
The Phantom

The Phantom depicts the journey of a lonely boy from having nothing to finding out his true identity and owning the whole world. It is the story about Power, Revenge, Honor, Friendship, Betrayal, Romance, War and much more. It will take you to a Fantasy World never seen before.

Real_Lee_Sai · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 14 - Rooms (Part 2)

"Come on." Baba seemed excited "Hop on."

Sai almost ran towards him.

"Not here. You Idiot! Stand on yours."

Sai looked around. There was another board in front of next pathway. He quickly stood on it. The board rose a little; Sai got a little wobbly.

"You'll get used to it." Baba chuckled.

Sai's board reached the same height as Baba's.

"This board can read what you want…" Baba gloated like he invented everything here "…No verbal or physical commands needed."

Sai was impressed.

"Let's go." Baba's board flew in one direction. "Follow me." Baba screamed.

With a slight jerk, Sai's board flew in the same direction. Sai felt a little unbalanced and afraid for his life.

"You can go up too." Baba turned around and looked at him. His board started gaining height.

"Whooooooo." Baba screamed in excitement.

Sai gulped and his board levitated. He was feeling less nervous now.

"Books are full of world knowledge." Baba told him as they flew higher "The books in this library have been arranged and classified as per a very sophisticated system. I'll teach you that, later." They had reached the top of the library.

The view was beautiful from up there.

Sai had recovered from his initial fear and surprise, he was enjoying this adventure.

"Oh. Also, if you know the name of the book…" Baba looked at him; he was enjoying his amazement. "…you don't need to ride this. Just call the name of the book…"

"History of the world." Baba yelled and a bunch of books appeared from nowhere on his board. He wanted to demonstrate.

"Woah…" Sai exhaled with wonder, his eyes and mouth wide open. He was enjoying every bit of this experience.

"…and it will appear in front of you like this." Baba turned around to present him this majestic, full of magic, library with pride. He was enjoying this as much as Sai or may be even more.

"You see, the other library like this is at…" Baba turned around to see Sai but he was gone.

"What the hell." He went in one direction to see him.

"Sai!" He called him with surprise but No answer.

'Did he vanish…' An idea dawned like a glimmer of hope '…like he appeared.' Baba smiled from ear to ear.

"Sai" He called him louder but with the hope of no answer.

"HERE." Sai's voice came from his right.

"WHERE ARE YOU?" Baba flew in the direction where the voice came from.

'Did he Fall?' He was worried now. He quickly reached there but Sai was nowhere to be seen.

"SAI." He yelled his name.


Baba flew in the direction of sound; Sai was still not there. He was now really worried.

"SAI" He yelled.

"I am HERE." Sai exclaimed gleefully "Catch me if you can."

Baba's blood pressure shot up.

'And… I was worried about him." Baba murmured as he flew in one direction.

He had not told him that speed of the boards could be controlled as well.

'If I catch you…' Baba thought angrily as he flew in the direction of voice but this time faster '…You are so dead.'

They played this game of hide and seek until unpleasant Baba caught Sai.

"I'll kill you…" Baba glared at him with his angry red eyes "…if you did something like this next time."

"Sorry." Sai was avoiding eye contact.

They hovered down and got off their boards in front of the door.

Sai's mood was a bit off.

"Room of Fates." Baba read inscription for Sai. They were standing in front of third and last door.

They entered the room; It was similar room as the other two. This time racks were filled with Files and Folders and each rack had a name written over them.

"This room has the record of past present and future of every human being that has lived in this universe." Baba was still grumpy.

"Mine too?" Sai looked at him with hope wrapped within his surprise.


"Wow…" His eyes twinkled "Can I read it?" Sai asked with excitement.

"No…" Baba said plainly "No one…"

"A- Are you still angry?" Sai interrupted. Baba flushed in rage "I said sorry. Please, let me…." Sai, who was looking around suddenly felt extreme rage and hatred directed towards him. He turned around anxiously and there stood Baba shooting lasers at him.

"I- I mea…" He tried to explain

"SHUT UP!" Baba screamed through his lungs. They stood silent like that for a few moments; Baba staring at him and Sai avoiding eye contact.

'There is no point in get angry at him.' Baba thought as he exhaled.

"Let… me explain." Baba was trying to control his anger.

Baba took a deep breath. Sai was still a bit nervous.

"When I said, you cannot see it, I meant that the record in this room is inaccessible to anyone." Baba sighed

"ANYONE." Baba emphasized as he looked into Sai's eyes.

"Even you?" Sai said in disbelief.

"Yes…" Baba hissed at him "…Not even me."

"Then what's the use of this room?" Sai was disappointed.

"This is not your playground. You idiot!" Baba did not like his condescending tone.

They came out.

"From now on…" Baba was sitting in his chair while Sai stood in front of him "…I will not answer any of your questions." Bab said as he combed his beard with his fingers. He seemed to be doing that whenever he was upset or delved in thoughts.

"If you want to know something…" Baba continued "…read and research for yourself. Your room will be redecorated as per your needs within one week."

Sai seemed uninterested. Baba sighed heavily.

"At this point, my advice to you is Read as much as you can. Coz knowledge is power, and you need it a lot for your own safety…" Baba rolled his eyes "…and for my mental health." Baba said slowly.