
The Phantom

The Phantom depicts the journey of a lonely boy from having nothing to finding out his true identity and owning the whole world. It is the story about Power, Revenge, Honor, Friendship, Betrayal, Romance, War and much more. It will take you to a Fantasy World never seen before.

Real_Lee_Sai · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Chapter 13 - Rooms (Part 1)

"Got it." Baba snapped his fingers as he smiled at his success.

"So, I was saying, there are five rooms attached. Two rooms are for my personal use… "He pointed at the rooms on the left "…while the other three rooms are Independent part of The Floating Moon." Baba sat in his chair as he pointed at three doors on his right. Each door on the right had an inscription over them.

"All the five rooms are Magical..." Baba was trying to explain things to Sai in the simplest possible manner "…These doors open our entrance to a different space and place in universe." He looked at Sai, who looked confused "You can say that these rooms…" Baba paused to choose his words "…exist here and somewhere else at the same time." Baba tried to simplify as much as he could.

"Those rooms occupy space on some planets, and they help me interact with the outer world. When someone comes in, they in fact, come inside some other place. The Magic helps us interact with each other." Baba further explained.

Sai nodded in agreement with a big smile on his face; he understood most of it.

Baba sighed in relief.

"These three doors…" Baba turned his chair facing doors on the right "…however, are different."

Baba got up and walked towards the nearest door to the screen; Sai followed.

"This…" Baba stopped in front of the door, grabbed the doorknob and opened it "…is "The Spirit Room" as it says." Sai glanced at the inscription Baba pointed at, but he did not understand what that meant.

Baba entered the room. Sai followed.

"Waaaah." Sai was pleasantly amazed.

The room was very vast; there were no walls or the roof. Sai could see stars scattered in the sky. The room was illuminated with hundreds and thousands differently colored lights.

Racks of symmetrical glass containers stretched across length of the room. Racks were isolated from each other by a symmetrical pathway. Each glass container was as high as Sai himself and had a different light emitting source in it. Each source was different in size, color, intensity, and brightness.

Glass containers were stacked over each other. Each rack was so high and long that Sai could not see end of it. This place just looked transcendental. They stood silent for some time. Sai was completely awestruck.

"This is the place where spirits of all the ancient beasts, gods and dead masters are stored for the summoning." Baba explained. Sai who was immersed in the amazing and overwhelming spectacle, got startled. He had forgotten that Baba was there too.

In that majestic environment, Baba's personality perfectly fit in; His low husky voice, high stature, long white hair, and powerful transcendental aura impressed Sai for the first time.

"Men…" Bab continued as he gazed into the sky "…one way or another bind the spirits to themselves…" He turned to look at Sai "…with blood."

��Those spirits…" Baba stared back in the sky "…are sealed here. They can only go back when summoned or leave when their master or contractor dies." Baba exhaled as he glanced at Sai, who was busy looking into one of the Containers, without caring much about what Baba said.

Sai noticed Baba's silence an turned around with confused and inquisitive expressions.

"No questions…" Baba knew that face "…I cannot simplify it more than this." Baba said calmly "if you want to know more than study."

They both enjoyed the view and peace for some time.

"Okay let's go." Baba said and turned around. Sai followed.

"What are these?" Sai could not resist himself as he looked at a very long scythe placed in a compartment in the wall of the room. There were compartments, similar to glass containers, in the wall, on both sides of door, as far as their eyes could see.

"Oh. I forgot. These are lost weapons." Baba explained.

Sai gave him a confused look. Baba exhaled s he rolled his eyes on the obvious.

"Men seal the weapons and tools with blood…" Baba pondered "…so no one else could use them. When the owners die, sealed weapons and tools cannot be chosen by new user until a certain time is passed. The time required for a weapon or tool to be available again is called "Cooling off" period. Weapons and tools under cooling off period are stored here." Baba further added.

Sai was now looking at a ball like tool in the compartment next to Scythe.

"It looks useless. Who would bind it with their blood?" Sai murmured.

"Don't just stand there. Let's go." Baba was standing in front of the door. Sai quickly followed him out.

"This is Library." Baba pointed at the inscription on top of the second door. Baba opened the door and they entered.

Library was the same as other room without walls and had sky for the roof. It had long and high racks of books.

"This is the place I want you to visit most while you are here." Baba spread his arms to present the room to Sai "…Every book that is published in this world magically appears here. There is only one other library like this."

Sai was looking at books like a kid in wonderland. He was genuinely amazed.

Baba stepped on a stone ramp in front of him and the ramp slowly levitated. Baba signaled it to stop with his hand after it rose to a certain height and the ramp stopped.

"Sai!" Baba called Sai who was immersed in the view.

"Sai!" Baba called him louder this time.

"SAI!" Baba got angry at his absent-mindedness.

"SAI!" Baba's voice brought him back out of his trance. He looked at Baba blankly and it was enough to annoy Baba even more.

"I called you so many times." Baba complained.

"Wooow…" Sai could not hear him finish his sentence; He had noticed red floating stone board, on which Baba was standing.

Baba could not help smiling at his raw amazement.