose cage was set a short distance away from the others. Walking over to the cage, Vesryn noted the vibrant orange eyes, mottled black, and gray feathers, and black tufts atop its head as the bird looked back at him. Leaning in close, he watched as the bird tilted its head before hopping closer to the edge of the cage.

"Eurasian eagle-owl. Strong bird, that one. Barely over seven weeks old, and it's already larger than its parents and other adults of its breed. He's usually not so friendly, though." The shopkeeper said as she noticed Vesryn using the back of his index finger to pet the owl.

"I'll take this one." Vesryn said with a smile as the owl leaned in closer to him. McGonagall let out a quiet sigh as she looked at the young boy in front of her. It was the first time she saw any real emotion on his face, as though he was wearing a mask that had only just slipped away for the briefest moment. The entire short time that she has known the boy, he has only ever displayed a stoic expression that no child should ever really have. A look that she has unfortunately seen all too often from students both young and old over the last decade, as the wizarding world of Britain recovered from the recent war. But in the end, the professor could only keep her concerns for the boy to herself, even as she watched him stand up with the cage in his hands, once more donning the mask of stoicism.

"I suppose all that remains are your wands. Come along, I believe we've put this off long enough." Professor McGonagall said as she started down the street. It didn't take long before the boys were standing in front of their last stop for the day, an old, narrow, and shabby-looking store. In the dusty window, Vesryn saw an elderly-looking arm reach through the curtains to place a smooth, black wooden wand atop the fading purple cushion. Above the door itself were peeling gold letters that read 'Ollivanders: Makers of Fine Wands since 382 B.C.' Moving towards the door, the trio passed a young blonde girl walking out of the store with her mother. Stepping inside, the group heard the tinkling sound of a bell ring out from deeper within the store, past the tall shelves stocked with thousands of narrow boxes. An old man with messy gray hair stepped out from between the shelves with a broom in hand, his pale, silvery eyes shining through the gloom and dust of the shop as he stared at his guests.

"Minerva McGonagall! How wonderful to see you! Fir, nine and a half inches, dragon heartstring, stiff, yes?" The man recited happily as he looked at the professor standing in front of the boys.

"That's correct, Mr. Ollivander." McGonagall replied as she moved to the side to let the two boys step forward.

"Ah. Another Dumbledore. Very good. How's your sister doing? I don't reckon she's found your mother yet, has she?" Aurelius looked down in response to the question, his face no longer as bright as it was before.

"No, sir." He answered quietly.

"I'm sorry, my boy. That was wrong of me to bring it up. You're finally getting your wand, this should be a joyous occasion!" Ollivander said before turning to look at Vesryn.

"You, I'm not familiar with." He said as he tilted his head slightly to the side.

"Vesryn Haerel. I just moved to the country." Vesryn answered as he set the cage of his owl on a nearby chair.

"Ah. No matter. I'm sure we'll get along splendidly." Ollivander responded as he waved Aurelius forward.

"Come, come. Hold out your wand arm." The man instructed as Aurelius held out his right arm. Vesryn watched as Ollivander quickly started to measure the boy from shoulder to finger, wrist to elbow, and shoulder to floor before moving on to take other measurements that didn't seem to make sense. Around his head, knee to armpit, and even between his eyes and nostrils. Moments later, the man tossed the measuring tape on the counter and walked to the back of the shop before returning with a stack of boxes.

"Try this one. Vine and phoenix tail feather. Ten inches. Flexible." Ollivander held out a cream-colored wand for Aurelius to take. Vesryn watched as the boy moved to wave the wand before it was quickly snatched out of his hands.

"Nope. Maple and dragon heartstring. Nine Inches. Whippy. No, not that one either. Maybe, this one? Nope." Vesryn watched as the man handed Aurelius wand after wand only to snatch it from his hand before the boy could react.

"Okay. This one. Willow and unicorn hair. Eleven Inches. Springy." Aurelius took the pale wand from the man and gave it a wave, this time without interruption from the old man. In an instant, the dust around Aurelius was swept away as a rush of warm wind wrapped around everyone in the room.

"Excellent! Very excellent! A bit of an uncommon wood but it is known for its healing power. There's a proverb in my family that he who has furthest to travel will go fastest with willow. Combined with the gentle nature of unicorn hair, oh, I can already imagine the lives you'll change. I look forward to seeing what you will accomplish." Ollivander said with a smile as he handed over the white box the wand came in before turning to look at Vesryn.

"Now let's get you sorted as well, shall we? Hold out your wand arm, please." The man requested as he picked up the measuring tape from the counter. Vesryn took a moment as he looked at his hands before speaking.

"I've been trained to be ambidextrous. Does that matter?"

"Oh? Well, then just hold out both arms. You can decide for yourself which arm is more comfortable with a wand." Vesryn nodded as he stepped forward and held out both arms. His eyes followed the old man as he set about with his measurements in a similar manner as before. Moments later the man dropped the measuring tape on the floor and walked toward the back of the store. Vesryn watched as Ollivander moved about collecting several boxes from the various shelves before returning to the front and setting them on the counter.

"Blackthorn, eleven inches. Phoenix feather. Flexible." Ollivander held out a wand for Vesryn to take only to immediately pull it away just before he could fully grasp the wand.

"No, maybe not. Holly, unicorn hair? No. Maybe vine and dragon heartstring... No, not that one either. Closer, though." The man said with a frown as he continued to offer one wand after the next until he had gone through every wand he had brought out.

"Hmm. You're a complex one. Maybe…" Vesryn watched as the man paced back and forth, muttering to himself before he took another look at Vesryn and rushed off to the back. Ollivander climbed up a nearby ladder and pulled out an old black box from the top of a shelf as he looked down at the boy standing in front of his store. Climbing back down, he opened the box and pulled out a wand that seemed to be made of two different kinds of wood. The body of the wand was a reddish brown while the handle itself seemed to be made of a dark, almost black wood and had what looked like vines wrapped around it. As Vesryn took it in his hand, he felt a rush of energy as the magic in his own body seemed to reach out toward the wand. The few lanterns around the store and the street outside instantly began to brighten as several sparks of light appeared in the air, illuminating the gloomy interior.

"Oh, wonderful! Ebony wood handle and cherry wood body. Dragon heartstring. Fourteen and a half inches. Neat and sturdy." Ollivander said as he took the wand and placed it in the box before handing it back over. "Dual wood wands like yours generally reveal quite a bit about their masters. The wood making up the handle represents the wizard's heart, while the wood forming the body mirrors what the world outside sees."

Vesryn took the box into his hands before looking at the man who seemed eager to continue his explanation.

"Ebony wood is generally found in the hands of those with the courage to be themselves. A perfect match for one that will hold true to their beliefs, regardless of what may stand in their way, and will not be swayed lightly from their goals and purpose." Ollivander continued as he picked the measuring tape off the floor and placed it on the counter before grabbing his broom.

"Cherry wood, however, despite the misconceptions of frivolity and ornamental nature, makes a wand of incredible power, regardless of the core. However, when matched with the heartstring of a dragon, the wand can only be mastered by a wizard of exceptional self-control and strength of mind." Ollivander said as he looked the platinum-haired boy over, his hands folded on top of the broom that he was leaning on.

"If young Aurelius' wand is best suited for a healer, then I dare say yours is only meant for a warrior." There seemed to be a glint in the man's silvery eyes as he looked at Vesryn.

"I see. Thank you." Vesryn said as he placed seven galleons on the counter before he picked up the cage of his owl and walked out of the store with Aurelius and McGonagall close behind. Slipping his new wand into his pouch, Vesryn started to follow the professor as she led them back towards the Leaky Cauldron only to suddenly stop and look back at the intersection behind them.

"What is it, Vesryn?" McGonagall asked as she noticed the boy's sudden stop. Vesryn's eyes narrowed as the flow of magic once more became visible to his eyes to see anything unusual.

"Nothing. Sorry." Vesryn answered when he failed to notice anything out of place. He turned to continue following the professor around the corner, although if one were perceptive enough one would notice that Vesryn now had his wand in his left hand as his right hand clasped the end of a sword hilt that was just barely peeking out of his bag. As the trio left the area rounded the corner, the air in the intersection seemed to shimmer before shattering like glass as three figures appeared in front of Ollivander's store all dressed in similar robes. On the left was a portly-looking man with tan skin and short black hair, while on the right was a slimmer man with brown skin and hair that was cut just as short. In between the two men was a tall woman with pale skin and a bald head. In her hands was a small striped box labeled 'Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans.'

"Did he notice us?" The portly man asked as he took a red bean from the box that was offered to him by the woman. A look of surprise appeared on his face as he ate the bean.

"No, Wong. Maybe if he was older, he might have." The woman said as she moved the box in front of the other man.

"Should we do something?" The other man asked as he looked at his companion with a look of caution before taking a pale green bean from the box and looked at it.

"He's not a threat to our world, Mordo. If anything, we will have need of his assistance in the future." The woman answered as she looked at the pale green bean in the man's hand with a slight grin. She watched with interest as he took a small bite from the bean before he quickly spit it out and started to gag.

"Mine was chili." Wong said with a wide smile. The woman chuckled as she turned around and waved her hand in a circle, as a sparking circle formed in the air in front of her and expanded into a portal revealing an open courtyard overlooking a mountain range. The two men stepped through the open portal as the woman turned back to look in the direction Vesryn had disappeared in for a brief moment before continuing through to the other side. The glowing portal quickly shrunk until it disappeared with a spark and yet despite the unusual sight, the witches and wizards nearby continued on with their business as if they were never aware of the strange group to begin with.

Testing out Grammarly on my phone this chapter instead of the usual grammar checker I use on OperaGX.

HuntingFatecreators' thoughts